1989/1999 - Foreign worlds in Central Europe
International symposium
(December 17 - 18, 1999)
Central European Center at the TU Dresden
Prof. Dr. Walter Schmitz
Jürgen Mittelstraß
Annette Teufel
Funded by the Chancellor of TU Dresden
Project description:
On December 17 and 18, 1999, the Central Europe Center, under the direction of Walter Schmitz and Jürgen Mittelstraß (University of Konstanz), held a colloquium with the theme "1989/1999 - Foreign Worlds in Central Europe?", which focused on the situation in Poland, the Czech Republic and the new countries in Germany, i.e. the former GDR.
The focus was on the special conditions that have arisen over the last forty years in the legal system, in everyday economic life and in the economic order, in politics and culture, which ten years after the political change in Central Europe challenged us to take stock of history.
The theme of the colloquium was quite open. Problems arising from the political reorganization in these countries were discussed in a variety of ways from a historical perspective.
The program of the symposium brought together academics and politicians from Poland, the Czech Republic and Germany, including such well-known personalities as the Head of the Saxon State Chancellery Dr. Thomas de Maizière, the former Minister of Education of the Czech Republic Doz. Dr. Jan Sokol and Ing. Jan Mládek, First Deputy Minister of Finance of the Czech Republic.