A landscape rich in words
Exhibition and scientific colloquium
Staff member responsible:
Wolfgang Schaller, M. A.
Ulrich Fröschle
Cooperation with
BlickPunktBuch e. V. Leipzig and
kindly supported by the
Saxon State Ministry of the Interior
Project description:
The German and German-speaking minorities in Transylvania, Bukovina and Banat have each produced specific regional literatures. Today, these literatures are largely forgotten. Even in the case of the not exactly numerous authors who - such as Rose Ausländer and Paul Celan - have found their way into literary history, the majority of readers are hardly aware that their work was not primarily influenced by the internal German cultural area.
In cooperation with the Förderverein BlickPunktBuch e.V., Leipzig, and with the support of the Saxon State Ministry of the Interior, the Mitteleuropa Zentrum at the TU Dresden presented the exhibition Wortreiche Landschaft. German Literature from Romania in the foyer of the Auditorium Center of the TUD.
In addition to the exhibition, a scientific colloquium took place on January 23, 1999, which was dedicated to special aspects and selected representatives of the three "Romanian-German" regional literatures: Rose Ausländer, Paul Celan, Herta Müller, Richard Wagner and Immanuel Weissglas. This event was also sponsored by the Saxon State Ministry of the Interior.
The exhibition catalog "Wortreiche Landschaft. German Literature from Romania" (commissioned by the Förderverein BlickPunktBuch e.V., Leipzig, edited by Renate Florstedt, Leipzig 1998) has already been published. The publication of the colloquium contributions in a separate volume is planned.