Registration for and withdrawal from examinations for the core examination period
You must register for the provision of (preliminary) examination services. Registration for written and oral examinations is usually done via the Opal Education Portal and for seminar papers, presentations and other corresponding written work at the beginning of the course with the lecturer.
Cancellation of an examination is possible without giving reasons up to 3 full working days before the examination date using the form or by email (only from TU e-mail address) to the Examination Office. After this deadline, the examination registration is binding; in the event of non-participation, the examination will be assessed as “failed (5.0)”.
Please note: The examination date for presentations, seminar papers and other corresponding written work is the day on which the topic is issued/task is set (closing of the topic list or similar).
The respective deadlines for registration and withdrawal can be found under examination times and schedules.
Please be sure to observe the Information on registration/de-registration and withdrawal from module examinations.