FENIX – Field Education by Interdisciplinary Excursions
The Interreg project "FENIX" is concerned with interdisciplinary teacher training at extracurricular learning locations and aims to contribute to improving the quality of learning. Six different institutions in the Czech Republic and Germany are working together to develop and communicate concepts, methods and materials for (cross-border) teaching outside the classroom. The TU Liberec, the TU Dresden, the IHI Zittau, the Geopark Ralsko, the North Bohemian Museum Liberec and the Senckenberg Museum of Natural History Görlitz are working together as partners in the international project. This diversity of participating institutions guarantees a broad methodological and content-related link between the educational events. Within the framework of field workshops, network meetings and summer schools, suggestions are given for innovative, action- and problem-oriented teaching and cross-border exchange is promoted. Our target group are primary and secondary school teachers as well as student teachers from both countries. The focus is on linking biological, geographical, chemical, physical and historical questions and perspectives in the sense of interdisciplinary teaching.
Leadership: Prof. Dr. Remmer Sassen & Prof. Dr. Nicole Raschke
Editing: Vera Braun & Hanna Janßen
Duration: 01.01.2024 until 31.12.2026
Project Partner: Technical University of Liberec (Technická univerzita v Liberci), Senckenberg world of biodiversity (Senckenberg Museum für Naturkunde Görlitz), Geopark Ralsko, North Bohemian Museum (Severočeské muzeum v Liberci)
Funding: Interreg SN – CZ (Co-funded by the European Union)