Topics for Diplomarbeiten/Master Thesis/Studienarbeiten/Project Work/ SHK
Recommended skills for a thesis
We recommend that, especially for a Diploma/Master thesis, you should have done the course project in one of our courses. This teaches you the required skill set in terms of chip design and workflow to do a thesis at the chair, where you will be part of a design team doing a chip system for one of our current research projects. Specifically, you must meet the following prerequisites :
- 'Neuromorphic VLSI Systems' (NES Students: You receive credit for this course) if you want to do a thesis in the analog/mixed-signal area
- 'Schaltkreis- und Systementwurf' or 'Prozessorentwurf' (NES Students: 'Lab Processor Design') if you want to do a thesis in the digital area.
If you would like to do a student thesis (Diploma/Master/Studien/Project work, SHK) in the above areas, please write an email to Jürgen Dohndorf with the following content:
- Subject: Student Thesis
- Email body:
- The topic you are interested in
- which type of student thesis (Project Work, Master Thesis etc.)
- A list of courses offered by our chair that you have attended
- Course of study (ET/IT, ...) and year of immatriculation
- Immatriculation number
- Email (only the one assigned by TU Dresden)
actual list of topics:
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