Published Journals 2014 Published Journals 2014 1 bis 8 von 8 EinträgenVankov, Yu. V.; Serov, V. V.; Ismailova, E. V.; Wenzel, C.: Rasrabotka effektivnoi mikrosystemy dlya diagnostiki v promyshlennosti : Entwicklung eines effektiven Mikrosystems für die industrielle Diagnostik. In: Nadeshnost i besopasnost energetiki No. 3(26), Sept. 2014 (2014), S. 45–47Bott, S.; Vasilev, B.; Rzehak, R.; Bartha, J. W.: Combining Short and Long Scale Effects in Modeling of Chemical-Mechanical Planarization. In: Journal of Chemical Science and Technology Jan. 2014 3 (2014), Nr. 1, S. 18–29Zimmermann, T.; Flikweert, A. J.; Merdzhanova, T.; Woerdenweber, J.; Gordijn, A.; Rau, U.; Stahr, F.; Dybek, K.; Bartha, J. W.: Deposition of intrinsic hydrogenated amorphous silicon for thin-film solar cells – a comparative study for layers grown statically by RF-PECVD and dynamically by VHF-PECVD. In: Progress in Photovoltaics Research and Applications (Impact Factor: 9.7.) 22 (2014), Nr. 2Benner, F.; Jordan, Paul M.; Richter, C.; Simon, Daniel K.; Dirnstorfer, I.; Knaut, M.; Bartha, J. W.; Mikolajick, T.: Atomic layer deposited high-κ nanolaminates for silicon surface passivation . In: Journal of Vacuum Science & Technolgy, B 32 (2014), Nr. 3, S. 03D110–03D110–6Sobottka, A.; Drößler, L.; Hossbach, C.; Abel, B.; Helmstedt, U.: A Flexible Research Reactor for Atomic Layer Deposition with a Sample-Transport Chamber for in Vacuo Analytics . In: American Journal of Nano Research and Application. Special Issue:Advanced Functional Materials 2 (2014), Nr. 6-1, S. 34–38Müller, M. R.; Gumprich, A.; Schütte, F.; Kallis, K.; Künzelmann, U.; Engels, S.; Engels, S.; Stampfer, C.; Wilck, N.; Knoch, J.: Buried Triple-Gate Structures for Advanced Field-Effect Transistor Devices. In: Microelectronic Engineering 119 (2014), S. 95–99Seiboth, F.; Scholz, M.; Patommel, J.; Hoppe, R.; Wittwer, F.; Reinhardt, J.; Seidel, J.; Knaut, M.; Jahn, A.; Richter, K.; Bartha, J. W.; Falkenberg, G.; Schroer, C. G.: Hard x-ray nanofocusing by refractive lenses of constant thickness. In: Appl. Phys. Lett. 105, 131110 (2014) (2014)Henke, T.; Bartha, J.W.; Rebohle, R.; Merkel, U.; Hübner, R.; Albert, M.; Skorupa, W.: Formation of regularly arranged large grain silicon islands by using embedded micro mirrors in the flash crystallization of amorphous silicon. In: Journal of Applied Physics 115, 034301 (2014)Diese Informationen werden vom Vorgängersystem FIS bereitgestellt.