Sep 14, 2022
The 2022 IXLAB Summer Workshop will be dedicated to the study of sound and space.
In collaboration with the renowned composer Esmeralda Conde Ruiz and the Schaufler Lab@TU Dresden, spatial sound experiences will be explored at the Faculty of Computer Science from September 12 to 23. Students of the faculty will use self-constructed real-time systems to transform sound and music into structures and environments that can be explored in virtual reality. For their experiments, they have access to the latest mixed reality techniques on a large scale. One research goal of the workshop is the concept of "sonic creatures," in which autonomous embodied agents consume and produce sound in space, responding to their environment and to each other.
The IXLAB summer workshop explores the use of generative and emergent systems and how they can be used in conjunction with musical instruments, sounds, and the voice as interfaces for creating virtual worlds. "Cross-sensory perceptions and sound experiences offer enormous potential for new design ideas - both in real and virtual space," explains Matthew McGinity, holder of the Junior Professorship in Immersive Media and leader of the workshop.