Jan 16, 2025
On January 15, 2025, at the 2nd meeting of the current legislative period of its Faculty Board, the Faculty of Computer Science at TU Dresden elected Prof. Dr. rer. nat. dr. hc. Christel Baier as their new Dean. Christel Baier is Chair of Algebraic and Logical Foundations of Computer Science and has already worthily represented the Faculty of Computer Science over the past six years as Vice-Dean, as well as fulfilling the role of Chairperson of the Examination Committee for the Computer Science degree programs with great commitment for many years.
Christel Baier succeeds Ivo Sbalzarini, Chair of Scientific Computing for Systems Biology, who has headed the Faculty of Computer Science as Dean from 2021 until now: "I am extremely pleased to be able to hand over the office to Christel Baier. She is the best possible choice for the Faculty, which now has a female Dean for the first time in its history. And personally, I am particularly pleased that my Vice-Dean and deputy is now taking over the reins herself. I have only learned to appreciate and respect Christel even more through our work together on the Faculty Board and have complete trust in her and her team."
Christel Baier expresses her thanks for the trust placed in her with the election and in particular to the former dean for his extraordinary achievements in this office: "Under the leadership of Ivo Sbalzarini, the faculty has achieved a great deal, of which it can be immensely proud. Committees and the Examination Office were structured more efficiently, administrative processes were standardized and administratively supported, six additional professors were recruited and much more, making the faculty a "model faculty" at TU Dresden. I am proud to succeed someone who has already achieved so many positive and strategic accomplishments in the last deanship period, thanks to Ivo's professional yet empathetic and approachable leadership."
Christel Baier has been Chair of Algebraic and Logical Foundations of Computer Science at TU Dresden since 2006. She received her diploma in mathematics from the University of Mannheim in 1990, her doctorate in computer science in 1994 and her habilitation in 1999. From 1999 to 2006, she was Professor of Theoretical Computer Science at the University of Bonn.
Prof. Christel Baier has done pioneering work in the field of research known today as probabilistic model checking (PMC), for which she was awarded an honorary doctorate (Dr. rer. nat. h.c.) from RWTH Aachen University in September 2022. She has published numerous highly recognized publications in the field of formal methods. In 2023, she was awarded the Jean-Claude Laprie Award together with her colleagues B. Haverkort, H. Hermanns and J.P. Katoen for their co-authored paper "Model checking algorithms for continuous-time Markov chains". From 2012 to 2019, Christel Baier was a DFG Review Board member and is a member of the Senate and Grants Committee of the Research Training Groups until 2025.
Christel Baier will lead the faculty together with her deputy and Vice-Dean Prof. Dr.-Ing. Raimund Dachselt, Vice-Dean Prof. Dr. Matthias Wählisch and Dean of Studies Prof. Dr.-Ing.