Here you find different topics for student research that can be custom tailored to research projects (INF-PM-FPA,INF-PM-FPG,CMS-PRO), Großer Beleg or student theses in a discussion with the supervisor. As a prerequisite students should have attended one or better several of our master level courses.
Theses, Große Belege and Research Projects
- Brain Twisters (4D and more)
- Efficient Out-of-Core Slicing of Multi-Dimensional Data, Stefan Gumhold
Here we consider a scalar dataset organized in an nD-Array or n-Tensor, which is a vector for n=1, a matrix for n=2 and a volume for n=3. Besides space dimensions (x,y,z) further dimensions like time (t) and frequency (f) can be sampled providing multi-dimensional datasets with n>4. In practical applications these are very large and won't fit in main memory. This thesis should investigate an out-of-core strategy to support 1D, 2D and optionally 3D slicing of the data along any combination of axes. There core of this thesis is to come up with a data organization on disk that supports real-time streaming of 1D, 2D, 3D slices to support interactive exploration of the multi-dimensional dataset.
- Efficient Out-of-Core Slicing of Multi-Dimensional Data, Stefan Gumhold
- Immersive Technology
Immersive drone control with preview of planned trajectory Zihan Zhang
Drones have become an easy to use tool for scene acquisition. In this topic a programmable drone shall be combined with an AR headset in an outdoor environment. The AR glasses allow to visualize mission plans and the AR controllers can be used to define and edit mission plans. The goal is an immersive drone mission planning and execution tool. -
Sandbox App Development Tianfang Lin
In a previous student project a sandbox augmented with a kinect and a beamer was built and a software was developed that allows interactive exploration of terrain flooding where the sand is used as terrain input and the beamer to show a flooding simulation on top of the sand surface. The concept of using the sand surface as input device and the projection as feedback or output medium can serve as hardware platform for a large number of further interactive applications like simulation games, landscape / city / 3D modeling, sound design, and a lot more.
After inspection of the sandbox students can design their own topics. -
Immersive Storytelling for point cloud based scenes, Tianfang Lin Point cloud allows us to recreate environments with remarkable accuracy, capturing the nuances of real-world spaces. This level of realism immerses users in a virtual environment that closely mirrors the physical world, enabling a deeper sense of presence and connection to the narrative. Point cloud-based scenes provide a three-dimensional representation of the environment, enabling users to explore and interact with the virtual space in a natural and intuitive manner. This freedom of movement fosters a sense of agency and empowers users to engage with the story elements from different angles and perspectives. In this topis, the student should design a set of storytelling patterns and a pipeline from point cloud capturing, editing to recording the story and telling the story. This topic can be a research project or master thesis.
- Immersive Selection of Points in Room-scale Point Cloud, Tianfang Lin With 3D point clouds widely being employed in many fields such as architecture, autonomous driving and archaeology, visualization and exploration of large dense point clouds are increasingly available. Users are expecting to select point in VR efficiently, in this topic, the student should design a set of selection strategies and implement efficient way to select points. This topic can be a bachelor thesis, research project or master thesis.
AR treatment of anxiety disorders, Stefan Gumhold
Current AR technology has reached a state where useful applications are possible. One of the most important applications of AR is the treatment of axiety disorders, which include claustrophobia, fear of height or speaking in public or spiders, etc. In this student work for one disorder a AR training tool should be developed and evaluated. -
AR Viewer of Point Cloud Stream from Multiple Azure Kinect, Tianfang Lin
- Rendering
4D hash map for trajectory relation visualization Benjamin Russig
Trajectory datasets describe the choreographic motion of multiple entities like cars, drones, pedestrians, field game players, objects in flows and many more. To analyze the choreographic motion patterns relationships between closeby movers should be explorable in real-time. To find all close movers in a trajectory dataset a 4D hash grid shall be developed and its performance shall be tested on sample trajectory datasets of different sizes. -
[RESERVED] Random Generation of Plausible Human Poses Julien Fischer
Machine learning models require a lot of data during training. For use-cases regarding digital human twins, the AMASS dataset is often times used. While AMASS contains many human motion sequences, it's corpus of motion data is still limited. To generate even more possible training data, this topic should investigate how random human poses can be generated in a way such that the resulting poses are plausible (e.g. no self interpenetrations). Interesting sub-problems could also be how to restrict the randomly generated poses to certain types of movements (e.g. walking, rowing with the arms)
- Scientific Visualization
- Interactive visualization of spiraling optical coherent tomography imagery, Stefan Gumhold
Particle tracking velocimetry in foams using radiography, Sascha Heitkam (pdf)
Topics already taken
- Brain Twisters
- 4D Soundini, Stefan Gumhold
- Understanding 4D Space with a Hide&Seek Game, Stefan Gumhold
- Immersive Technology
AR Looking Glass, Stefan Gumhold
EnvirVis: Visualizing weather extremes in VR/AR (within Scads.Ai), Marzan Tasnim Oyshi
Mitigation of Flood Damages uisng Flood Walls in VR, Marzan Tasnim Oyshi
- Space-time slicing in non-VR, Marzan Tasnim Oyshi
- Explosion Views for the inspection of Cell Membranes, Stefan Gumhold
- FloodVis II: Ensemble Visualization of Flood focusing Damages, (within ScaDs), Marzan Tasnim Oyshi
- Augmented Reality Rooms David Groß, Marzan Tasnim Oyshi
- Interactive modeling and mesh editing in VR, Ludwig Schmutzler
- 3d Scanning based modeling in VR, Tianfang Lin
RGBD camera meets projector for interactive art installation
(see AR sandbox for an example), Tianfang Lin - Stereo for 4 people by combining passive, active and anaglyph stereo, Stefan Gumhold
- Volume Rendering in VR, Sebastian Vogt
- Interaction with a volume renderer in VR
- Multiple object tracking annotation tool video
- Visualization of Floor Risk Results in VR (collaboration with Verena Maleska within ScaDs ), video, Marzan Tasnim Oyshi
- Virtual Humans
Physics-Based Simulations (PBS) for Clothed Virtual Humans, Kristijan Bartol
Avatar-Configurator: Assigning clothes and assets to a virtual human avatar slides
- Estimating Textures from an Image of a Clothed Person, Kristijan Bartol
- Rendering
Remote Interaction for Visualization and Labeling
- Scientific Visualization
Guidance for Oblique Slicing, Stefan Gumhold
Visualization of 3D Trajectories of Agents that see, Benjamin Russig
Multi-channel Transfer Function Design for analyzing sliced microscopy data (within PoL), Stefan Gumhold
- Immersive visualization of Morpheus' cellular automata simulation
(see Morpheus project page), Stefan Gumhold - Texture space grids with ticks and labels, Stefan Gumhold
- Interactive Visualization of Extreme Subset Sets, Stefan Gumhold
- Visualization of multi-variate 2D scalar fields
Visualization of 2D Trajectory with Orientation, Stefan Gumhold
Visualization of 3D Trajectories with Orientation, Benjamin Russig
Data Reduction for Trajectories Represented by Hermite Splines, Benjamin Russig
User Guided Image Restauration with Invertible Neural Networks, Stefan Gumhold
Invertible Neural Networks (INN) can map data distributions invertably to a uniform Gaussian distribution in a latent space of the same dimension as the input space. In this work INNs shall be used for image restauration by generating for a given corrupted input image a trajectory in latent space based on gradient ascent of the Gaussian probability distribution. Mapping the trajectory back to image space yields an image morph from the destorted image into the image manifold of the distribution learned by the INN. A user interface shall be provided to allow for interactive exploration of this image morph that can be used for user guided image restauration. -
Machine Learning Foundations, Dmitrij Schlesinger
- Generative Feed Forward Networks pdf
Shadow Visualization in Urban Environments Using Open Data, Lennart Woidtke
Shadows significantly influence urban planning and the comfort of city dwellers, especially on hot days. This topic leverages detailed open data from Dresden, including information on buildings and trees, to create a realistic 3D visualization of the city, dynamically showcasing available shade at different times of the day and year. Students will use geographic information system (GIS) data to model buildings and individual trees, considering attributes such as tree height, type, crown, and trunk diameters to accurately simulate the shadows they cast. A unique feature of this visualization will be the ability to adjust the shadow coverage based on the size of pedestrians, providing insights into sun exposure for individuals of different heights. The topic will require working with GIS data and implementing a realistic rendering pipeline, with the choice of framework left to the student.