Komplexpraktikum: The Spinning Elephant Experiment
SS 2014, 0/0/4
INF-B-510 (Vertiefung) INF
INF-B-520 (Vertiefung zur Bachelor-Arbeit) INF
INF-B-530 (Vertiefung) MI
INF-B-540 (Vertiefung zur Bachelor-Arbeit) MI
INF-MA-PR (Master-Praktikum)
INF-E-4 (Master-Praktikum Medieninformatik)
INF-VMI-8 (Angewandte Graphische Datenverarbeitung)
INF-04-KP (Komplexpraktikum)
MINF-04-KP-FG1 (Komplexpraktikum Fachgebiet 1)
IST-05-KP (Komplexpraktium)
Prof. Dr. Gumhold
[Removed image: /die_tu_dresden/fakultaeten/fakultaet_informatik/smt/cgv/lehre/ss2014/KP2214/elephant.png Alternative text: In welche Richtung dreht sich der Elefant Image caption: ]
Stereoscopic images, movies and computer games are a standard nowadays and allow the binocular perception of depth. The cognitive processing of stereoscopic content, like the retargeting or the compensation of display related constrains, has not been fully conceived. First, it must be understood how depth is perceived and which influence different depth cues like disparity, occlusion, perspective etc., have. Up to now, investigations have been limited to disparity and brightness/contrast.
The goal of the Komplexpraktikum is the development of a framework for the investigation of further depth cues. An experimental setup is needed where a figure is spinning such that the perceived spinning direction is ambigous. Depth cues can resolve this ambiguity and make it possible to experimentally compare the strength of different cues.
In a cooporation with the chair for engineers psychology and applied cognition (IAK - Prof. Sebastian Pannash), a research oriented Komplexpraktikum is offered. Its goal is a joint publication. The chair for CGV will develop a framework for rendering and conducting experiments with the help of different depth cues and stereoscopic display technologies. The chair for IAT will conduct the experiment and analyze the results.
Subscribe via e-mail to: stefan.gumhold@tu-dresden.de