Komplexpraktikum: 3D Subsurface Modeling
SS 2014, 0/0/4
INF-B-510 (Vertiefung) INF
INF-B-520 (Vertiefung zur Bachelor-Arbeit) INF
INF-B-530 (Vertiefung) MI
INF-B-540 (Vertiefung zur Bachelor-Arbeit) MI
INF-MA-PR (Master-Praktikum)
INF-E-4 (Master-Praktikum Medieninformatik)
INF-VMI-8 (Angewandte Graphische Datenverarbeitung)
INF-04-KP (Komplexpraktikum)
MINF-04-KP-FG1 (Komplexpraktikum Fachgebiet 1)
IST-05-KP (Komplexpraktium)
Joachim Staib
Dorit Kerschke (GFZ Potsdam)
What is going on under our feet? Which potential does our geological underground have? Why does the earth quake?
[Removed image: /die_tu_dresden/fakultaeten/fakultaet_informatik/smt/cgv/lehre/ss2014/KP2214/subsurface.png Alternative text: Image caption: ]
These questions any many others are investigated with 3D subsurface modelling, i.e. the applied science of creating computerized representations of portions of the earth's crust based on geophysical and geological observations made on and below the earth surface. Because it is not possible to directly access the subsurface except through digging holes and tunnels, most of this understanding has to come from various indirect acquisition processes. 3D subsurface modeling is generally not an end, but a means of (1) improving data interpretation through visualization and confrontation of data with each other and with the model being created and (2) generating a support for numerical simulations of complex phenomena (earthquakes, fluid transport) in which structures play an important role.
In a cooporation with the German Research Centre for Geosciences Potsdam (GFZ) a Komplexpraktikum is offered. The goal is to implement a real time visualization of simulated data that was generated from measured samples. The implementation will be based on JavaScript and WebGL, including a responsive GUI based on HTML5. Besides getting in touch with new technology and complex data processing and visualization, this problem is especially interesting due to the direct applications of the result.
Subscribe via e-mail to: joachim.staib@tu-dresden.de