Komplexpraktikum Graphische Datenverarbitung SS14
SS 2014, 0/0/4
INF-B-510 (Vertiefung) INF
INF-B-520 (Vertiefung zur Bachelor-Arbeit) INF
INF-B-530 (Vertiefung) MI
INF-B-540 (Vertiefung zur Bachelor-Arbeit) MI
INF-MA-PR (Master-Praktikum)
INF-E-4 (Master-Praktikum Medieninformatik)
INF-VMI-8 (Angewandte Graphische Datenverarbeitung)
INF-04-KP (Komplexpraktikum)
MINF-04-KP-FG1 (Komplexpraktikum Fachgebiet 1)
IST-05-KP (Komplexpraktium)
Prof. Dr. Gumhold
Dipl.-Medieninf. Staib
... tba
In this term we offer two topics. You can select one.
Topic 1: The Spinning Elephant Experiment
[Removed image: /die_tu_dresden/fakultaeten/fakultaet_informatik/smt/cgv/lehre/ss2014/KP2214/elephant.png Alternative text: Image caption: ]
Modern display technologies allow stereoscopic imaging and thus the perception of depth. Still, the processing of depth information in the human brain has not been fully studied. In this term we offer a research oriented Komplexpraktikum in a cooperation with the chair for engineers psychology and applied cognition studies. Its goal is the conduction of experiments where different depth cues are measured for their influence of the perception of depth. For this, a framework will be developed that makes conducting of such experiments possible. At the end of the term a paper will be written. This topic not only delivers the possibility to work in an active area of research, but is also a source for excitinig programming and perception challenges... (to the main page of this topic) [download flyer (german)]
Topic 2: 3D-Subsurface Modeling
[Removed image: /die_tu_dresden/fakultaeten/fakultaet_informatik/smt/cgv/lehre/ss2014/KP2214/subsurface.png Alternative text: Image caption: ]
What does the world under our feet loke like? Together with the German Research Centre for Geosciences a visualization will be developed that makes model data interactively explorable. The implementation will be based on WebGL, including a responsive graphical user interface based on HTML5. This topic provides you an insight into new technologies, the possibility to work with exciting data from the real world. The application will have a direct practical usage... (to the main page of this topic) [download flyer (german)]
please see the main pages of the topics for more information.