Computergraphik III (WS 2015/16)
SWS 2/2/0
INF-VERT7 (Vertiefungsmodul Graphische Datenverarbeitung) INF
INF-VMI-8 (Angewandte Graphische Datenverarbeitung) MI
INF-PM-FOR (Profilmodul Grundlagenforschung) DINF
INF-PM-ANW (Profilmodul Anwendungsforschung) DINF
INF-04-FG-SWT (Fachgebiet Softwaretechnik)
MINF-04-FG-MTGW (Fachgebiet 1)
IST-05-FG-SWT (Fachgebiet Softwaretechnik)
Prof. Dr. Gumhold
V Mi 3. DS, APB E010
Oral Exam
- Prüfungsanmeldung
- Konsultationstermin: 23.02.2016 10 Uhr APB 2106
- Fragenkatalog (pdf)
- O Introduction to Physically Based Graphics [intro script, script 001] (14.10.15)
- I Global Illumination
- I.1 The Rendering Equarion [script I01]last update 11.11.15 (10.11.15)
- I.2 Monte Carlo Techniques [script I02last update 11.11.15] (28.10.15)
- I.3 Sampling Techniques [script I03]last update 25.11.15 (04.11.15)
- I.4 Path Based Rendering [script I04]last update 25.11.15 (11. & 26.11.15)
- I.5 Advanced Materials [script I05] (02.12.15)
- I.6 Cache Based GI [script I06]last update 16.12.15 (09. & 16.12.15)
- II Physically Based Simulation
- II.1 Solving PDEs [script II01] (06.01.16)
- II.2 Particle Based Simulation [script II02] (13.1.16)
- II.3 Rigid Bodies [script II03] (20.1.16)
- II.2 Contacts [script II04] (27.1.16)
- II.5 Fluids [script II05] (3.2.16)
- Extro
Ü Do 2. DS, APB E006
Please sign up in the Opal-Course where all exercises are distributed and the solution codes have to be uploaded.
Success criteria
The CG3 exercises are successfully completed iff a score of at least 2 points per exercise and a summed score of at least 50 percent of the total score is reached. Total score is computed without bonus points. For each exercise, a maximum of 5 bonus points can be scored.
- exercise physically based rendering: released 22.10.2015, due 11:10 04.11.2015, review 05.11.2015
- exercise Monte Carlo sampling: released 05.11.2015, due 11:10 25.11.2015, review 26.11.2015
- exercise Stochastic Solutions of Rendering Equation: released 26.11.2015, due 11:10 09.12.2015, review 10.12.2015
- exercise Photon Mapping: released 10.12.2015, due 11:10 20.01.2016, review 21.01.2015
- exercise tba: released 21.01.2016, due 11:10 03.02.2016, review 04.02.2016
Lab hours