Computer Graphics 1 (WS 2024/25)
Instructor: | Prof. Dr. S. Gumhold |
Mode: | starts hybrid, later on-site + lecture videos |
Time&Place: | lectures: Monday, 1pm in APB E023 and BBB exercises: Friday in APB E023 and PC-Pools, starting on 25.10.2024, see below |
Language: | English |
SWS: | 2/2/0 |
Modules: | D-WW-INF-3411, D-WW-INF-3412, D-WW-INF-3413, INF-04-FG-SWT, INF-B-510, INF-B-520, INF-B-530, INF-B-540, INF-BAS7, INF-LE-MA, INF-LE-WW, CMS-VC-ELG, CMS-VC-ELV1, CMS-VC-ELV2, IST-05-FG-SWT, MATH-MA-INFGDV, MINF-04-FG-MTGW, WI-MA-08-02, WI-MA-09-02 |
Topics: | geometry processing, realtime rendering, acceleration data structures, optimization for CG |
Schedule, Videos & Slides
Video conference link: BBB. (RecordingsWS2324 )
14.10.24 Introduction and Math Basics (slides)
book recommendation: Fundamentals of Computer Graphics
Part 1 - Meshes
21.10.24 Polygonal Meshes (slides)
28.10.24 Halfedge Data Structure (slides)
04.11.24 Surface Analysis (slides)
11&18.11.24 Mesh Processing (slides)
book recommendation: Polygonal Mesh Processing
mesh view demo program: zip
Part 2 - GPU-Based Real-Time Rendering
25.11.24 OpenGL (slides, sample code)
02.12.24 OpenGL part 2
09.12.24 Geometry Rendering (slidesupdated 06.01.2025)
16.12.24 Lighting (slidesupdated 06.01.2025)
06.01.25 Texturing (slides)
book recommendation: Learn OpenGL
Part 3 - Acceleration Data Structures
13.01.25 Acceleration DS (slides, animation split slides)
20.01.25 Spatial Queries (slides, animation split slides)
Part 4 - Optimization
27.01.25 Optimization (slidesWS2324)
03.02.25 Optimization part 2 & exam preparation
- written for students from
- Bachelor Informatik
- Bachelor Medieninformatik
- CMS students
- exchange students (register by email to Benjamin Russig)
- oral exam onsite for Master and Diploma students (arrange appointment by email to Jana Bohl).
A list of sample questions for oral exams can be found here: questionaire
Formulas and algorithms from the lecture which you should have a throurough unterstanding of for written exams are compiled here: formulas/algorithmslast update 26.01.24
Example exam from previous semesters: t.b.a.
Joint consultation with Prof. Gumhold: t.b.a.
Some specifics about the written exam:
- The exam covers material from the following four areas
- polygonal meshes including lectures on polygonal meshes, halfedge data structure and mesh processing
- surface analysis
- rendering with lectures on OpenGL, geometry rendering, lighting and texturing
- acceleration datastructures
- Each of the four areas will be scored about equally.
- The questions, based on the oral questionaire, will query generic, algorithmic and programming knowledge, as well as some analytic calculations. Required formulas will be provided in the task descriptions. Note that the exam questions will NOT be sampled from this questionaire! It is supposed to give you an idea what knowledge might be subject to questions, it is not meant for you to commit all answers to these questions to memory before the exam! The questions will be comparable, but not the same.
Sample Code
- cg1-samples@bitbucket (updated09.01.2023, sample models: zip)
- EarthDemo (zipWS16 including data)
- Realtime rendering C++-OpenGL-Code samples of Nico Schertler GitHub (3D models: zip)
- Nehe Tutorials
Supervisor: | Mario Henze, Benjamin Russig |
Tutors: | Frode Meier Leon Windhorst Qingyue Zhou Jesko Kloß |
Time & Place: |
- Friday, 2nd DS @ 10:10am, APB E023 (Briefing + Debriefing) |
Implementation: | C++ and OpenGL |
The voluntary exercise consists of 5 practical assigments accompanying the lecture. By successfully participating, you can earn bonus points for the exam. For details, check the Opal Course.