Dipl. Inf. Christine Keller
Research Assistant
Dipl.-Inf. Christine Keller is currently team member of the Junior Professorship in Software Engineering of Ubiquitous Systems at the TU Dresden. Her research interests include semantic models and context-aware ubiquitous systems, Technologies for the Semantic Web and their application in ubiquitous environments as well as software engineering methods for ubiquitous systems. Christine Keller received her diploma for computer science from the university of stuttgart in 2010. During her studies she specialized in distributed systems, databases and information systems and studied computational linguistics as a minor subject. In february 2011 she recieved the "Rul Gunzenhäuser" award for her diploma thesis with the subject "Theoretical and Practical Perspectives on Ontology Learning from Folksonomies".
Visiting address:
TUD Nöthnitzer Str. 46
Room 2074
01187 Dresden
Postal address:
Technische Universität Dresden
Fakultät Informatik
Institut für Software- und Multimediatechnik
Juniorprofessur Software Engineering Ubiquitärer Systeme
01062 Dresden
Research Interests
Semantics in ubiquitous interactive environments, context-aware systems, process models, modeling, semantic web, ubiquitous and pervasive computing, machine learning, e-learning and computational linguistics.
"The challenge is to create a new kind of relationship of people to computers, one in which the computer would have to take the lead in becoming vastly better at getting out of the way, allowing people to just go about their lives", Mark Weiser, "Some Computer Science Issues in Ubiquitous Computing", 1993.
supervised student theses
Semantic Description of Interactive Ubiquitous Services, Rico Pöhland
Kontextbasiertes Mapping interaktiver Services, Anton Engelbrecht
Explorative Interaction Concepts for Ubiquitous Information Spheres, Mandy Korzetz
Kontextsensitive interaktive Informationsauskunft an Public Terminals, Sascha Huth
Reisebegleitung auf mobilen Endgeräten im öffentlichen Verkehr, Tristan Heinig
Kontextadaptive interaktive Komponenten in Public Systems, Enrico Hinz
Ein semantisches Modell für mobile Fahrgastinformationen im öffentlichen Verkehr, Denny Röhrig
Semantische Annotation von Web 2.0 Nachrichten zur aufgabenorientierten und ortsbasierten Anzeige auf Smartphones, Dennis Patzer
Informationsvisualisierung im öffentlichen Personenverkehr auf dem Windows Phone 7, Mandy Korzetz
Introducing the Public Transport Domain to the Web of Data
15th International Conference on Web Information Systems Engineering (WISE), 2014
Christine Keller, Sören Brunk, Thomas Schlegel
An Adaptive Semantic Mobile Application for Individual Touristic Exploration
16th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, 2014.
Christine Keller, Rico Pöhland, Sören Brunk, Thomas Schlegel
Modelling Complex and Flexible Processes for Smart Cyber-Physical Environments
Journal of Computational Science (JOCS), 2014.
ISSN 1877-7503, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jocs.2014.07.001
Ronny Seiger, Christine Keller, Florian Niebling, Thomas Schlegel
A Prototyping and Evaluation Framework for Interactive Ubiquitous Systems
Accepted by: 15th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction 2013
Christine Keller, Romina Kühn, Anton Engelbrecht, Mandy Korzetz, Thomas Schlegel
Mobile Reisebegleitung mit NFC-Unterstützung
in Proceedings of the GeNeMe '12 Gemeinschaften in Neuen Medien:
Virtual Enterprises, Research Communities & Social Media Networks
TU Dresden, 2012.
Jörn Pfanstiel, Christine Keller, Alexandra Funke, Tristan Heinig und Thomas Schlegel.
Von modellbasierten Storyboards zu kontextsensitiven Interaction-Cases.
i-com - Zeitschrift für interaktive und kooperative Medien, Jhg. 10 Heft 3, 2011, p. 12-18.
Romina Kühn, Christine Keller und Thomas Schlegel.
Vorgehensmodell zum Einsatz von Storyboarding als Basistechnik für die kontext- und modellbasierte Ableitung von Interaction-Cases für ubiquitäre Systeme.
Informatik 2011: Informatik schafft Communities, Köllen Druck+Verlag GmbH, 2011, Vol. P-192, p. 297.
Vortrag | BibTeX
Christine Keller, Romina Kühn und Thomas Schlegel.
Nutzerorientierte Visualisierung von Fahrplaninformationen auf mobilen Geräten im öffentlichen Verkehr.
Mensch & Computer 2011, Oldenbourg-Verlag, 2011, p. 59-68
11. fachübergreifende Konferenz für interaktive und kooperative Medien. überMEDIEN - ÜBERmorgen
Vortrag | BibTeX
Christine Keller, Mandy Korzetz, Romina Kühn und Thomas Schlegel.
A Context Taxonomy Supporting Public System Design.
In Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Model-based Interactive Ubiquitous Systems, EICS´11, 2011.
Vortrag | BibTeX
Romina Kühn, Christine Keller und Thomas Schlegel.
Model-based Ubiquitous Interaction Concepts and Contexts in Public Systems.
Human-Computer Interaction, Springer, 2011, vol. 6761, p. 288 - 298
14th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, 2011
Vortrag | BibTeX
Thomas Schlegel und Christine Keller.
Theoretical and Practical Perspectives on Ontology Learning from Folksonomies.
Diplomarbeit (Diplomarbeit), Universität Stuttgart, 2010.
Christine Keller.
@mastersthesis{Keller2010, author = {Christine Keller}, title = {Theoretical and Practical Perspectives on Ontology Learning from Folksonomies}, school = {Universität Stuttgart}, type = {Diplomarbeit}, year = {2010}, keywords = {diplomarbeit, folksonomies, myown, ontologylearning, relationalagebra, semanticweb} }
Intelligente E-Learning Systeme.
Studienarbeit (Studienarbeit), Universität Stuttgart, 2009.
Christine Keller.
Rul Gunzenhäuser Preis 2011
for an outstanding diploma thesis at the institute for visualization and interactive systems of the University of Stuttgart.
@mastersthesis{Keller2009, author = {Christine Keller}, title = {Intelligente E-Learning Systeme}, school = {Universität Stuttgart}, type = {Studienarbeit}, year = {2009}, keywords = {elearning, myown, owl, semanticweb, studienarbeit} }