Dipl.-Ing. Jörn Pfanstiel
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Research Assistant
Jörn Pfanstiel worked as a research assistant at the Junior Professorship in Software Engineering of Ubiquitous Systems (SEUS) between April 2012 and December 2014. He received his Diploma in media technology from the Technische Universität Ilmenau. His research interests focus on the development and design of user interfaces of ubiquitous systems as well as on visualisation and interaction concepts of context sensitive applications and intelligent environments and their socio-technical integratio.
Mo., Wed.-Fr.:
Bürogebäude Falkenbrunnen
Chemnitzer Str. 46b
2. OG, room 214
01187 Dresden
TUD Nöthnitzer Str. 46
Zimmer 3036
+49 351 463-38364
Postal Address:
Jörn Pfanstiel
Technische Universität Dresden
Fakultät Informatik
Institut für Software- und Multimediatechnik
Juniorprofessur Software Engineering Ubiquitärer Systeme
01062 Dresden
research Interests
usability engineering, context sensitivity, ubiquitous computing, interaction design, visualisation, information architecture, augmented reality
Kontextsensitive Applikationen auf Smartphones – Analyse und Klassifikation adaptiver mobiler Systeme und prototypische Umsetzung anhand einer Fallstudie zu dynamischen Logistik-Prozessen.
Diplomarbeit, Technische Universität Ilmenau, 2011.
Jörn Pfanstiel