Jun.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Schlegel
Removed image: /die_tu_dresden/fakultaeten/fakultaet_informatik/smt/seus/bilder/seus/ueber_uns/personen/portraits/img_tschlegel Alternative text: Jun.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Schlegel Image caption: Jun.-Prof. Dr. Thomas Schlegel ]
Thomas Schlegel is Junior Professor in Software Engineering of Ubiquitous Systems (SEUS) at the Institute of Software and Multimedia Technology (Faculty of Computer Science) at the Technical University of Dresden.
After working for companies like HP, Daimler, Agilent and ETAS/Bosch, he joined the Fraunhofer IAO in 2002, where he initiated and coordinated a series of national and international research projects.
In 2008 his work at the faculty for Engineering Design, Production Engineering and Automotive Engineering led to his PhD thesis at the University of Stuttgart (Faculty of Computer Science) where he also received his diploma degree in software engineering on the subject of model based support of user oriented software development.
From 2008 he was the leader of the Interactive Systems team at the Institute for Visualization and Interactive Systems (VIS) of the University of Stuttgart where he also conducted various lectures, seminars and student projects.
Since 2010 he has headed the Junior Professorship SEUS at the Technical University of Dresden.
With more than 60 publications, numerous activities in program committees as well as reviewer and various academic courses and scientific cooperation, he engages in research and academics in the field of Software Engineering of Ubiquitous Systems, focusing on interaction, models, processes and software systems.