11.06.2021; Vortrag
Echtzeit-AGFuzzing Framework for RDMA-networks
Nowadays, RDMA networks are being deployed in different environ- ments which rely on high performance. The design of the network archi- tecture of RDMA has concentrated on performance, and previous works have proven that this design has inherent design flaws that expose various types of security concerns.
In this paper, we focus on exploring the current implementation of the RDMA transport inside the Linux Kernel for implementation errors. To achieve this goal, we apply an efficient software testing technique that has discovered numerous bugs in different applications, namely fuzzing. The system call interface of the Linux Kernel and the network transmissions necessary for RDMA build the attack surface that we apply fuzzing on. For the system call interface, we use a popular system call-based Fuzzer named Syzkaller. For the network transmissions, we design a network architecture and implement an RDMA packet Fuzzer. Both approaches find memory errors and warnings in the RDMA infrastructure of the Linux Kernel.
(Bachelor Thesis)