Oct 30, 2020 - Sep 27, 2024; Event Series


The Echtzeit-AG is a regular forum for talks at the Operating Systems Group. The name is not meant to express any thematic limitation, but has only traditional reasons.

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Sep 20, 2024; Defence

Comparing Multi-Bit EDAC in Hardware and Software

Speaker(s) Urs Kober
Start and end time 01:00 PM - 02:00 PM
Location APB E007 and Online Meeting

Sep 26, 2024; Talk

Fehlerinjektion in Systeme mit virtuellem Speicher

Speaker(s) Adrian Kulisch
Start and end time 01:00 PM - 02:00 PM
Location APB 3105 and online meeting

Sep 27, 2024; Talk

Device Driver Support for RDMA Networks on L4Re

Speaker(s) Luis Renner
Start and end time 01:00 PM - 01:45 PM
Location APB E007 and Online Meeting

Sep 27, 2024; Defence

Vergleich von seL4 und L4Re unter Leistungsgesicht­spunkten

Speaker(s) Bengt Lennicke
Start and end time 01:45 PM - 02:30 PM
Location APB E007 and Online Meeting