Lecture/Exercise Recordings
You can find recordings of our lectures and exercises in the BBB room for the lecture ("Aufzeichnungen anzeigen" / "View Recordings").
Lecture Materials
- L01 Introduction (09.04.2024)
- L02 Operating-System Development 101 (16.04.2024)
- L03 Interrupts – Hardware (23.04.2024)
- L04 Interrupts – Software (30.04.2024, 07.05.2024)
- L05 Interrupts – Synchronization (07.05.2024, 14.05.2024)
- L07 Coroutines and Threads, blackboard diagram with coroutine stacks (28.05.2024)
- L08 Scheduling (04.06.2024, 11.06.2024)
- L06 The Programming Model of the x86-64 Architecture (11.06.2024)
- L09 Thread Synchronization (18.06.2024)
- L10 Inter-Process Communication (25.06.2024)
- L11 PC Bus Systems (02.07.2024)
- L12 Device Drivers (09.07.2024)
- L13 Summary and Outlook (16.07.2024)
Exercise Materials
- E01 C++ Crash Course (1), CGA Programming (10.04.2024)
- E02 C++ Crash Course (2), Keyboard programming, Interrupts+PIC (17.04.2024)
- E03 Traps, startup.asm, task #3 (cancelled due to public holiday, please watch recording from 2023)
- E04 Assembler programming, task #4 (15.05.2024)
- E05 Preemption, PIT, task #5 (29.05.2024)
- E06 Task #6, Idle Loop, Non-Blocking Thread Synchronization (19.06.2024)
- E07 Interrupt-transparent Queue, SPIN, Task #7 (03.07.2024)
+ whiteboard photos
VM Image
- VirtualBox Image (Debian 12, published 2024-04-10)
- VM Setup Instructions (German), VM Setup Instructions (English)
NOTE: The setup instructions are outdated (were written for the previous Debian 11 image) but still should give enough information to work with the VM image.