Workflow of a student assignment
Table of contents
Topic Selection
Our research group offers many interesting and challenging topics. Most of them are assigned to research projects of the research staff. The topics are mostly more practical in nature, that’s why a prototype implementation is very important. (see current offers for topics)
It is also possible to make your own suggestions for an interesting topic. In this case, we will check if the topic meets our scientific standards and if there is a research staff member interested in supervising the topic. Typically, the topic should somehow fit to the contents of our research projects and/or graduate lectures.
We also frequently supervise topics in cooperation with external industry partners. Normally, a cooperation contract (gratuity for knowledge transfer; exploitation rights) between the company and TU Dresden is needed in these cases. There are also some industry partners with a permanent cooperation contract covering supervision of student theses. External topics also need to be checked for scientific value and a research staff member for supervising the thesis has to be found. We do not accept implementation-only tasks as topics for theses.
Task description, start of work
The task description is created by the supervisor (TU Dresden research staff member) and signed by Prof. Schill. Afterwards, it is forwarded to the exam office by Ms Jarschel (APB/3110).
Together with the task description, a contract regarding the exploitation rights has to be signed by the student. This contract ensures non-exclusive exploitation rights to the TU Dresden while the creatorship and own exploitation rights remain with the student. (contract in German)
The work now starts at the date mentioned in the task description.
If it turns out, that the topic does not fit, it may be returned only once within the first 2 months (Bachelor: 6 weeks) of the working period. A new topic may be handed out in this case.
The working period is based on the information in the examination regularities (Prüfungsordnung) of the different courses of studies.
- 22 weeks for Diploma and Master Theses,
- 20 weeks for Assignment Papers (Großen Beleg),
- 11 weeks for Bachelor Theses.
Consultations with the supervisor
It is absolutely a must to contact the supervisor regularly (at least every 2 – 3 weeks) to keep the work in track. The supervisor is the “client” for your work and the work has to be adjusted to the needs of the supervisor within the frame set by the topic description. It is also absolutely necessary to start writing as soon as possible. Many students already had to extend the working period because they started writing too late. Ability to work in a team (in this case with the supervisor) is also part of the assessment at the end of the thesis.
Research Seminar
After about half of the working period, Diploma and Master students have the possibility to present their work in the research seminar of the Computer Networks group. This is a good exercise for the defense of the thesis and one of the most important milestones within the working period. You should also regularly visit the research seminar to get an impression of other theses in the field. It is also a good opportunity to get in touch to research staff of Computer Networks if you plan to write a thesis in our research group.
Writing the thesis
Writing the thesis is a challenging task for most students. Again, start writing as soon as possible. Ideas, problems, design alternatives that occur in the course of the work should be part of the thesis – not only a description of the final result. It is especially important to justify your design decisions. (c.f. example arrangement)
Do not forget the declaration of independent work (Selbständigkeitserklärung)!
The main part of the thesis (>60%) should describe your own work (concept, implementation, validation).
How many pages?
It is hard to say how many pages your thesis should contain. The topics have different requirements regarding the amount of related work to look at and the design alternatives to be described in the concept. Nevertheless, most students at our research group come out with:
- 50 (±10) pages for Bachelor Theses,
- 60 (±10) pages for Großer Beleg, and
- 80 (±10) pages for Diploma/Master Theses.
Again, this is only a rough guideline.
Please use the following formatting guidelines:
- Using you own template:
- Font Size: 10.5pt to 11pt
- Line Spread: 1.15 to 1.2
- double-sided layout (i.e., duplex printing)
- ca 4cm inner margin
- ca 3cm outer margin
- Using TU Dresden's Coporate Design:
Your own concepts should also be validated in the course of the work. We emphasize the value of suitability for daily use. This can be proven by implementing and demonstrating prototypes. A running prototype is an important prerequisite for the successful termination of the work. You have to hand out the sources and a documentation to your supervisor. In the case of external works, it is sufficient to show a running prototype and a glimpse of the source code to the supervisor.
Extension of Processing Time
If you need some extra time, it is possible to apply for an extension twice. However, the total of all extension may not exceed 50% or the original processing time
You have to hand in a form with justification of the extension to Ms Jarschel (APB 3110). The application is then signed by the supervisor and Prof. Schill and handed over to the examination office (Prüfungsamt). You have to use the current form provided by the examination office!
Delivery of the Thesis
The thesis has to be handed in before or at the last day of your working period. Diploma, Master and Bachelor Theses have to be printed and presented at the examination office and be stamped before being handed in, as is true for Großer Beleg, at our secretariat (Ms Jarschel) in room APB 3110. 2 hardback copies and a pdf version or only a pdf version (since 2020) are needed. You also have to upload the thesis as a PDF file and the sources at the repository or transfer ownership of the corresponding repository. Actual information of the examination office you will find on this page.
The assessment of the thesis consists of 4 independent parts, each contributing 1/4th to the final mark. These are overall impression, state-of-the-art analysis, concept, as well as implementation and validation.
Overall impression | fulfilment of task: | Complexity of task, quality of results, usability |
approach: | General procedure, integration of existing works, independent work, consultation of supervisor | |
planning: | Adhered to planning? extended? Why? | |
presentation: | Logical structure of the thesis, style, correctness, layout, introduction, conclusions | |
State-of-the-Art/ Related Work |
Important works cited, incorporated in the solution, systematic analysis and comparison, comprehensive and well-grounded? | |
Conceptual design (own work) | Originality, precise task description, classification of task, description and justification of the solution, conceptual design should be independent from implementation, analyzed different approaches | |
Validation (practical part) | Validation appropriate, complexity of environment and implementation, meaningful results, systematic approach, stable implementation, free of bugs, well documented |
The defense normally takes place 2 to 4 weeks after handing in the thesis (this does not count into the work period of the thesis). The student should present the results of his work in a presentation of 25 – 30 minutes with subsequent discussion.
The overall mark is calculated like this: overall mark = (3 * mark of thesis + 1 * mark of defense) ÷ 4
Slides in the corporate design of TU Dresden are to be found under the following link: TUD slides