- Franz Baader and Filippo De Bortoli received the Best Paper Award in the Information Systems area at the 39th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC '24) for the paper The Abstract Expressive Power of First-Order and Description Logics with Concrete Domains. Related announcements: ScaDS.AI Blog, ICCL Portal.
- Christian Alrabbaa, Franz Baader, Stefan Borgwardt, Patrick Koopmann and Alisa Kovtunova received the Harold Boley Distinguished Paper Award at the 7th International Joint Conference on Rules and Reasoning (RuleML+RR'23) for the paper Combining Proofs for Description Logic and Concrete Domain Reasoning
- Christian Alrabbaa and Willi Hieke received the Best Paper Award at the 11th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Graphs (IJCKG 2022) for the paper Explaining Non-Entailment by Model Transformation for the Description Logic EL
- Christian Alrabbaa, Stefan Borgwardt, Anke Hirsch, Nina Knieriemen, Alisa Kovtunova, Anna Milena Rothermel and Frederik Wiehr received the Best Paper Award at the 6th International Joint Conference on Rules and Reasoning (RuleML+RR'22) for the paper In the Head of the Beholder: Comparing Different Proof Representations.
- Fajar Haifani, Patrick Koopmann, Sophie Tourret and Christoph Weidenbach received the Distinguished Student Paper Award of the 35th International Workshop on Description Logics (DL2022) for the paper Connection-minimal Abduction in EL via translation to FOL (Extended Abstract).
- Franz Baader received the 2020 Herbrand Award. The Herbrand Award for Distinguished Contributions to Automated Reasoning is awarded by CADE Inc. “to honor an individual or (a group of) individuals for exceptional contributions to the field of Automated Deduction.”
Franz Baader and Adrian Nuradiansyah were shortlisted for the Best Paper Award at the 42nd German Conference on AI (KI 2019) for their paper Mixing Description Logics in Privacy-Preserving Ontology Publishing. Here is a picture of the award ceremony.
Filippo De Bortoli received the Best Paper by a Junior Researcher Award at the 12th International Symposium on Frontiers of Combining Systems (FroCoS 2019) for his paper On the Expressive Power of Description Logics with Cardinality Constraints on Finite and Infinite Sets (co-authored with Franz Baader).
Here is a picture of the award ceremony.
- Stefan Borgwardt and Walter Forkel received the Best Paper Award of the 16th European Conference on Logics in Artificial Intelligence (JELIA 2019) in Rende, Italy, for their paper Closed-World Semantics for Conjunctive Queries with Negation over \(\mathcal{ELH}_\bot\) Ontologies
- İsmail İlkan Ceylan received the 3m5.Excellence Award for his doctoral thesis Query Answering in Probabilistic Data and Knowledge Bases.
Here is a picture of the award ceremony.
- Franz Baader, Daniel Borchmann, and Adrian Nuradiansyah received the Best Student Paper Award of the 7th Joint International Semantic Technology Conference (JIST 2017) at Gold Coast, Australia, for their paper The Identity Problem in Description Logic Ontologies and Its Application to View-Based Information Hiding.
- İsmail İlkan Ceylan, Adnan Darwiche, and Guy Van Den Broeck received the 2016 Marco Cadoli Student Paper Prize for best paper at the 15th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR 2016) for their paper Open-World Probabilistic Databases.
- Franz Baader and Oliver Fernández Gil received the Best Student Paper Award of the 22nd European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 2016) for their paper Extending the Description Logic tel(deg) with acyclic TBoxes.
- Franz Baader, Stefan Borgwardt, and Marcel Lippmann received the Best Paper Award of the 28th Australasian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AI 2015) for their paper Temporal Conjunctive Queries in Expressive Description Logics with Transitive Roles.
Here is a picture of the award ceremony. - Francesco Kriegel and Daniel Borchmann received the best paper award of the 12th International Conference on Concept Lattices and their Applications (CLA2015) for their paper NextClosures: Parallel Computation of the Canonical Base.
- Stefan Borgwardt received the Commerzbank Award (awarded to two selected PhD theses of 2014 at TU Dresden) for his PhD thesis Fuzzy Description Logics with General Concept Inclusions.
- Stefan Borgwardt received the Distinguished Student Paper Award of the 27th International Workshop on Description Logics (DL2014) for the paper Fuzzy DLs over Finite Lattices with Nominals.
- Stefan Borgwardt, Marcel Lippmann, and Veronika Thost received the Distinguished Student Paper Award of the 26th International Workshop on Description Logics (DL2013) for their paper Temporal Query Answering in DL-Lite.
- Andreas Ecke received the “Lohrmann-Medaille der TU Dresden” for his diploma thesis.
- Stefan Borgwardt and Rafael Peñaloza were runners-up of the best paper award of the 6th International Conference on Web Reasoning and Rule Systems (RR2012), Vienna, Austria, for their paper A Tableau Algorithm for Fuzzy Description Logics over Residuated De Morgan Lattices.
- Stefan Borgwardt received the N. J. Lehmann Award of the TU Dresden for his Diploma thesis The Infimum Problem as a Generalization of the Inclusion Problem for Automata.
Here is a picture of the award ceremony.
- Boontawee Suntisrivaraporn is nominated by the faculty for the Commerzbank dissertation prize for his PhD thesis Polynomial-Time Reasoning Support for Design and Maintenance of Large-Scale Biomedical Ontologies.
- Rafael Peñaloza received the Best Dissertation Award from SAP Research Center, Dresden for his PhD thesis Axiom-Pinpointing in Description Logics and Beyond.
Here is a picture of the award ceremony.
- Felix Distel, received the best paper award of the 8th International Conference on Formal Concept Analysis (ICFCA 2010), Agadir, Morocco, for his paper on Complexity of Enumerating Pseudo-Intents in the Lectic Order.
- Boontawee Suntisrivaraporn, Guilin Qi, Qiu Ji and Peter Haase received one of the three Best Paper Awards in the Research Track of the 3rd Asian Semantic Web Conference (ASWC 2008), Bangkok, Thailand, for their scientific contribution on A Modularization-based Approach to Finding All Justifications for OWL DL Entailments.
- Anni-Yasmin Turhan received the Georg-Helm Award of the TU Dresden for her PhD thesis On the Computation of Common Subsumers in Description Logics.
Here is a picture of the award ceremony.
- Martin Knechtel received the best poster award of the ESWC 2008 doctoral symposium for his poster on Access rights and collaborative ontology integration for reuse across security domains.
- Stefan Schulz, Boontawee Suntisrivaraporn and Franz Baader received one of the three Best Paper Awards (from 900 submissions and 300 presented papers) of the Medinfo 2007 Congress, Brisbane, Australia, for their article SNOMED CT's Problem List: Ontologists' and Logicians' Therapy Suggestions.
- Franz Baader, Rafael Penaloza and Boontawee Suntisrivaraporn have been nominated for the Best Paper Award of the German Conference on Artificial Intelligence (KI-2007) for their scientific contribution on Pinpointing in the Description Logic EL+.
- Carsten Lutz received the "AI Ten to Watch" award of the IEEE Intelligent Systems Magazine.
- Sebastian Brandt received the Georg-Helm Award of the TU Dresden for his PhD thesis on Standard and Non-standard Reasoning in Description Logics.
Here is a picture of the award ceremony.
- Franz Baader was selected as an ECCAI Fellow.
Here is a picture of the award ceremony at the ECCAI fellows lunch at ECAI'04.
- Franz Baader and Anni-Yasmin Turhan received the Best Paper Award of the 25th German Conference on Artificial Intelligence (KI-2002)for their paper On the problem of computing small representations of least common subsumers.
Here is a picture of the award ceremony.
- Carsten Lutz received the Best Student Paper Award of the 1st International Joint Conference on Automated Reasoning (IJCAR 2001) for his paper NExpTime-Complete Description Logics with Concrete Domains.
- Ralf Küsters and Ralf Molitor received the Best Paper Award of the 24th German / 9th Austrian Conference on Artificial Intelligence (KI-2001) for their paper Approximating Most Specific Concepts in Description Logics with Existential Restrictions.
- Carsten Lutz received the Best Paper Award of the 12th European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information (ESSLI 2000) for his paper NExpTime-Complete Description Logics with Concrete Domains.
- Ulrike Sattler received the Friedrich Wilhelm Preis of the University of Technology Aachen for her PhD-Thesis on Terminological Knowledge Representation Systems in a Process Engineering Application.
- Stephan Tobies received the Best Paper Award of the International Conference on Automated Deduction (CADE-16) for his paper A PSpace Algorithm for Graded Modal Logics.
- Ulrike Sattler received the Best Paper Award of the 20th German Conference on Artificial Intelligence (KI'96) for her paper A Concept Language Extended with Different Kinds of Transitive Roles.