Sorptomatic 1900 CE Instruments
The Sorptomatic 1900 is a completely computerized instrument based on a static volumetric principle to characterize solid samples by the technique of gas adsorption. It is designed to perform physisorption measurements to determine the specific surface area and mesopore size distribution of porous materials.
The specific surface area and the pore size distribution are fundamental parameters for the characterisation of solids. Properties such as porosity, strength, hardness, permeability, separation selectivity, corrosion, thermal stress resistance, etc. can be directly correlated to the porous structure of the material. These properties can be easily investigated by the Physisorption technique. By using inert gases such as Nitrogen, it is possible to determine the specific surface and pore size distribution of a large number of solids and powders. Common coolant for the analysis are liquid Nitrogen.
Results: Specific surface, Meso/micropore distribution, Meso/micropore volume, Cumulative specific surface, Cumulative pore volume.

Sorptomatic 1900

Analysis results