Module number: MW-MB-PT-23
Teaching and learning methods: Lecture 3 SWS, exercise 1 SWS, practice 1 SWS
Qualification goals: The students have advanced basic knowledge of laser precision machining processes, which are used for the production of 2D or 3D structures and form elements on components as well as for the functionalization of their surfaces.
Contents: The module covers the fundamentals of the interaction of photons with matter, photothermal and photochemical interactions of different materials as a basis for the treatment of the various laser micromachining processes such as laser ablation (direct laser writing), laser drilling and mask projection processes. Other non-classical processes, in particular laser-induced periodic surface structuring, laser interference lithography, direct laser interference structuring and polygon scanner-based structuring processes for the planar processing of workpieces as well as the production of three-dimensional elements by two-photon polymerization, the laser beam sources used and the basics of laser safety are further contents of the module.
OPAL learning portal link:
Teaching and learning methods: Lecture 2 SWS, exercise 1 SWS
The Chair for Laser-based Manufacturing (Technische Universität Dresden) is pleased to announce together with the Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, the international lesson on “Laser micro-processing and surface functionalization”. The course is open to all students from the TU Dresden as well as postgraduate students from the programs in materials science (PGMAT) and in mechanical engineering (POSMEC) at UFSC.
Conntents: The students will learn about basic interactions of laser light with materials as well as on different laser based technologies, which are used today for functionalizing surfaces. The course includes basics aspects of laser processing (e.g. light-matter interaction) and also different technological aspects which are relevant when selecting for instance a laser source to treat a specific material as well as the possible processing speeds and cost that are associated. At the end of the course, the students will have the necessary tools which are necessary for selecting a laser base microfabrication method for surface functionalization.
As mechatronic systems par excellence, robots play a prominent role in automation technology. On the one hand, they can relieve humans of unreasonable tasks, especially in production, and on the other hand, they can perform tasks in inaccessible places. This module familiarizes students with these applications. The students: (i) know the application of robots in the field of laser production technology, (ii) can program robots for production tasks, especially for laser applications, (iii) know the basics of autonomous robotics.
Lecturer: Dr. P. Herwig
Control of mobile robots, laser robotics/lasertronics
Module number: MT-A08-V
Link to OPAL learning portal:
LV LaserRobotik/Lasertronik für MT/9. Sem. - OPAL (sachsen.de)
Module number: MT-A09-V
Qualification goals: After completing the module, students will understand the material science and technological fundamentals, requirements and characterization possibilities of nanotechnology and know its potential in a wide range of application areas. Students will be familiar with the possibilities of rapid product development and have an overview of the range of additive manufacturing processes. Students will be able to use commercial programs to prepare components for production using additive manufacturing technology and to construct and characterize them using suitable processes. Students have practical experience with special manufacturing methods.
Contents: The module covers the fundamentals of materials science and technology as well as the characterization possibilities of nanotechnology and its versatile areas of application. The methods for the rapid production of three-dimensional structures from different materials and using different technologies are taught in theory and demonstrated and tested in practice. Interdisciplinary practical courses are held on the fundamentals, in-depth studies and analysis possibilities of the special production methods.
Lecturer: Prof. Dr. F. Brückner
ink to OPAL learning portal:
Generative Metthods: LV Generative Fertigungstechnik für MT - OPAL (sachsen.de)
Practive Special Methods for MT: LV Praktikum Spez. FM für MT - OPAL (sachsen.de)
Topics: Friction and wear, PVD - physical vapor deposition, CVD - chemical vapor deposition, thermal spray processes, printing technology processes, laser/plasma surface coating.
Link to OPAL learning portal:
LV Oberfl.-+Schichttechnik/5.Sem (MB-PT-01) - OPAL (sachsen.de)
Module number: MB-PT-09/MT-A09-G
Teaching and learning methods: Lecture 3 SWS, exercise 1 SWS
Qualification goals: Students will learn about the structure and function of the most important laser and plasma sources as well as the scientific and technological principles of relevant laser and plasma processes and their possible applications. They are able to select and implement the most suitable technology according to a given requirement profile.
Contents: The module covers the scientific and technological fundamentals of laser and plasma processes, the structure and function of the most important laser and plasma sources as well as knowledge of selected processes and technologies based on laser and plasma radiation.
OPAL learning portal link:
Module number: MW-MB-PT-13
Teaching and learning methods: Lecture 3 SWS, practical course 2 SWS
Qualification goals: Students have advanced basic knowledge of measurement processes, measurement systems and measurement methods from measurement technology and can use light to determine physical quantities and properties.
Contents: Contents of the module are optical methods for length measurement tasks as well as the basics of characterizing surface topography (confocal microscopy, white light interferometry and laser profilometry). The module includes also other photonics-based methods such as ellipsometry and the spectroscopic method for determining properties.
OPAL learning portal link:
Teaching and learning methods: Lecture 4 SWS, practical course 1 SWS
The Technische Universität Dresden and Fraunhofer IWS organize yearly the International Summer School “Trends and new developments in Laser Technology“. This five days workshop aims to bring together undergraduate and PhD students in an intensive study program on fundamental and applied aspects of laser technology.
The Summer School program consists of lectures by renowned experts and informal discussion sessions, as well as practical insights. The program also offers participants the opportunity to present their own research topics and aims to facilitate the exchange of new ideas in these areas.
- Surface hardening technologies
- High speed 2D laser cutting
- Laser welding
- Additive manufacturing processes
- Applications of ultra short pulsed lasers
- Laser process simulation
- Laser micro/nano structuring
- Laser interference patterning
The programme also includes:
- Participant presentations (15 minutes)
- Proceeding book with extended abstracts
In preparation
In preparation
The catalog of lectures can be found on the OPAL learning portal:
Professur für laserbasierte Fertigung - Kursangebote - OPAL (sachsen.de)