Profil of the chair
Our chair deals in teaching and research with the basics as well as the application-specific challenges of the dynamics of systems in general. We deal with and develop novel algorithms and measuring systems in the fields of vibration technology, structural dynamics, acoustics and measured value data processing.
With our comprehensive course offer we impart an extremely practical knowledge to our students from the basics of system dynamics and mechatronics, to multi-body and coupled real-time simulation.
Research fields and objectives
The modeling and simulation of the behavior of technical systems as well as the technical diagnostics represent the core competencies of our chair. The integration of structural dynamic approaches of multi-body systems also moves the implementation of new tasks, such as model reduction, into the focus.
The field of mechatronics also covers energetic processes, which can be simulated by means of suitable energy simulations. At our chair, operating strategies are optimized and recuperation and storage technologies are researched and developed.
In the process, measurement technology and measured-value processing close the gap between simulation and reality and contribute to the comparison of models and the acquisition of parameters in order to be able to validate novel methods.