Feb 05, 2024
Last Call: Doctoral scholarship of the Boysen-TU Dresden Graduate School
The Boysen-TU Dresden Graduate School for early career researchers, co-financed by the Friedrich and Elisabeth Boysen Foundation and the TU Dresden, is now offering a doctoral scholarship of €2000 per month for a maximum period of 3 years. The application deadline is 15 February 2024.
The interdisciplinary research training group in its fourth generation is researching the overarching topic of "Hydrogen Economy - Strategic Element of a Future GreenGas Deal". It is made up of four clusters. Cluster F: Impact H2 green combines five sub-projects (TP).
We are looking for a suitable person (m/f/d) to work on the topic of TP F1: Technological-systemic impact of the hydrogen economy. The Chair of Energy Process Engineering in the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at TU Dresden will be responsible for technical supervision. The interdisciplinary supervision will take place in the joint rooms of the Research Training Group.
The TU Dresden is endeavouring to increase the proportion of women and therefore expressly asks them to apply.
Further details, including the requirements for applicants and application modalities, can be found in the official call for applications.