Prof. Dr. Aliyar Javadi - Assistant Professor (Guest)

Prof. Dr. Aliyar Javadi
Chair of Transport Processes at Interfaces
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Research Area:
-Dynamic Surface Phenomena, Fluid Dynamics, Heat and Mass Transport Phenomena, Multiphase Processes, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Simulations, Kinetics of Adsorption, Self-Assembly & Nanomaterial Structures, Reactive Interfaces, Colloids and Interfaces, Biointerfaces, Interfacial Rheology, Drug Delivery, Respiratory Surface Phenomena, Nanofluids.
-Developing New Education Method as “Generalization of Advanced Science for Students and Public Society”, Developing Novel Supervised-Live Online Courses for International Students.
Current Positions:
- Founding Scientific Director of the World-Academies (WAC) Startup at Technical University of Dresden, Germany (Since 2022)
Contact: Zellescher Weg 20 b (Startup Office 5), 01217 Dresden
, - Guest Professor at Institute of Process Engineering and Environmental Technology (Since 2018)
Visiting address: Merkel-Bau, K10 Helmholtzstr. 14, 01069 Dresden
Phone: +4915251607186
Google Scholar:
Education Background:
B.Sc. in Chemical Engineering, Tehran Polytechnique (Amirkabir University) Tehran (1996).
M.Sc. in Chemical Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran (2000).
Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran (2007, in
collaboration with Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces, Potsdam.
Career History: Academic, Research and Industrial Positions
- Scientific Director of the World-Academies (WAC) Knowledge Management Startup at Technical University of Dresden, Germany (Since 2022).
- Senior Scientist & Project Leader at Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR), Institute of Fluid Dynamics and Institute of Radiopharmaceutical Cancer Research (Interdisciplinary Joint Project), 2019-2023.
- Faculty Member, Assistant Professor at Chemical Engineering Department, University of Tehran, (2013-2020)
- Post-Doctorate, Project Leader and Co-Group Leader at Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces (joint projects with DLR, DFG and ESA), Potsdam, Germany (2006-2015).
- Guest Professor at Technical University of Berlin, Process and Chemical Engineering Chair, (2016-2018).
- Manager of International Affairs of UNESCO Chair for Water Reuse at University of Tehran(2015-2021).
- Advisor of the Secretary-General of Iranian National Commission for UNESCO (2016-2017)
- Member of the Education and Research Councils of Chemical Engineering Department, University of Tehran (2017-2019).
- Member of the International Working Group, University of Tehran (2017-2019).
- Founding Director of IRASA (Iranian Academics and Specialists Association in Germany), 2012-2020.
- Guest Scientist at Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces, Potsdam, Germany (2005-2006)
- Senior Researcher at Aerospace Research Institute (Ministry of Science, Research and Technology), on Fluid mechanics and Heat Transfer of Gas Turbine Blades (2001-2004).
- Director of the Factory, Manager of Production at Kerman Kork Textile Iran, Kerman (1999-2001).
- Head of R & D and Quality Control at Factory of Kerman Kork, Textile Manufacture, Iran, Kerman (2001-2002).
Scientific Executive and Management Boards:
- Member of the Editorial Board of “Colloids and Surface A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects”, since 2019.
- Member of the Editorial Board of “Colloids and Interfaces (MDPI)”, since 2020.
- Member of the Education and Research Councils, Chemical Engineering Department, University of Tehran (2015-2019).
- Member of the International Working Group of University of Tehran, College of Engineering (2017-2019)
- Member of the Advisory Board of the UNESCO Chair on Water Reuse at University of Tehran (2015-2021)
- Chairman and Co-Founder of “1st , 2nd ,3rd , and 4th International Conferences on “Advanced science and technologies for sustainable development in Iran” (STSD2014, STSD2015, STSD2016, STSD2017), co-organizing with Freie Universität Berlin, German Research Foundation (DFG), DAAD, BMBF, MSRT, INSF and University of Tehran.
- Member of ECIS 2011 Executive Committee (European Colloid and Interface Society)
- Member of Eufoam 2006 Conference Executive Committee
- Member of drop and bubble 2015 conference Executive Committee
Teaching and Supervising Experience and Activities:
Supervising more than 14 Ph.D. and 25 M.Sc. Students Theses, and 12 industrial and research projects, since 2011. Lecturer and Instructor of the following courses (Basic and Advanced):
- Transport Phenomena
- Fluid Mechanics
- Heat Transfer I and II
-Mass Transfer
-Energy and Material Balance
-Multiphase Flows Modeling and Simulations
- Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Simulations
-Surface Phenomena and Colloidal systems
-Petroleum Reservoir Engineering
- Advanced Engineering Mathematics
-Applied Mathematics for Chemical and Petroleum Engineering
-Drug Delivery (Control Released and Intelligent Systems)
Research Area
Multiphase Processes: Transport phenomena (fluid mechanic, heat and mass transfer (extraction, adsorption, condensation, recycling, separation, spraying, flotation, drying and catalytic reactions).
Physics of Fluid Flow: Soft matter boundary layer experiments and modelling, Oscillatory fluid flow in microchannel, Combined bulk-interfacial rheology analysis, Marangoni convection, Upstream transport of contaminants at liquid interfaces, Thin liquid films, Quantitative microfluidic experiments and analysis, Turbulence modelling, Turbulent jet-into-crossflow, Gas turbine blade heat transfer and fluid dynamics, Two phase flows under microgravity conditions.
Surface Phenomena, Colloidal Systems and Nanotechnology: Dynamic surface phenomena, physical chemistry, molecular interactions, kinetics of adsorption and rheological studies (interfacial viscoelasticity) of complex layers and colloidal systems (surfactants, polymers, proteins, DNA, bacteria, nanoparticles, microcapsules), Foam and emulsion stabilities, Wettability and spreading, Development of novel experimental setups and protocols for surface functionalities and characterization of nanoparticles, Self -assembly structures, Novel co-adsorptive sensor developments.
Biomedical Engineering: Bio-interfaces (peptides, lipids, proteins, enzymes, DNA and microorganisms) characterization and functionalization, Control released and intelligent targeted drug delivery systems, Pulmonary surfactants and lung surface phenomena (for respiratory disease treatment including corona viruses), Interfacial phenomena of lining fluids in upper and lower airways of respiratory system, Protein-surfactants-nanoparticle interactions, enzymatic reactions at water-oil interfaces.
Science and Technology for Sustainable Development, International Cooperation and Knowledge Management: Developing New Education Method as “Generalization of Advanced Science for Students and Public Society”, Developing Novel Supervised-Live Online Courses for International Students.
Current Projects:
- Protein-Surfactant-Nanoparticle Interactions, Development of Novel Experimental Techniques and Analysis (Characterization of Protein Corona on Nanoparticles).
- Dynamics of Liquid Jet Bridges
- Characterization of Respiratory System Interfacial Properties towards Novel Therapies for Lung Diseases.
- Dynamic Surface Properties of SARS-CoV2 Spike Protein for Better Understanding of the Corona Disease and Treatments.
- Mucin Proteins Interactions with Nanoparticles in Respiratory Systems
- Novel Molecular Membrane Encapsulation using Self-Assembly Polymer Surfactant Complexes (for drug delivery, functionalized foods and water treatment)
- Micro-PIV Flow Visualization and Dynamic Surface Properties of Complex Fluid Interfaces
- Reagents Competitive Adsorption in Froth Flotation Processes
- Novel Particle-Bubble Interaction Analysis via Maximum Bubble Pressure Measurements in Froth Flotation Cell.
- Novel Co-Adsorption Sensors Gas Analyzer
Awards and Honors
- Awarded “Dresden Senior Fellowship 2018” among selected Professors for “Dresden Concept Program”
- Awarded by German Space Agency (DLR) and Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces, 6 years research grant, working as project manager and co-group leader, for development the capillary pressure experimental setup and data analysis of fast dynamic interfacial phenomena for ground conditions and microgravity experiments in drop tower and International Space Station (ISS), (2009-2014).
- Awarded by Technical University of Berlin, for joint research work on “Dynamic interfacial transport phenomena”, via "Integrated Chemical Processes in Liquid Multiphase Systems", InPROMPT program (summer 2016-2018).
- Among 6 Top Selected Researchers in Iran for the special prize, Research and Development Festival, Ministry of Industry, (2012).
- Awarded by German Space Agency (DLR) and Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces, two years Post Doctorate fellowship for studying fast dynamics interfacial phenomena using development a new capillary pressure experimental setup (2007-2009).
- Awarded by European Cooperation of Science and Technology (COST) Management Committee of the COST Action D43 for research at Institute for Energetics and Interphases, National Research Council, Genoa, Italy (October 2010), Dynamic interfacial tension and dilational visco-elasticity of liquid interfaces.
- Awarded by European Cooperation of Science and Technology (COST) Management Committee of the COST Action D43 (Colloid and Interface Chemistry for Nanotechnology, Nanoparticles and Interfaces for energetic Technologies) for research at Complutense University, Madrid, Spain (December 2008), Experimental studying of interfacial layers using electric capillary wave experiments.
- Awarded Scholarship for Guest Scientist at Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces (2005-2006).
- Selected Ph.D. student by Helmholtz Association for Supercomputational Fluid Mechanics international workshop (Germany, summer 2004).
- Selected as Top Student in Physics (Malayer City, and state of Hamedan, Iran (1987, 1989, 1990).
1- Fundamental and Applied Studies of Emulsion Stability (FASES scientific group) using Microgravity conditions supported by European Space Agency (ESA), 2007-2013.
2-European Cooperation of Science and Technology (COST) P21 Scientific Group, Physic of droplet, July 2007-2012.
3-European Cooperation of Science and Technology (COST) D43 scientific Group; Colloid and Interface Chemistry for Nanotechnology, Nanoparticles and Interfaces for energetic Technologies, since July 2008-2012.
4- American Society of Mechanical Engineering ASME (2003-2004)
5- Iranian chemical engineering society (1384-1385).
6- Co-Founder member and Head of “Iranian Academics and Specialist Association” in Germany (2012-2020)
Social Activities and Contributions:
- International Cooperation and Cultural Events and Discussions
- Social, Philosophical and Psychological Aspects of Human’s Life in Modern World (Notes Released on , )
Invited Reviewer for the Following Scientific Journals
1-Journal of Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects (Elsevier)
2-Journal of Colloids and Interface Science (Elsevier)
3-Colloids and Interfaces (MDPI)
4- Nature Communications (Springer)
5-Journal of Current Opinion in Colloid & Interface Science (Elsevier)
6- International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer (Elsevier)
7- Journal of Chemical Engineering Science (Elsevier)
8- Review of Scientific Instruments (American Institute of Physics)
9- Journal of Chemical Engineering and Technology (Wiley)
10-American Institute of Chemical Engineering Journal (AIChE)
11-Journal of Applied Physics (AIP)
Selected Publications
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Javadi, A., Liggieri, L., Aksenenko, E.V., Gochev, G.G. and Miller, R., 2024. Advances in drop and bubble profile analysis tensiometry. Current Opinion in Colloid & Interface Science, p.101846.
Mahmoudvand, M., Vatanparast, H., Javadi, A., Kantzas, A., Burns, S., Dolgos, M., Miller, R. and Bahramian, A., 2024. Evaluation of Interfacial Structure of Self-Assembled Nanoparticle Layers: Use of Standard Deviation between Calculated and Experimental Drop Profiles as a Novel Method. Langmuir, 40(4), pp.2130-2145.
Javadi*, A., Nourizade, M., Rahmani, M. and Eckert, K., 2023. Interaction of catalyst nanoparticles and pollutant molecules in photocatalytic wastewater treatment: Novel characterization via dynamic surface properties. Chemical Engineering Science, 269, p.118459.
Ashoorian, S., Javadi, A., Hosseinpour, N. and Nassar, N.N., 2023. Interrelationship of bulk and oil-water interfacial properties of asphaltenes. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 381, p.121761.
Javadi*, A., Dowlati, S., Shourni, S., Miller, R., Kraume, M., Kopka, K. and Eckert, K., 2022. Experimental techniques to study protein–surfactant interactions: New insights into competitive adsorptions via drop subphase and interface exchange. Advances in Colloid and Interface Science, p.102601.
Shourni, S., Javadi, A., Hosseinpour, N., Bahramian, A. and Raoufi, M., 2022. Characterization of Protein Corona Formation on Nanoparticles via the Analysis of Dynamic Interfacial Properties: Bovine Serum Albumin-Silica Particle Interaction. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, p.128273.
Amani, P., Miller, R., Javadi, A. and Firouzi, M., 2022. Pickering foams and parameters influencing their characteristics. Advances in Colloid and Interface Science, p.102606.
Jafarlou, A., Javadi, A., Miller, R. and Eckert, K., 2021. Dynamics of adsorption of CTAB-Silica nanoparticle complexes: New experiments and modeling approach. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 629, p.127448.
Ashoorian, S., Javadi, A., Hosseinpour, N. and Husein, M., 2021. Evolution of adsorbed layers of asphaltenes at oil-water interfaces: A novel experimental protocol. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 594, pp.80-91.
Dowlati, S., A. Javadi, R. Miller, and A. Bahramian. "Characterization of reactive interfaces via coupled interfacial tension measurements and interphase mass transfer analysis." Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 609 (2021): 125711)
Ravera, F., Miller, R., Zuo, Y.Y., Noskov, B.A., Bykov, A.G., Kovalchuk, V.I., Loglio, G., Javadi, A. and Liggieri, L., 2021. Methods and models to investigate the physico-chemical functionality of pulmonary surfactant. Current Opinion in Colloid & Interface Science, p.101467.
Javadi, A., S. Dowlati, R. Miller, E. Schneck, K. Eckert, and M. Kraume. "Dynamics of Competitive Adsorption of Lipase and Ionic Surfactants at the Water–Air Interface." Langmuir 36, no. 40 (2020): 12010-12022.
Keshavarzi, B., Schwarzenberger, K., Huang, M., Javadi, A., & Eckert, K. (2019). Formation of structured membranes by coacervation of xanthan gum with CnTAB surfactants. Langmuir.
Mahmoudvand, M., Javadi, A., & Pourafshary, P. (2019). Brine ions impacts on water-oil dynamic interfacial properties considering asphaltene and maltene constituents. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 579, 123665.
Ashrafizadeh, M., Tam, K. C., Javadi, A., Abdollahi, M., Sadeghnejad, S., & Bahramian, A. (2019). Synthesis and physicochemical properties of dual-responsive acrylic acid/butyl acrylate cross-linked nanogel systems. Journal of colloid and interface science, 556, 313-323.
Koolivand-Salooki, M., Javadi, A., Bahramian, A. and Abdollahi, M., “Dynamic interfacial properties and foamability of polyelectrolyte-surfactant mixtures”, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 562, pp.345-353, 2019.
Keshavarzi, B., Javadi, A., Bahramian, A. and Miller, R., “Formation and stability of colloidal gas aphron based drilling fluid considering dynamic surface properties”. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 174, pp.468-475, 2019.
Keshavarzi, B., Javadi, A., Bahramian, A. and Miller, R., “Thixotropic bulk elasticity versus interfacial elasticity in Xanthan Gum surfactant mixed solutions”, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2018.
Mahmoodi, A., Javadi, A. and Sola, B.S., “Porous media acidizing simulation: New two-phase two-scale continuum modeling approach”, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 166, pp.679-692, 2018.
Kovalchuk, V. I., Aksenenko, E. V., Fainerman, V. B., Javadi, A., & Miller, R. “Multilayer Adsorption of Heptane Vapor at Water Drop Surfaces”, Colloids and Interfaces, 1(1), 8, 2017.
H. Vatanparast, A. Javadi and A. Bahramian, "Silica nanoparticles cationic surfactants interaction in water-oil system," Colloids Surf. A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects, 2016.
Bahramian, Y., Bahramian, A., and Javadi A. “Confined fluids in clay interlayers: A simple method for density and abnormal pore pressure interpretation”, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2016.
Javadi, A., Krägel, J., Kovalchuk, V. I., Liggieri, L., Loglio, G., Aksenenko, E. V. and Miller, R. , “Dynamics of Interfacial Layer Formation: In Computational Methods for Complex Liquid-Fluid Interfaces (pp. 83-104). CRC; Taylor & Francis, 2016.
Moradi N., A. Javadi and et al, "Surface tension and dilation rheology of DNA solutions in mixtures with azobenzene-containing cationic surfactant," Colloids and Surfaces: A Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, Vols. 505,, 2016.
Lotfi, M., A. Javadi, S. V. Lylyk, D. Bastani, V. B. Fainerman, and R. Miller. "Adsorption of proteins at the solution/air interface influenced by added non-ionic surfactants at very low concentrations for both components. 1. Dodecyl dimethyl phospine oxide." Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects Volume 475, 2015, Pages 62–68.
A. Javadi, M. Karbaschi, D. Bastani, J.K. Ferri, V.I. Kovalchuk, N.M. Kovalchuk, K. Javadi, R. Miller, “Marangoni instabilities for convective mobile interfaces during drop exchange: Experimental study and CFD simulation”, Journal of Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 441 (2014) 846– 854.
V.I. Kovalchuk, N.M. Kovalchuk, J. Kr¨agel, and R. Miller, “Characterization methods for liquid interfacial layers”, Eur. Phys. J. Special Topics 222(1), 7–29 (2013).
A. Javadi, J. Krägel, A.V. Makievski, V.I. Kovalchuk, N.M. Kovalchuk, N. Mucic, G. Loglio, P. Pandolfini, M. Karbaschi and R. Miller, Fast dynamic interfacial tension measurements and dilational rheology of interfacial layers by using the capillary pressure technique, Journal of Colloids and Surfaces A, Physicochem. Eng. Aspects. Volume 407, Pages 159–168, 2012.
A. Maestro, C. Kotsmar, A. Javadi, R. Miller, F. Ortega and R. G. Rubio “Adsorption of Beta-Casein - Surfactant mixed layers at the air-water interface evaluated by interfacial rheology”, The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2012, 116, 4898−4907.
M. Karbaschi, D. Bastani, A. Javadi, VI. Kovalchuk, N.M. Kovalchuk, A.V. Makievski, E. Bonaccurso and R. Miller, “Drop Profile Analysis Tensiometry under Highly Dynamic Conditions” Journal of Colloids and Surfaces A, Physicochem. Eng. Aspects, 2012, Vol 413, Pages 292–297.
A. Javadi, N. Moradi, V.B. Fainerman, H. Möhwald and R. Miller, Alkane vapor and surfactants co-adsorption on aqueous solution interfaces”, Journal of Colloids and Surfaces A, Physicochem. Eng. Aspects, 391 ((2011) 19-24.
N. Mucic, A. Javadi, N.M. Kovalchuk, E.V. Aksenenko, and R. Miller, Dynamics of interfacial layers – experimental feasibilities for adsorption kinetics and dilational rheology, Journal of Advances in Colloids and Interface Science, Volume 168, Issues 1–2, Pages 1-292, 2011
K. Dopierala, A. Javadi, K.-H. Schano, E.P. Kalogianni, M.E. Leser and R. Miller, Interfacial tensions of vegetable oils, Journal of Colloids and Surfaces A, Physicochem. Eng. Aspects, 382 (2011) 261–265
A. Javadi, J. Krägel, P. Pandolfini, G. Loglio, V.I. Kovalchuk E.V. Aksenenko,
F. Ravera, L. Liggieri and R. Miller, “Short Time Dynamic Interfacial Tension as Studies by the Growing Drop Capillary Pressure Technique”, Journal of Colloids and Surfaces A, Physicochem. Eng. Aspects, Vol. 365, Issues 1-3, (2010) 62-69.
A. Javadi, J.K. Ferri, Th.D. Karapantsios and R. Miller “Interface and bulk exchange: Single drops experiments and CFD simulations” journal of Colloids and Surfaces A, Physicochem. Eng. Aspects, Vol. 365 (2010) 145–153.
A. Javadi, N. Moradi, H. Möhwald and R. Miller, Adsorption of alkanes from the vapour phase on water drops measured by drop profile analysis tensiometry, Soft Matter Journal, 6, (2010), 4710-4714.
A. Javadi, N. Mucic, D. Vollhardt, V.B. Fainerman and R. Miller, Adsorption characteristics of SDS at the water/hexane interface, Journal of Colloid Interface Sci. Vol. 351 No. 2, (2010) 537-541.
R. Miller, J.K. Ferri, A. Javadi, J. Krägel, N. Mucic and R. Wüstneck, Rheology of interfacial layers, Journal of Colloid Polymer Sci., 288 (2010) 937-950
V.I. Kovalchuk, F. Ravera, L. Liggieri, G. Loglio, P. Pandolfini, A.V. Makievski, S. Vincent-Bonnieu, J. Krägel, A. Javadi and R. Miller, Capillary pressure studies under low gravity conditions, Journal of Adv. Colloid Interface Sci., Volume 161, Issues 1-2, 15 December 2010, Pages 102-114.
A. Javadi, D. Bastani, J. Krägel, and R. Miller, "Interfacial instability of growing drop: Experimental study and conceptual analysis", Journal of Colloids and Surfaces A, Physicochem. Eng. Aspects, Vol. 347, Issue 1-3, 2009, Pages 167-174.
V. B. Fainerman, A V Makievski, J Krägel, A Javadi, R Miller "Studies of the rate of water evaporation through adsorption layers using drop shape analysis tensiometry", J Colloid Interface Sci, Vol 308, No 1 pp. 249-53, 2007.
A., Javadi, Bastani D. and Taeibi-Rahni M. “Mass transfer during drop formation on the nozzle: New flow expansion model”, AIChE Journal, Vol. 52, No. 3, pp. 895-910, 2006.