Table of contents

Chairholder of the Chair of Hydrogen and Nuclear Energy
NameMr Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Antonio Hurtado
Direktor des Instituts Energietechnik
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Institute of Power Engineering and Enviromental Technology - Chair of Hydrogen and Nuclear Energy
Institute of Power Engineering and Enviromental Technology - Chair of Hydrogen and Nuclear Energy
Visiting address:
Walther-Pauer-Bau, PAU 216 George-Bähr-Straße 3b
01069 Dresden
Homepage von Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Antonio Hurtado
foreign language secretary
NameMs Evelyn Witzke
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Institute of Power Engineering and Enviromental Technology - Chair of Hydrogen and Nuclear Energy
Institute of Power Engineering and Enviromental Technology - Chair of Hydrogen and Nuclear Energy
Visiting address:
Walther-Pauer-Bau, PAU 216 George-Bähr-Straße 3b
01069 Dresden
Heads of areas of teaching and Research

Chairholder of the Chair of Hydrogen and Nuclear Energy
NameMr Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Antonio Hurtado
Direktor des Instituts Energietechnik
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Institute of Power Engineering and Enviromental Technology - Chair of Hydrogen and Nuclear Energy
Institute of Power Engineering and Enviromental Technology - Chair of Hydrogen and Nuclear Energy
Visiting address:
Walther-Pauer-Bau, PAU 216 George-Bähr-Straße 3b
01069 Dresden
Homepage von Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Antonio Hurtado
Head of nuclear training reactor AKR-2
NameMr Dr.-Ing. und Dipl.-Phys. Carsten Lange
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Institute of Power Engineering and Enviromental Technology - Chair of Hydrogen and Nuclear Energy
Institute of Power Engineering and Enviromental Technology - Chair of Hydrogen and Nuclear Energy
Visiting address:
Walther-Pauer-Bau, PAU 214/2 George-Bähr-Straße 3b
01069 Dresden
Homepage von Dr.-Ing. und Dipl.-Phys. Carsten Lange
Head of the research area “Innovative Laser Technologies”
NameMs Dr.-Ing. Marion Herrmann
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Institute of Power Engineering and Enviromental Technology - Chair of Hydrogen and Nuclear Energy
Institute of Power Engineering and Enviromental Technology - Chair of Hydrogen and Nuclear Energy
Visiting address:
Walther-Pauer-Bau, PAU 214/1 George-Bähr-Straße 3b
01069 Dresden
Homepage of Dr.-Ing. Marion Herrmann

Head of the research area "Hydrogen energy"
NameMr Dipl.-Ing. Florian Gamaleja
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Institute of Power Engineering and Enviromental Technology - Chair of Hydrogen and Nuclear Energy
Institute of Power Engineering and Enviromental Technology - Chair of Hydrogen and Nuclear Energy
Visitor Address:
Walter-Pauer-Bau, PAU 214/1 George-Bähr-Str. 3b
01069 Dresden
Homepage of Dipl.-Ing. Florian Gamaleja
Employees of the AKR-2 training reactor
Head of nuclear training reactor AKR-2
NameMr Dr.-Ing. und Dipl.-Phys. Carsten Lange
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Institute of Power Engineering and Enviromental Technology - Chair of Hydrogen and Nuclear Energy
Institute of Power Engineering and Enviromental Technology - Chair of Hydrogen and Nuclear Energy
Visiting address:
Walther-Pauer-Bau, PAU 214/2 George-Bähr-Straße 3b
01069 Dresden
Homepage von Dr.-Ing. und Dipl.-Phys. Carsten Lange

Research Associate
NameMr Dr. rer. nat. Dipl.-Phys. Daniel Gehre
Nuclear training reactor AKR-2
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Institute of Power Engineering and Enviromental Technology - Chair of Hydrogen and Nuclear Energy
Institute of Power Engineering and Enviromental Technology - Chair of Hydrogen and Nuclear Energy
Visiting address:
Walter-Pauer-Bau, MOL 310 George-Bähr-Str. 3b
01069 Dresden
Homepage von Dr. rer. nat. Dipl.-Phys. Daniel Gehre

NameMr Tobias Langnickel
Forschungsgebiet Ausbildungskernreaktor AKR-2
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Institute of Power Engineering and Enviromental Technology - Chair of Hydrogen and Nuclear Energy
Institute of Power Engineering and Enviromental Technology - Chair of Hydrogen and Nuclear Energy
Visiting address:
Walther-Pauer-Bau, PAU 214/2 George-Bähr-Straße 3b
01069 Dresden
Homepage of Tobias Langnickel
Research Associates
Wissentschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
NameMr Dipl.-Ing. SFI Jian Feng
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Institute of Power Engineering and Enviromental Technology - Chair of Hydrogen and Nuclear Energy
Institute of Power Engineering and Enviromental Technology - Chair of Hydrogen and Nuclear Energy
Mollier-Bau, MOL 310 George-Bähr-Str. 3
01069 Dresden
Homepage von Dipl.-Ing. SFI Jian Feng

Head of the research area "Hydrogen energy"
NameMr Dipl.-Ing. Florian Gamaleja
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Institute of Power Engineering and Enviromental Technology - Chair of Hydrogen and Nuclear Energy
Institute of Power Engineering and Enviromental Technology - Chair of Hydrogen and Nuclear Energy
Visitor Address:
Walter-Pauer-Bau, PAU 214/1 George-Bähr-Str. 3b
01069 Dresden
To the associate profile of Mr. Gamaleja.

Research Associate
NameMr Dr. rer. nat. Dipl.-Phys. Daniel Gehre
Nuclear training reactor AKR-2
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Institute of Power Engineering and Enviromental Technology - Chair of Hydrogen and Nuclear Energy
Institute of Power Engineering and Enviromental Technology - Chair of Hydrogen and Nuclear Energy
Visiting address:
Walter-Pauer-Bau, MOL 310 George-Bähr-Str. 3b
01069 Dresden
Homepage von Dr. rer. nat. Dipl.-Phys. Daniel Gehre
Research Associate
NameMr Juan José Gómez Rodriguez M. Sc.
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Institute of Power Engineering and Enviromental Technology - Chair of Hydrogen and Nuclear Energy
Institute of Power Engineering and Enviromental Technology - Chair of Hydrogen and Nuclear Energy
Visitor Address:
Görges-Bau, VG1/113 Helmholtzstr. 9
01069 Dresden
Homepage of M. Sc. Gómez Rodriguez
ehem. Leiter Ausbildungskernreaktor
NameMr Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Wolfgang Hansen
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Institute of Power Engineering and Enviromental Technology - Chair of Hydrogen and Nuclear Energy
Institute of Power Engineering and Enviromental Technology - Chair of Hydrogen and Nuclear Energy
Visiting address:
Walther-Pauer-Bau, PAU 214/2 George-Bähr-Straße 3b
01069 Dresden
Head of the research area “Innovative Laser Technologies”
NameMs Dr.-Ing. Marion Herrmann
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Institute of Power Engineering and Enviromental Technology - Chair of Hydrogen and Nuclear Energy
Institute of Power Engineering and Enviromental Technology - Chair of Hydrogen and Nuclear Energy
Visiting address:
Walther-Pauer-Bau, PAU 214/1 George-Bähr-Straße 3b
01069 Dresden
Homepage von Dr.-Ing. Marion Herrmann

Research Associate
NameMr Dipl.-Phys. Alexander Knospe
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Institute of Power Engineering and Enviromental Technology - Chair of Hydrogen and Nuclear Energy
Institute of Power Engineering and Enviromental Technology - Chair of Hydrogen and Nuclear Energy
Visitor Address:
Görges-Bau, VG1 115 Helmholtzstr. 9
01069 Dresden
Homepage of Dipl.-Phys.Alexander Knospe

Partner of the Chair
NameMr Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Wolfgang Lippmann
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Institute of Power Engineering and Enviromental Technology - Chair of Hydrogen and Nuclear Energy
Institute of Power Engineering and Enviromental Technology - Chair of Hydrogen and Nuclear Energy
Visiting address:
Walther-Pauer-Bau George-Bähr-Straße 3b
01069 Dresden
Zur Mitarbeiterseite von Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil Wolfgang Lippmann
Research Associate
NameM. Sc. Vincent Melzer
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Visitor address:
Görges-Bau, GÖR/315 Helmholtzstr. 9
01069 Dresden
Homepage of M. Sc. Vincent Melzer

Research Associate
NameMs Dr.-Ing. Anne-Maria Reinecke
Head of high-power laser laboratory
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Institute of Power Engineering and Enviromental Technology - Chair of Hydrogen and Nuclear Energy
Institute of Power Engineering and Enviromental Technology - Chair of Hydrogen and Nuclear Energy
Visitor Address:
Mollier-Bau, MOL 312 George-Bähr-Str. 3
01069 Dresden
Homepage of Dr.-Ing. Anne-Maria Reinecke
Head of the research area “thermo hydraulics”
NameMr Dr.-Ing. Christoph Schuster
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Institute of Power Engineering and Enviromental Technology - Chair of Hydrogen and Nuclear Energy
Institute of Power Engineering and Enviromental Technology - Chair of Hydrogen and Nuclear Energy
Visiting address:
Walther-Pauer-Bau, PAU 218 George-Bähr-Straße 3b
01069 Dresden
Homepage von Dr.-Ing. Christoph Schuster

Research Associate
NameMr Dr.-Ing. Dipl.-Phys. Marco Viebach
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Institute of Power Engineering and Enviromental Technology - Chair of Hydrogen and Nuclear Energy
Institute of Power Engineering and Enviromental Technology - Chair of Hydrogen and Nuclear Energy
Visitor Address:
Görges-Bau, VG1/115 Helmholtzstr. 9
01069 Dresden
Homepage of Dr.-ing. Dipl.-Phys. Marco Viebach
Research Associate
NameMr Dipl.-Inf. Sascha Weichel
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Visitor address:
Görges-Bau, Room 113 Helmholtzstr. 9
01069 Dresden
Homepage of Dipl.-Inf. Sascha Weichel
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
NameDipl.-Ing. Johannes Winter
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Institute of Power Engineering and Enviromental Technology - Chair of Hydrogen and Nuclear Energy
Institute of Power Engineering and Enviromental Technology - Chair of Hydrogen and Nuclear Energy
Visiting address:
Mollier-Bau, Raum 311 George-Bähr-Straße 3
01069 Dresden
Homepage of Dipl.-Ing. Johannes Winter
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
NameMr Dr. Matthias Lippmann
Projektbearbeiter "H2tALENT"
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Institute of Power Engineering and Enviromental Technology - Chair of Hydrogen and Nuclear Energy
Institute of Power Engineering and Enviromental Technology - Chair of Hydrogen and Nuclear Energy
Visiting address:
Walther-Pauer-Bau, Mollier Bau, MOL 310 George-Bähr-Straße 3b
01069 Dresden
Homepage of Dr.-Ing. Matthias Lippmann
Research associate
NameHerr Dipl.-Ing. Tom Weinert
Project "HITEMAGEN4"
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Institute of Power Engineering and Enviromental Technology - Chair of Hydrogen and Nuclear Energy
Institute of Power Engineering and Enviromental Technology - Chair of Hydrogen and Nuclear Energy
Visiting address:
Berndt-Bau, BER 011 Helmholtzstraße 7
01069 Dresden
Homepage of Tom Weinert
Technical Staff

NameMr Erik Findeisen
Staatl. gepr. Techniker
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Institute of Power Engineering and Enviromental Technology - Chair of Hydrogen and Nuclear Energy
Institute of Power Engineering and Enviromental Technology - Chair of Hydrogen and Nuclear Energy
Mollier-Bau, MOL 318
01069 Dresden
Homepage of Erik Findeisen

NameMr Tobias Langnickel
Forschungsgebiet Ausbildungskernreaktor AKR-2
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Institute of Power Engineering and Enviromental Technology - Chair of Hydrogen and Nuclear Energy
Institute of Power Engineering and Enviromental Technology - Chair of Hydrogen and Nuclear Energy
Visiting address:
Walther-Pauer-Bau, PAU 214/2 George-Bähr-Straße 3b
01069 Dresden
Homepage von Tobias Langnickel
NameMr Max Hübner
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Institute of Power Engineering and Enviromental Technology - Chair of Hydrogen and Nuclear Energy
Institute of Power Engineering and Enviromental Technology - Chair of Hydrogen and Nuclear Energy
Visiting address:
Merkel-Bau, PAU 111 Helmholtzstraße 14
01069 Dresden
Homepage of Max Hübner
Technischer Mitarbeiter
NameMr David Brosius
HiTeMaGen4 Phase 2
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Institute of Power Engineering and Enviromental Technology - Chair of Hydrogen and Nuclear Energy
Institute of Power Engineering and Enviromental Technology - Chair of Hydrogen and Nuclear Energy
Visiting address:
Berndt-Bau, BER 011 Helmholtzstraße 7
01069 Dresden
Homepage of David Brosius
ehem. Leiter der Professur (emeritiert 01.04.2006)
NameMr Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Jürgen Knorr
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Institute of Power Engineering and Enviromental Technology - Chair of Hydrogen and Nuclear Energy
Institute of Power Engineering and Enviromental Technology - Chair of Hydrogen and Nuclear Energy
Mollier-Bau, MOL 317 George-Bähr-Str. 3
01069 Dresden
Homepage von Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Jürgen Knorr
Student Assistants
Studiengang: Diplom Maschinenbau, Vertiefungsrichtung Energietechnik
Course of study: Mechanical Engineering, specialization Power Engineering
Study: Diplom mechanical engineering, energy technology