Table of contents
Stability Analysis of a One-dimensional Multiphysics Model of a Molten Salt Fast Reactor
Kraus, M., Viebach, M., Lange, C. & Hurtado Gutierrez, A.,
PHYSOR 2022, 15 - 20 May 2022, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Mechanical model for the motion of RPV internals affecting neutron flux noise
Bläsius, C., Herb, J., Sievers, J., Knospe, A., Viebach, M., Lange, C.
(2022) Annals of Nuclear Energy, 176, art. no. 109243
Doi: 10.1016/2022.109243
Safety aspects in hydrogen use and storage for aviation
M. Vater, D. Schlegel, S. Spitzer, C. Haberstroh, A. Hurtado, M. Gude
Verification of the code DYN3D for calculations of neutron flux fluctuations
M.Viebach, C.Lange, S.Kliem, C.Demazière, U.Rohde, D.Hennig, A.Hurtado
Annals of Nuclear Energy 166, 2022
Numerical and experimental analysis of flow and heat transfer in a fuel assembly mock-up with transverse flow above the rods
T. Hanisch, P. Zedler, A. Hurtado, F. Rüdiger, J. Fröhlich
International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, Vol. 89, 2021
2016 - 2020
Modelling of Passive Heat Removal Systems:A Review with Reference to the Framatome BWRReactor KERENA: Part II
R. Manthey, F. Viereckl, A. Moonesi Shabestary, Y. Zhang,
W. Ding, D. Lucas, C. Schuster, S. Leyer, A. Hurtado, U. Hampel
Energies 2020, Volume 13, Issue 1, S.109
Utilizing very low flux nuclear reactors for neutron imaging
Hübscher R., Bernt N., Lange C.
in DN 2020 German Neutron Scattering Conference 2020, Munich, Germany, December 09.-10, 2020
Investigation on PWR Neutron Noise Patterns
Marco Viebach, Carsten Lange, Antonio Hurtado
atw Vol 65 (2020) Issue 6/7, pp. 344-347, Paper
Neutron Noise Patterns from Coupled Fuel Assembly Vibrations
Viebach, M., Lange, C., Seidl, M., Bilodid, Y., Hurtado, A.
PHYSOR 2020, 29.03. – 02.04.2020, Cambridge (United Kingdom), ISBN: 978-1-5272-6447-2
Experimental determination of the zero power reactor transfer function of the
S. Hübner, A. Knospe, M. Viebach, C. Lange, A. Hurtado
PHYSOR 2020, 29.03. – 02.04.2020, Cambridge (United Kingdom)
ISBN: 978-1-5272-6447-2
Investigation on the Corrosion Behavior of Nickel-Base Alloys in Molten Chlorides for Sensible Heat Energy Applications
C. Knosalla, M. Lau, L. Schmies, W. Lippmann, A. Hurtado
Journal-Paper in Advanced Engineering Materials, März 2020
Investigations of Graphite Particle Interaction with Metallic Surfaces
Andris, A.; Fischer, F.; Herrmann, M.; Lippmann, W.; Hurtado, A.
Journal of Metals, 10(1), 140, Jan 2020
Modelling of passive heat removal systems: A review with reference to the Framatome BWR reactor KERENA: Part II
R. Manthey, F. Viereckl, A. Moonesi, Y. Zhang, W. Ding, D. Lucas, C. Schuster, S. Leyer,
A. Hurtado, U. Hampel
Energies, Dezember 2019
Modelling of passive heat removal systems: A review with reference to the Framatome BWR reactor KERENA: Part I
A. Moonesi, F. Viereckl, Y. Zhang, R. Manthey, D. Lucas, C. Schuster, S. Leyer, A. Hurtado,
U. Hampel
Energies, Dezember 2019
First On-site Demonstration of Laser-based Decontamination Technology in Germany
T. Kahl, G. Greifzu, C. Friedrich, C. Held, M. Herrmann, W. Lippmann, A. Hurtado
Journal: International Journal for Nuclear Power (atw Vol. 64 11/12), November/ December 2019
Innovatives Großspeicherkonzept für Hochtemperaturwärme – Effiziente Umwandlung und Speicherung volatiler Energien sowie Energiebereitstellung für sektorenübergreifende Versorgungskonzepte
L. Schmies, C. Knosalla, C. Partmann, W. Lippmann, A. Hurtado
Konferenzpaper und Vortrag: Oberlausitzer Energiesymposium 2019
Zittau, Deutschland, November 2019
Experimental investigation of passive heat removal systems for spent fuel pools
P. Zedler, F. Viereckl, W. Lippmann, A. Hurtado
Poster: 17th Multiphase Flow Conference, Dresden-Rossendorf,
November 2019
Towards the validation of neutron noise simulators: qualification of data acquisition systems
A. Rais, V. Lamirand, O. Pakari, A. Laureau, J. Pohlus, C. Pohl, S. Hübner, M. Hursin,
A. Pautz, C. Demaziere
M&C 2019: 25.-29.08.2019, Portland
A Comparison between time domain and frequency domain calculations of stationary neutron fluctuations
Viebach M., Lange C., Kliem S., Demazière C., Rohde U., Hennig D. and Hurtado A.
M&C 2019, 25-29 August, 2019, Portland, Oregon, USA
Advanced natural circulation reduced order model with inclined channel for low pressure conditions
Manthey, R.; Knospe, A.; Lange, C.; Schuster, C.; Hurtado, A.:
ASME Journal of Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Science, 2019
Doi: 10.1115/1.4044846
The Low Flux Neutron Source AKR-2
Bernt N., Hübscher R., Lange C.
in Experts Meeting on fast Neutron Imaging 2019, MLZ-Garching, Germany,
October 21, 2019
First Steps in Neutron Imaging at the Very Low Flux Facility AKR-2
Hübscher R., Bernt N., Lange C.
in Experts Meeting on fast Neutron Imaging 2019, MLZ-Garching, Germany, October 21, 2019
Neutron imaging at the low flux training and research reactor AKR-2
C. Lange, N. Bernt
Nuclear Instruments and Methodes in Physics - Research Section A - Volume 941,
11. October 2019, Link
Principles for the application of bifurcation theory for the systematic analysis of nuclear reactor stability, Part1: Theory
Dieter Hennig, Carsten Lange, Rizwan-uddin, Abdelhamid Dokhane, Alexander Knospe,
Progress in Nuclear Energy, Volume 115, 2019, Pages 231-249, ISSN 0149-1970,
Principles for the application of bifurcation theory for the systematic analysis of nuclear reactor stability, Part2: Application
Dieter Hennig, Rizwan-uddin, Carsten Lange, Abdelhamid Dokhane, Alexander Knospe,
Progress in Nuclear Energy, Volume 113, 2019, Pages 263-280, ISSN 0149-1970
Experimental study of the influence of cross-overflow on the decay heat removal from spent fuel pools
P, Zedler, C. Schuster, W. Lippmann, A. Hurtado
Journal: Experimental and computational multiphase flow, 2019
DOI: 10.1007/s42757-019-0034-x
Effect of throttling on the two-phase flow stability in an open natural circulation system.
Manthey, R.; Schuster, C.; Lippmann, W.; Hurtado, A.
Heat and Mass Transfer, Springer, 2019,
doi: 10.1007/s00231-019-02679-x.
Experimental and theoretical investigation of the boiling heat transfer in a low-pressure natural circulation system
F. Viereckl, E. Schleicher, C. Schuster, W. Lippmann, A. Hurtado
Experimental and computational multiphase flow, 2019
Ressourcenschonende Technologien zur stofflichen Nutzung heimischer Braunkohle
C. Knosalla, L. Schmies, C. Partmann, W. Lippmann, A. Hurtado
Poster: DGMK-Fachbereichstagung, Thermochemische Konversion, Dresden, Mai 2019
Manuskript erschienen in: DGMK Tagungsbericht 2019-2, ISBN 978-3-941721-97-5
Simulation of low-frequency PWR neutron flux fluctuations
M. Viebach, C. Lange, M. Seidl, N. Bernt, D. Hennig, A. Hurtado
Progress in Nuclear Energy 117, 2019 (Link)
Reduced order modeling of a natural circulation system by proper orthogonal decomposition
Manthey, R.; Knospe, A.; Lange, C.; Hennig, D.; Hurtado, A.
Progress in Nuclear Energy, Vol. 114, pp. 191-200, März 2019,
doi: 10.1016/j.pnucene.2019.03.010.
Concept, design, and energy analysis of an integrated power-to-methanol process utilizing a tubular proton-conducting solid oxide electrolysis cell
F. Schwabe, L. Schwarze, C. Partmann, W. Lippmann, A. Hurtado
Journal Paper: Internat. Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Dezember 2018,
Research Project: AMTEC-D Development of a laser-based joining process for the production of high-temperature-resistant compounds of ceramic and metallic components
M. Zwicker, C. Partmann, W. Lippmann, A. Hurtado
Poster: KompOST Doktorandenseminar 2018,
Zittau, Deutschland, Dezember 13, 2018
Experimental investigation of cross-overflow in spent fuel pools using the test facility ALADIN
P. Zedler, C. Schuster, W. Lippmann, A. Hurtado
Poster: KompOST Doktorandenseminar 2018;
Zittau, Deutschland, Dezember 13, 2018
Generation of high precise data for the verification of computational tools for reactor signal analysis
S. Hübner, C. Lange, W. Lippmann, A. Hurtado, V. Lamirand, A. Rais, C. Pohl, J. Pohlus
Präsentation: Kompetenzzentrum OST für Kerntechnik 2018,
Zittau, Deutschland, Dezember 2018
Development of a ceramic material technology for energy storage applications on molten chloride salt basis
L. Schmies, C. Knosalla, C. Partmann, W. Lippmann, A. Hurtado
Präsentation: Kompetenzzentrum OST für Kerntechnik 2018,
Zittau, Deutschland, Dezember 2018
Graphite particles on hot metallic surfaces and their behavior in high temperature conditions
A. Andris, F. Fischer, M. Herrmann, W. Lippmann, A. Hurtado
Proceedings of East German Centre of Competence in Nuclear Technology, Zittau, October 13, 2018
The Behaviour and the Influence of Graphitic Particles under High-Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactors Conditions
A. Andris, F. Fischer, M.Herrmann, W. Lippmann, A. Hurtado
Proceedings of HTR 2018, Warsaw, Poland, October 8-10, 2018
Particle deposition by thermophoresis under high temperature condition in a helium flow
F. Fischer, A. Andris, W. Lippmann, A. Hurtado
Journal of Nuclear Engineering and Radiation Science, doi:10.1115/1.4040936, 2018
Lasergestützte Herstellung keramischer Wärmerohre zur Energierückgewinnung aus Vergasungsprozessen
F.-D. Börner, W. Lippmann, A. Hurtado
in Stoffliche Nutzung von Braunkohle, Dezember 10, 2018, ISBN 978-3-662-46251-5
Investigation of flow patterns during boiling in a slightly inclined tube
F. Viereckl, C. Schuster, W. Lippmann, A. Hurtado
Präsentation: Multiphase Flow Conference, Dresden-Rossendorf, November 2018
Experimental study of the influence of cross-overflow on the decay heat removal from spent fuel pools
P. Zedler, C. Schuster, W. Lippmann, A. Hurtado
Poster: 16th Multiphase Flow Conference
2018 Dresden, Deutschland, November 14-16, 2018
Development of Laser Technologies for Mobile Surface Decontamination
T. Kahl, G. Greifzu, M. Herrmann, W. Lippmann, A. Hurtado
Vortrag: 7th International Conference on Nuclear Decommissioning (ICOND), Aachen, Deutschland, November 2018
Laserbasierte Dekontamination
G. Greifzu, T. Kahl, M. Herrmann, W. Lippmann, A. Hurtado
Vortrag: 50. Kraftwerkstechnisches Kolloquium
Dresden, Deutschland, Oktober 2018
Material assessment of nickel-base alloys for high temperature molten chloride salt loops using LiCl-KCl as heat carrier
C. Knosalla, L. Schmies, C. Partmann, W. Lippmann, A. Hurtado
Präsentation: EuChemS Conference on Molten Salts and Ionic Liquids 2018,
Lissabon, Portugal, Oktober 2018
Application of a High Power Nd:YAG Laser for Surface Decontamination
G. Greifzu, T. Kahl, M. Herrmann, W. Lippmann, A. Hurtado
Vortrag: Photon 2018
Birmingham, Großbritannien, September 2018
Particle Release during Laser Decontamination of Concrete Surfaces
T. Kahl, G. Greifzu, M. Herrmann, W. Lippmann, A. Hurtado
Conference paper: 26th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE), London, England, Juli 2018
Thermal hydraulic analysis of the convective heat transfer of an air-cooled BWR spent fuel assembly
C. Partmann, C. Schuster, A. Hurtado
Journal Paper: atw - International Journal for Nuclear Power, ISSN 1431-5254, Juni 2018
Model order reduction of low pressure natural circulation system
René Manthey, A. Knospe, C. Lange, Ch. Schuster, A. Hurtado
Conference paper: Annual Meeting on Nuclear Technology,
Berlin, Deutschland, Mai 29-30, 2018
Frequency-Domain Investigation on the Neutron Noise in KWU PWRs
M. Viebach, N. Bernt, C. Lange, D. Hennig, A. Hurtado
AMNT 2018, Berlin Deutschland, Mai 29-30, 2018, ISBN 978-3-926956-95-8
Experimental and theoretical investigation of boiling in the slightly inclined tubes of the containment cooling condenser
F. Viereckl, C. Schuster, W. Lippmann, A. Hurtado
Proceedings: 49th Annual Meeting on Nuclear Technology, Berlin, Deutschland, Mai 2018
Investigation on variation of nodalized macroscopic cross sections driven by deflection of fuel assemblies with Serpent
N. Bernt, M. Viebach, C. Lange, D. Hennig, A. Hurtado
AMNT 2018, Berlin Deutschland, Mai 29-30, 2018, ISBN 978-3-926956-95-8
Post-test analysis of the RPV lower head leak experiment at the INKA test facility using ATHLET
M. Sporn, C. Schuster, F. Schäfer, A. Hurtado, U. Hampel
Conference Paper: 49th Annual Meeting on Nuclear Technology, Berlin, Germany, Mai 2018
N. Bernt, C. Lange, M. Viebach, D. Hennig, A. Hurtado
in PHYSOR 2018, Cancun Mexico, April 22-26, 2018
Alkalimetall-Konverter zur Direktumwandlung von Wärme in Strom
M. Zwicker, C. Partmann, W. Lippmann, A. Hurtado
Poster und Vortrag: Praxisforum – Energiewende mitgestalten, Dresden, April 2018
PWR neutron noise pattern from coherent fuel assembly deflection
M. Viebach, C. Lange, N. Bernt, M. Seidl, D. Hennig, and A. Hurtado
in PHYSOR 2018, Cancun, Mexico, April 22-26, 2018, 2018
„Joint project PANAS – investigation of decay heat removal systems“
F. Viereckl, W. Lippmann, U. Hampel, M. Walther, S. Leyer, A. Hurtado
Präsentation: Nuclear Days 2018 & Annular NUGENIA Forum, Prag, Tschechische Republik, April 2018
Experimental investigation of the thermal hydraulics of a spent fuel pool under loss of active heat removal conditions
C. Partmann, C. Schuster, A. Hurtado
Journal Paper: Nuclear Engineering and Design, DOI: 10.1016/j.nucengdes.2018.02.023, April 2018
Development of a novel power-to-methanol technology based on a tubular proton conducting SOEC
F. Schwabe, L. Schwarze, W. Lippmann, C. Partmann, A. Hurtado
Conference Paper: European Hydrogen Energy Conference 2018, Málaga, Spanien, März 2018
On the influence of dynamical fuel assembly deflections on theneutron noise level
M. Viebach, N. Bernt, C. Lange, D. Hennig, A. Hurtado
Progress in Nuclear Energy 104, 32-46, 2018 (Link)
Advances in laser based decontamination of radioactive or chemical contaminated surfaces T. Kahl, G. Greifzu, M. Herrmann, W. Lippmann, A. Hurtado Vortrag: International Decommissioning Summit Berlin, Januar 2018
Selective Laser Ablation for Surface Decontamination G. Greifzu, T. Kahl, W. Lippmann, A. Hurtado Vortrag/Präsentation: Kompetenzzentrum Ost für Kerntechnik - Doktorandenseminar, Dresden, Dezember 2017
SYNKOPE-flex – Material assessment and characterization of high temperature molten salt storage systems
L. Schmies, C. Knosalla, C. Partmann, W. Lippmann, A. Hurtado
Poster: Kompetenzzentrum OST für Kerntechnik – Doktorandenseminar, Dresden, Deutschland, Dezember 2017
DELTA – Development of a tubular electrolyzer with an integrated methanol synthesis
L. Schwarze, F. Schwabe, C. Partmann, W. Lippmann, A. Hurtado
Poster: Kompetenzzentrum OST für Kerntechnik – Doktorandenseminar, Dresden, Deutschland, Dezember 2017
Experimental investigation of the developing two-phase flow in a slightly inclined heated tube
F. Viereckl, C. Schuster, W. Lippmann, A. Hurtado
Poster: Multiphase Flow Conference, Dresden-Rossendorf, November 2017
AMTEC-D – Entwicklung eines Alkalimetall-Konverters zur hocheffizienten Direktumwandlung von Wärme in elektrischen Strom
M. Zwicker, C. Partmann, W. Lippmann, A. Hurtado
Poster: Kraftwerkstechnisches Kolloquium, Dresden, Deutschland, Oktober 2017
LaPLUS: Oberflächendekontamination von Beton- und Metalloberflächen mittels Laser T. Kahl, G. Greifzu, W. Lippmann, A. Hurtado Poster: Kraftwerktechnisches Kolloquium Dresden, Oktober 2017
SYNKOPE-flex – Werkstofftechnische Qualifizierung von Hochtemperatursalzspeichern
C. Knosalla, L. Schmies, C. Partmann, W. Lippmann, A. Hurtado
Poster: Kraftwerkstechnisches Kolloquium, Dresden, Deutschland, Oktober 2017
DELTA – Entwicklung eines tubularen Dampf-Elektrolyseurs in tubularer Anordnung mit integrierter Methanolsynthese
F. Schwabe, L. Schwarze, C. Partmann, W. Lippmann, A. Hurtado
Poster: Kraftwerkstechnisches Kolloquium, Dresden, Deutschland, Oktober 2017
Thermohydraulische Untersuchungen zu passiven Nachzerfallswärmeabfuhrsystemen von Reaktoren der Generation 3+
F. Viereckl, C. Schuster, A. Hurtado
Vortrag/Präsentation: Kraftwerkstechnisches Kolloquium, Kernenergetisches Symposium, Dresden, Oktober 2017
Experimental investigation about the thermal hydraulics of evaporating spent fuel pools
C. Partmann, C. Schuster, A. Hurtado
Conference Paper: NURETH-17, Xi’an, China, September 2017
ATHLET model development for the passive pressure pulse transmitter as part of the passive safety systems of a nuclear reactor within the frame of the German EASY project
M. Sporn, N. Neukam, C. Schuster, F. Schäfer, A. Hurtado, U. Hampel
Conference Paper: 17th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics (NURETH-17), Xi'an, China, September 2017
Instrumentation for experiments on a fuel element mock-up for the study of thermal hydraulics for loss of cooling or coolant scenarios in spent fuel pools
M. Arlit, C. Partmann, E. Schleicher, C. Schuster, A. Hurtado, U. Hampel
Journal Paper: Nuclear Engineering and Design, DOI: 10.1016/j.nucengdes.2017.06.034, Juli 2017 (Link: bzw. freier Download bis zum 30.08.2018 unter
Particle deposition by thermophoresis under high temperature condition in a helium flow
F. Fischer, A. Andris, W. Lippmann, A. Hurtado
Conference Paper: International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE), Shanghai, China, Juli 2017
Investigation of thermal hydraulic models for condensation and boiling in passive safety systems
F. Viereckl, R. Manthey, C. Schuster, A. Hurtado
Conference paper: 25th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering, Shanghai, China, Juli 2017
Laser decontamination and decomposition of PCB-containing paint
Anthofer, A.; Kögler, P.; Friedrich, C.; Lippmann, W.; Hurtado, A.
Optics & Laser Technology 87; Pages 31 -42; 2017 (Link)
Rare earth (RE: Nd, Dy, Ho, Y, Yb, Sc) aluminosilicates for the joining of silicon carbide components
M. Herrmann, S. Ahmad, W. Lippmann, H.J. Seifert, A. Hurtado
International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology, DOI: 10.1111/ijac.12692 . (Zeitschriftenbeitrag mit review)
Nonlinear stability analysis of natural circulation systems by application of model order reduction and system codes
René Manthey, A. Knospe, C. Lange, Ch. Schuster, A. Hurtado
Conference paper: Annual Meeting on Nuclear Technology, Berlin, Deutschland, Mai 2017
Investigations of long-term interactions between Graphite dust and hot metallic surfaces under high temperature reactor conditions
A. Andris, F. Fischer, W. Lippmann, A. Hurtado,
Conference paper: Annual Meeting on Nuclear Technology, Berlin, May 2017
Convective heat transfer of an air cooled BWR spent fuel assembly
C. Partmann, C. Schuster, A. Hurtado
Conference Paper: Annual Meeting on Nuclear Technology, Berlin, Deutschland, Mai 2017
Untersuchungen zu passiven Nachzerfallswärmeabführsystemen - Generische Experimente und Modellierung zur Verdampfung und Kondensation in passiven Wärmetransportsystemen
F. Viereckl, C. Schuster, A. Hurtado
Vortrag/Präsentation: 3. Projektstatusgespräch zur BMBF-geförderten Nuklearen Sicherheitsforschung, Dresden, Deutschland, April 2017
Joining of SiC Components by Laser-Supported Heating – Chances and Limits
M. Herrmann, W. Lippmann, A. Hurtado
Presentation at the 92nd DKG Annual Meeting & Symposium on High-Performance Ceramics 2017, Berlin, March 19th -22th 2017
Laserdekontamination von Beton- und Metalloberflächen G. Greifzu, A. Anthofer, T. Kahl, W. Lippmann, C. Krasselt, S. Voß, R. Nakath, H. Jakob, G. Kremer, C. Held, A. Hurtado Conference Paper: KONTEC 17, Dresden, März 2017
Staub-III – Safety Investigation of Graphite Dust Release from the Primary Circuit of a Graphite-Moderated High Temperature Reactor
F. Fischer, A. Andris, W. Lippmann, A. Hurtado
KOMPOST-11th PhD student seminar; 08.12.2016, HZ Dresden Rossendorf
PANAS – Single and integral experiments as well as theoretical analysis for evaporation, condensation and two-phase natural circulation stabilities in a passive heat removal system
F. Viereckl, R. Manthey, C. Schuster, C. Lange, A. Hurtado
Vortrag/Präsentation: Kompetenzzentrum OST für Kerntechnik – Doktorandenseminar, Rossendorf, Deutschland, Dezember 2016
The Jülich high-brilliance neutron source project
Rücker U., Cronert T., Voigt J., Dabruck J. P., Doege P.-E., Ulrich J., Nabbi R., Bessler Y., Butzek M., Büscher M., Lange C., Klaus M., Gutberlet T. and Brückel T.
Eur. Phys. J. Plus, 131 (2016) 19, – (reviewed) (Link)
High brilliant thermal and cold moderator for the HBS neutron source project Jülich
T. Cronert, J. P. Dabruck, P. E. Doege, Y. Bessler, M. Klaus, M. Hofmann, P. Zakalek, U. Rücker, C. Lange, M. Butzek, W. Hansen, R. Nabbi and T. Brückel
Journal of Physics: VI European Conference on Neutron Scattering (ECNS2015) ; Conference Series 746 (2016) 012036 (Link)
Development of a moderator system for the High Brilliance Neutron Source project
Dabruck J. P., Cronert T., Rücker U., Nabbi R., Bessler Y., Butzek M., Lange C., Klaus M., Hansen W., Brückel T.
UCANS-V; IL NUOVO CIMENTO 38 C (2016) 192 (Link)
The HBS Project: A High Brilliance Neutron Source
Brückel, T. ; Rücker, U. ; Cronert, T. ; Zakalek, P. ; Gutberlet, T. ; Voigt, J. ; Bessler, Y. ; Butzek, M. ; Dabruck, J. P. ; Doege, P. ; Nabbi, R. ; Lange, C. ; Klaus, M.
Deutsche Neutronenstreutagung 2016, DN2016, University Kiel, Germany, 20 Sep 2016 - 22 Sep 2016.
Low dimensional thermal and cold finger moderator for the High Brilliance Neutron Source Jülich
Cronert, T. ; Brückel, T. ; Rücker, U.; Zakalek, P. ; Gutberlet, T. ; Voigt, J. ; Bessler, Y. ; Butzek, M. ; Dabruck, J. P. ; Doege, P. ; Nabbi, R. ; Lange, C. ; Klaus, M.
Deutsche Neutronenstreutagung 2016, DN2016, University Kiel, Germany, 20 Sep 2016 - 22 Sep 2016
The Training and Research Reactor AKR-2, A low flux neutron source
Lange C., Bernt N., Viebach M., Hurtado A.
Deutsche Neutronenstreutagung 2016, DN2016, University Kiel, Germany, 20 Sep 2016 - 22 Sep 2016
Low dimensional cold Moderator with ortho/para H2 ratio monitoring & control
Cronert, T. ; Brückel, T. ; Rücker, U.; Bessler, Y. ; Butzek, M. ; Dabruck, J. P. ; Doege, P. ; Nabbi, R. ; Lange, C.; Klaus, M.
UCANS VI - International Meeting of the Union for Compact Accelerator-Driven Neutron Sources, UCANS VI, Xi´an Jiaotong University, Xi´an, China, 25 Oct 2016 - 28 Oct 2016
Lange C., Hennig D., Hurtado A.
Proceedings PHYSOR 2016; Sun Valley, Idaho, USA, May 1 – 5, 2016
Staub-III – Safety Investigation of Graphite Dust Release from the Primary Circuit of a Graphite-Moderated High Temperature Reactor
F. Fischer, A. Andris, W. Lippmann, A. Hurtado
KOMPOST-11th PhD student seminar; 08.12.2016, HZ Dresden Rossendorf
Crystallization studies of Re2O3-Al2O3-SiO2 glasses under long heat-treatment conditions
S. Ahmad, M. Herrmann, M.M. Mahmoud, H. Leiste, W. Lippmann, H.J. Seifert
Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 688 (2016) 762-774.) (Link)
Joining technology—A challenge for the use of SiC components in HTRs
M. Herrmann, P. Meisel, W. Lippmann, A. Hurtado
Nuclear Engineering and Design, 306 (2016) 170-176. (Link)
Joining of Silicon Carbide by Laser-Supported Heating – Chances and Limits
M. Herrmann, S. Ahmad, W. Lippmann, H.-J. Seifert, A. Hurtado
Presentation at the HTCMC-9 & GFMAT2016, Toronto, June 26th - July 1st 2016.
Advanced decontamination of metal and concrete surfaces by laser technology
Anthofer, A.; Greifzu, G.; Hurtado, A.
4th International Nuclear Decommissioning Summit; Berlin 2016
Application of Nd2O3-Al2O3–SiO2 glass solder for joining of silicon carbide components
S. Ahmad, Marion Herrmann, M. M. Mahmoud, Wolfgang Lippmann, Antonio Hurtado, H.-J. Seifert
Journal of the European Ceramic Society, Volume 36, 2016, Pages 1559 -1569, Verlag Elsevier - (reviewed) (Link)
InnovativeGebäudeschadstoffsanierung mittels Lasertechnologie
A. Anthofer; G. Greifzu; W. Lippmann; A. Hurtado; P. Jehle
Bauingenieur-Jahresausgabe des VDI, 2016
Experimental studies on decay heat removal from spent fuel in evaporating spent fuel pools
C. Partmann, C. Schuster, A. Hurtado
Proceedings: Annual Meeting on Nuclear Technology, Hamburg, Deutschland, Mai 2016
Instrumentation for experiments on a fuel element mock-up for the study of thermal hydraulics for loss of cooling or coolant scenarios in spent fuel pools
M. Arlit, C. Partmann, E. Schleicher, C. Schuster, A. Hurtado, U. Hampel
Conference Paper: SWINTH-16, Livorno, Italien, Juni 2016
Investigationof the condensation process on inclined tubes as part of passive heat transfer systems
F. Viereckl, C. Schuster, A. Hurtado
Conference paper: Annual Meeting on Nuclear Technology, Hamburg, May 2016
Using quasi-DNS to investigate the deposition of elongated aerosol particles in a wavy channel flow
Gregory Lecrivain, Rohan Rayan, Antonio Hurtado, Uwe Hampel
Journal of Computers and Fluids, 124 (2016), 78-85 (Link)
Use of SANA experimental data for validation and verification of MGT-3D and a CFD porous media model for VHTR application
J. Baggemann, D. Shi, S. Kasselmann, S. Kelm, H.-J. Allelein, A. Hurtado
Nuclear Engineering and Design 305; Pages 678 – 687; 2016 (Link)
Advanced decontamination of metal and concrete surfaces by laser technology
A. Anthofer, G. Greifzu, A. Hurtado
4th International Nuclear Decommissioning Summit; Berlin 2016
2011 - 2015
Conference Proceedings
Anton Philipp Anthofer (Editor); Marc Schmittem
German-Japanese Symposium on Technological and Educational Resources for the Decommissioning of Nuclear Facilities, Osaka (Japan) 2015 (link...)
Competence and Education in Nuclear Technology in Germany
Antonio Hurtado, Anton Philipp Anthofer
German-Japanese Symposium on Technological and Educational Resources for the Decommissioning of Nuclear Facilities, Osaka (Japan) 2015 (link...)
Investigation of Loss of Coolant Accidents in PWR with the "Dynamic Best-Estimate Safety Analysis" (DYBESA) method to consider uncertainties in TRACE
Michael Sporn, Antonio Hurtado
VGB PowerTech Journal – International Journal for Electricity and Heat Generation, VGB PowerTech 11/2015, p. 81-88, VGB PowerTech e.V., Essen.
Considering the uncertainty of empirical correlations for vertical counter-current flow limitation (CCFL) with TRACE
Michael Sporn, Antonio Hurtado:
Kerntechnik – Independent Journal for Nuclear Engineering, Energy Systems, Radiation and Radiological Protection, Kerntechnik 80 (2015) 6, p. 514-521, Carl Hanser Verlag GmbH & Co. KG, München.
Using quasi-DNS to investigate the deposition of elongated aerosol particles in a wavy channel flow
Gregory Lecrivain, Rohan Rayan, Antonio Hurtado, Uwe Hampel
Journal of Computers and Fluids, 124 (2016), 78-85 (Link)
Crystallization studies of Si3N4-Al2O3-SiO2-Y2O3 glass-ceramics under different heat-tratment conditions
S. Ahmad, T. Ludwig, M. Herrmann, M.M. Mahmoud, W. Lippmann, H.J. Seifert
Journal of the European Ceramic Society 35 (2015) 2261-2268. (Link)
Rare earth aluminosilicate solders for laser based joining of SiC
M. Herrmann, S. Ahmad, W. Lippmann, H.J. Seifert, A. Hurtado
Deutsche Keramische Gesellschaft, Annual Meeting, Bayreuth, 16.-18. März 2015.
Rare earth aluminosilicate glasses for laser supported joining of SiC devices
M. Herrmann, S. Ahmad, W. Lippmann, H.J. Seifert, A. Hurtado
EUROMAT 2015, Warsaw, September 20-24, 2015.
Two-phase flow phenomena along an adiabatic riser – an experimental study at the test facility GENEVA
T. Cloppenborg, C. Schuster, A. Hurtado,
International Journal of Multiphase Flow, Vol 72, June 2015, pages 112 – 132 (Link)
Experimental investigations of BWR fuel elements in spent fuel pools – improvements and adjustments
C. Partmann, C. Schuster, A. Hurtado
Conference paper: Annual Meeting on Nuclear Technology, Berlin, May 2015
Spatially-resolved measurement of gas phase temperature and velocity in the subchannels of a fuel element during dry-out
M. Arlit, C. Partmann, E. Schleicher, U. Hampel
Conference paper: Nureth-16, Chicago, September 2015
Verfahren zur Dekontamination metallischer Komponenten mittels Lasertechnologie
Anthofer, A.; Friedrich, C.; Lippmann, W.; Hurtado, A.
2. VDI-Konferenz Rückbau kerntechnischer Anlagen; Düsseldorf 2015
Lasertechnologie zum Abtrag dünner Schichten
A. Anthofer, W. Lippmann, A. Hurtado
EFDS-Workshop „Entschichtung, Recycling und Wiederaufbereitung“, Dresden 2015
Laser Decontamination of Paint Coats Containing PCB
A. Anthofer, P. Kögler, C. Friedrich, W. Lippmann, O. Peise, S. Voss, A. Hurtado, D. Trimis
KONTEC 2015, Dresden Link
Development of a Moderator System for the HBS Neutron Source
Dabruck J., Cronert T., Rücker U., Bessler Y., Klaus M., Lange C., Butzek M., Hansen W., Nabbi R. and Brückel T.
Il Nuovo Cimento - Colloquia and Communications in Physics
High brilliant thermal and cold moderator for the HBS neutron source project Jülich
T Cronert, J P Dabruck, P E Doege, Y Bessler, M Klaus, M Hofmann, P Zakalek, U Rücker, C Lange, M Butzek, W Hansen, R Nabbi and T Brückel
Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCS)
HBS – A Highly Brilliant Neutron Source
Jan Philipp Dabruck, Tobias Cronert, Yannik Beßler, Ulrich Rücker, Carsten Lange, Michael Butzek, Wolfgang Hansen, Thomas Brückel, Rahim Nabbi, Bruno Thomauske
5th International Meeting of Union for Compact Accelerator - Driven Neutron Sources', UCANS-V, Padova, Italy, 12 May 2015 - 15 May 2015 (2015)
The Jülich High Brilliance Neutron Source Project
Thomas Gutberlet, Ulrich Rücker, Tobias Cronert, Jörg Voigt, Jan Philipp Dabruck, Paul-Emmanuel Doege, Jiri Urich, Rahim Nabbi, Yannick Beßler, Michael Butzek, Markus Büscher, Carsten Lange, Marcel Klaus, Thomas Brückel
The European Physical Journal – Plus
Application of dosimetry measurements to analyze the neutron activation of a stainless steel sample in a training nuclear reactor
J. Ródenas, S. Gallardo, F. Weirich, W. Hansen
Radiation Physics and Chemistry 104(2014)368-371, November 2014 Link
Design and manufacture of ceramic heat pipes for high temperature applications
Peter Meisel, Matthias Jobst, Wolfgang Lippmann, Antonio Hurtado
Applied Thermal Engineering, Available online 22 October 2014 Link
Alternative Energietechnik (Lehrbuch)
Jochem Unger, Antonio Hurtado
5. Auflage, Springer Vieweg Verlag, 2014 Link
Carsten Lange; Dieter Hennig; Antonio Hurtado
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, Science Publishing Group, 2014 Link
Innovative Dekontaminationstechnologien – Akzeptanzfähig?
Anton Philipp Anthofer; Wolfgang Lippmann; Antonio Hurtado
1. VDI-Fachkonferenz Rückbau kerntechnischer Anlagen, Frankfurt (a. M.) 2014
Development of laser-based joining technology for the fabrication of ceramic thermoelectric modules
F.-D. Börner, M. Schreier, B. Feng, W. Lippmann, H.-P. Martin, A. Michaelis, A. Hurtado
Journal of Materials Research, 29 (2014), pp. 1771-1780 Link
Markus Esch, Dietrich Knoche, Antonio Hurtado
Nuclear Technology & Radiation Protection: Year 2014, Vol. 29, Suppl., pp. S31-S38 Link
Investigation on primary side oriented accident management measures in a hypothetical station blackout scenario for a VVER-1000 pressurized water reactor
P. Tusheva; F. Schäfer; N. Reinke; E. Altstadt; U. Rohde; F. P. Weiss; A. Hurtado
Dissertation into Journal Papers, SciencePG, November 30, 2014
Laserfügen dichter Keramik/Glas-Verbunde für den Einsatz in keramischen Wärmerohren
F.-D. Börner, W. Lippmann, A. Hurtado
Chemie Ingenieur Technik, 86 (2014), pp. 1769–1778 Link
Material Selection, Manufacturing and Performance Test of Ceramic High-Temperature Heat Pipes Using Liquid Metals as Working Fluids
Meisel, P., Schöne, S., Lippmann, W., Raddatz, M., Hurtado, A. and Gampe, U.
Advanced Engineering Materials, 16 (2014), pp. 1234-1251 Link
Ceramic High-Temperature Heat Pipes
Meisel, P., Lippmann, W., Hurtado, A.
Proceedings of the 22nd ICONE, July 07-11, 2014, Praque, Czech Republic
Manufacture and Testing of Thermoelectric Modules Consisting of BxC and TiOx Elements
B. Feng, H.-P. Martin, F.-D. Börner, W. Lippmann, M. Schreier, K. Vogel, A. Lenk, I. Veremchuk, M. Dannowski, C. Richter, P. Pfeiffer, G. Zikoridse, H. Lichte, J. Grin, A. Hurtado, A. Michaelis
Advanced Engineering Materials, 16 (2014), pp. 1252-1263 Link
Complex BWR dynamics from the bifurcation theory point of view
Carsten Lange, Dieter Hennig, Manuel Schulze, Antonio Hurtado
Annals of Nuclear Energy, Volume 67, May 2014, Pages 91-108 (mehr...)
Convective heat transfer in a semi-closed BWR-fuel assembly in absence of water
S. Schulz, C. Schuster, A. Hurtado
Nuclear Engineering and Design, Volume 272, June 2014, Pages 36-44 (mehr...)
Y2O3–Al2O3–SiO2-based glass-ceramic fillers for the laser-supported joining of SiC
Marion Herrmann, Wolfgang Lippmann, Antonio Hurtado
Journal of the European Ceramic Society, Volume 34, Issue 8, August 2014, Pages 1935-1948 (mehr...)
Experimental study of graphite particle deposition upstream of a forward-facing step
M. Lustfeld, T. Qu, W. Lippmann, A. Hurtado, D. Göhler
Nuclear Engineering and Design, Volume 271, May 2014, Pages 552-559 (mehr...)
Creation of leak-proof silicon carbide diffusion barriers by means of pulsed laser deposition
A.-M. Reinecke, M. Lustfeld, W. Lippmann, A. Hurtado
Nuclear Engineering and Design, Volume 271, May 2014, Pages 92-98 (mehr...)
Special Issue: Advanced stability analysis for nuclear reactors
Dieter Hennig; Gumersindo Verdu; Christophe Demaziere; Carsten Lange;
Annals of Nuclear Energy, volume 67, Mai 2014, Elsevier (reviewed) (more...)
Laser-supported joining of SiC-fiber/SiCN ceramic matrix compositesfabricated by precursor infiltration
Marion Herrmann; Katrin Schönfeld; Hagen Klemm; Wolfgang Lippmann; Antonio Hurtado; Alexander Michaelis
Journal of the European Ceramic Society 34 (2014) 2913–2924 (more...)
State of the Art of Resource-Optimized Techniques for Nuclear Dismantling
A. Anthofer, W. Lippmann, A. Hurtado
2nd International Nuclear Decommissioning Summit, Berlin 2014
Laser decontamination of epoxy painted concrete surfaces in nuclear plants Original Research Article
A. Anthofer, W. Lippmann, A. Hurtado
Optics & Laser Technology, Volume 57, April 2014, Pages 119-128 (mehr...)
Glasses for laser joining of zirconia ceramics
Börner, F.-D., Lippmann, W., Hurtado, A., Schön, B.
J. Eur. Ceram. Soc., 34 (2014), pp. 765-772 Link
M. Sporn; W. Tietsch; Felix Sassen; A. Hurtado
Annual Meeting on Nuclear Technology 2014, Frankfurt a. M., 06.-08. Mai 2014, Vortrag
Experimental results of investigations at the natural circulation test facility GENEVA
T. Cloppenborg; C. Schuster; C. Partmann; A. Hurtado
Annual Meeting on Nuclear Technology 2014, Frankfurt a. M., 06.-08. Mai 2014, Tagungsbericht
Experimentelle Ergebnisse der Untersuchungen an der Naturumlauf-Versuchsanlage GENEVA
T. Cloppenborg; C. Schuster; C. Partmann; A. Hurtado
Annual Meeting on Nuclear Technology 2014, Frankfurt a. M., 06.-08. Mai 2014, Vortrag
Experimental investigations at the GENEVA passive residual heat removal test facility
T. Cloppenborg; C. Schuster; A. Hurtado
VGB PowerTech, 5:57-63, 2014
Experimental investigations at the GENEVA passive residual heat removal test facility
T. Cloppenborg; C. Schuster; A. Hurtado
atw, 6:357-363, 2014 (Parallelveröffentlichung)
Generic experimental investigations of thermohydraulic instabilities with void fraction measurement at natural circulation test facility GENEVA
T. Cloppenborg; C. Schuster; A. Hurtado
22nd ICONE, Prague, 07.-11. Juli 2014, Proceedings
TRACE assessment of the FEBA forced reflood experiment using uncertainty approach
M. Sporn, A. Hurtado, F. P. Sassen, W. Tietsch
Annual Meeting on Nuclear Technology 2014, 06.-08. Mai, Frankfurt am Main.
Assessing the software TRACE using of forced reflood experimental data in an uncertainty Approach
M. Sporn, A. Hurtado, F. P. Sassen, W. Tietsch
45th Annual Meeting on Nuclear Technology – Technical Session: Reactor Operation, Safety 2014, Mai 06.-08., Frankfurt am Main.
Plant security during decommissioning
M. Esch, A. Renner
Nuclear Engineering International; March 2014 (mehr...)
Bubble size distribution in flow boiling of aqueous boric acid under high pressure
R. Nakath; C. Schuster; A. Hurtado
Nuclear Engineering and Design, Ausgabe 262, Seiten 562 – 570, 2013, (reviewed) (mehr...)
Comments on the Application of Bifurcation Analysis in BWR Stability Analysis
C. Lange, D. Hennig, Manuel Schulze, A. Hurtado,
Progress in Nuclear Energy, 68, pp.1-15, 2013. (mehr...)
Laser Joining of Ceramic Heat Pipes for Power Generation via an Indirect Gasification Process
Börner, F.-D., Lippmann, W., Hurtado, A.
cfi / Berichte DKG 90 (2013), 10, E45-E52
Entwicklung einer Technologie zum Laserfügen thermoelektrischer Generatoren aus Keramik
D.-F. Börner; W. Lippmann; M. Schreier; A. Hurtado
Proceedings of the ECEMP Kolloquium, 2013
Laserfügen keramischer Wärmerohre zur Energiegewinnung aus einem allothermen Vergasungsprozess
Börner, F.-D., Lippmann, W., Hurtado, A.
cfi / Berichte DKG 90 (2013), 10, D19-D27
Application of Dosimetry Measurements to Analyse the Neutron Activation of a Stainless Steel Sample in a Training Nuclear Reactor
J. Ródenas; S. Gallardo; F. Weirich; W. Hansen
Proc. of the 1st International Conference on Dosimetry and its Applications, Prague, Czech Republic, 23-28 June 2013, to be published in Radiation Physics and Chemistry (Article no. RPC-S-13-00484) (mehr...)
Laserfügen von thermoelektrischen Generatoren
Lippmann, W., Börner, F.-D., Schreier, M., Hurtado, A.
Symposium Thermoelektrik – Vom Werkstoff zum System, 2013, Dresden
Reactive sintering process and thermoelectric properties of boron rich boron carbides
Roszeitis S., Feng B., Martin H.-P., Michaelis A.
Journal of the European Ceramic Society (2013, in press) (mehr ...)
High-temperature stability of laser-joined silicon carbide components
M. Herrmann, W. Lippmann, A. Hurtado
Journal of Nuclear Materials 443 (2013) 458-466 (mehr...)
Laser based joining of silicon carbide
M. Herrmann, W. Lippmann, A. Hurtado
EUROMAT 2013, Sevilla, 8.-13. September 2013
T. Cloppenborg; C. Schuster; A. Hurtado; S. Leyer
Jahrestagung Kerntechnik 2013, Berlin, 14.-16. Mai 2013, Tagungsbericht
Untersuchungen zu Naturumlaufströmungen in passiven Wärmeabfuhrsystemen
T. Cloppenborg; C. Schuster; A. Hurtado
Jahrestagung Kerntechnik 2013, Berlin, 14.-16. Mai 2013, Vortrag
Experimental Investigation of a Boil-Off-Scenario in BWR Spent Fuel Pools
Steffen Schulz, Christoph Schuster, Antonio Hurtado
21th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering, ICONE 21, 2013 Chengdu / China Paper
Lehre und Forschung beim Rückbau kerntechnischer Anlagen an der Technischen Universität Dresden
A. Hurtado, A. Anthofer, T. Cloppenborg, M. Schreier
atw August/September 2013 (mehr....)
Laser Decontamination of Paint Coated Concrete in Nuclear Plants
Anton Anthofer, Wolfgang Lippmann, Antonio Hurtado
21th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering, ICONE 21, 2013 Chengdu / China (mehr...)
Energie, Ökologie und Unvernunft
J. Unger, A. Hurtado
Springer-Spektrum, 2013
Establishment of the Test Facility “Pebble Mill” and Investigation of Dust Production by Friction
Schreier, Lustfeld, Lippmann, Hurtado
ARCHER 2nd Plenary Meeting, Dresden (04.-05.04.2013)
Decontamination of Paint-Coated Concrete in Nuclear Plants Using Laser Technology
A. Anthofer, W. Lippmann, A. Hurtado
Annual Meeting on Nuclear Technology 2013, Berlin 2013
Laser Technology for Ablation of Radioactive and Chemical-Toxic Contamination for Dismantling of Nuclear Plants
A. Anthofer, O. Peise, W. Lippmann, S. Voß, D. Trimis, A. Hurtado
KONTEC 2013, Dresden (mehr...)
Small scale boiling experiments using two-dimensional imaging with high-speed camera and optical coherence tomography
C. Schneider, L. Kirsten, S. Meissner, A. Hurtado, E. Koch, R. Hampel
Independent Journal for Nuclear Engineering: KERNTECHNIK (reviewed), 2013
Analytical calculation model for passive containment heat removal systems;
Leyer, S.; Unger, J.; Hurtado, A.; Zacharias, T.; Drescher, R.
AREVA, KERENA boiling water reactor Experimental Validation Program (EVP); 2013
The Best-Estimate plus uncertainty approach in licensing for design basis accidents of pressurized water reactors using TRACE: Treatment of code-specific uncertainties in TRACE
M. Sporn, D. Freis, A. Hurtado, W. Tietsch
Spring 2013 CAMP Meeting, Mai 08.-10., Pisa
Entwicklung einer Best-Estimate-Methode für DWR-Störfallanalysen basierend auf dem Simulationsprogramm TRACE
M. Sporn, D. Freis, A. Hurtado, W. Tietsch
44th Annual Meeting on Nuclear Technology – Workshop: Preserving Competence in Nuclear Technology 2013, Mai 14.-16., Berlin.
About the change in boiling behaviour of water with coolant additives in PWR
R. Nakath; C. Schuster; A. Hurtado
KERNTECHNIK - Independent Journal for Nuclear Engineering, Energy Systems, Radiation and Radiological Protection, Heft 78/1, 2013
Electrically conductive ceramics and new joining technology for applications in HTR engineering
Carmen Hille, Wolfgang Lippmann, Antonio Hurtado
Nuclear Engineering and Design, Volume 251, October 2012, Pages 222-229 (mehr...)
Kernenergieausstieg in Deutschland in 2022: Ist danach wirklich Schluss?
Hurtado, A.
44. Kraftwerkstechnisches Kolloquium, 23. – 24.10.2012, CC Dresden
Development and Testing of a Laser-Based Decontamination System
Anton Anthofer, Wolfgang Lippmann, Antonio Hurtado,
Journal of Optics & Laser Technology, 2012, 48 (2013), pp. 589–598 (mehr...)
Design, Manufacturing and Testing of Ceramic Heat Pipes
Meisel, P.; Schöne, S.; Unz, S.; Lippmann, W.; Hurtado, A.
Internationales ECEMP-Kolloquium 2012, Dresden
Entwicklung einer Technologie zum Laserfügen thermoelektrischer Generatoren aus Keramik
Börner, F.-D., Lippmann, W., Schreier, M., Hurtado, A.
Internationales Kolloquium des Spitzentechnologieclusters ECEMP 2012, Tagungsband, 156-173
Graphite/SiC Materials for new Applications – Pulsed Laser Deposition of Silicon Carbide Protective Coatings on Graphite Substrates
Lustfeld, Reinecke, Lippmann, Hurtado
13. International Nuclear Graphite Specialists Meeting 2012, Meitingen (23.-26.09.2012)
Graphite Dust Particle Transport in High Temperature Reactor Primary Circuits
Schreier, Lustfeld, Lippmann, Hurtado
13. International Nuclear Graphite Specialists Meeting 2012, Meitingen (23.-26.09.2012)
Creation of Silicon Carbide Diffusion Barriers by Means of Pulsed Laser Deposition
Lustfeld, Reinecke, Lippmann, Hurtado,
HTR-2012, Tokio, Japan (28.10.-01.11.2012)
Development of a Technology for Laser joining of Ceramic Thermoelectric Generators
Börner, Lippmann, Schreier, Hurtado,
Internationales ECEMP-Kolloquium 2012, Dresden
Entwicklung eines keramischen Wärmeübertragers für die HT-Vergasung
Börner, Hack, Lippmann, Hurtado, Beckmann
DER-Tag 2012, Freiberg, 19.-20.11.2012
Effects of boric acid on flow boiling phenomena under high pressure
R. Nakath; C. Schuster; A. Hurtado
9th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal-Hydraulics, Operation and Safety (NUTHOS-9), Kaohsiung, 9.-13. September 2012, Conference Proceedings
Laser-joined thermoelectric generators of ceramics
Börner, Lippmann, Hurtado
10th CMCee 2012, Dresden
Laser Brazing of Ceramic Materials – Capabilities and Limits
Lippmann, Hurtado
10th CMCee 2012, Dresden
Y-Al-Si-O-Lote zum laserinduzierten Fügen von SiC-Bauteilen
M. Herrmann, W. Lippmann, A. Hurtado
DKG Symposium „Fügen von Keramik: Grundlagen – Verfahren - Anwendungen“, Erlangen, 04.-05.Dezember 2012
Laser Brazing of SiC Fiber-Reinforced Components
M. Herrmann, W. Lippmann, A. Hurtado
10th CMCee, Dresden, May 20-23, 2012.
High-temperature stability of laser joined SiC components
M. Herrmann, W. Lippmann, A. Hurtado
Materials Processing Science with Laser energy as Sources, Clausthal, April 24-25, 2012.
Laser joining of silicon carbide
M. Herrmann, W. Lippmann, A. Hurtado
“F-Bridge”: Final International Workshop, Aix en Provence, February 21-23, 2012.
Deposition of Graphite Dust Particles in the Vicinity of Obstacles in Turbulent Channel Flow
M. Lustfeld, A. Hurtado, W. Lippmann, T. Barth,
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of Nuclear Technology 2012, Stuttgart
Experimental study of graphite dust transport in HTR primary circuit flows
M. Lustfeld, T. Barth, W. Lippmann, A. Hurtado
Proceedings of the 6th International Topical Meeting on High Temperature Reactor Technology 2012, Tokio
Creation of leak-proof silicon carbide diffusion barriers by means of pulsed laser deposition
W. Lippmann, A.-M. Reinecke, M. Lustfeld, A. Hurtado
Proceedings of the 6th International Topical Meeting on High Temperature Reactor Technology 2012, Tokio
Training Reactors in Germany
W. Hansen,
atw, 57(2012)617-619, Heft 10, Oktober 2012
Co-Track Chair Student Paper Competition Europe
Hansen, W.
ICONE20, 30.07. – 03.08.2012
A Saddle-Node Bifurcation of Cycles Found in the Parameter Space of a BWR
C. Lange, D. Hennig, A. Hurtado,
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 22, No. 2 2012.
Investigation of local BWR instabilities with a four heated-channel Reduced Order Model
V. Dykin, C. Demazière, C. Lange, D. Hennig,
Annals of Nuclear Energy, 53, 320-330, 2012. (Zusammenarbeit mit der Chalmers Universität Göteborg in Schweden)
Investigation of global and regional BWR instabilities with a four heated-channel Reduced Order Model
V. Dykin, C. Demazière, C. Lange, D. Hennig,
Annals of Nuclear Energy, 53, 381-400, April 2012. (Zusammenarbeit mit der Chalmers Universität Göteborg in Schweden)
On the possibility of a decay ratio jump under continuous parameter variation in a BWR
C. Lange, D. Hennig, A. Hurtado,
Annual Meeting on Nuclear Technology; Germany; Stuttgart, May 22-24, 2012.
C. Lange, D. Hennig, A. Hurtado,
PHYSOR 2012 – Advances in Reactor Physics – Linking Research, Industry, and Education Knoxville,
Tennessee, USA, April 15-20, 2012, on CD-ROM, American Nuclear Society, LaGrange Park, IL (2012).
Comments on Local Power Oscillation Phenomenon at BWRs
C. Lange, D. Hennig, A. Hurtado, V. Dykin, C. Demazière,
Progress in Nuclear Energy, 60, pp. 73–88, 2012. (Zusammenarbeit mit Chalmers Universität)
Remarks on Boiling water Reactor stability analysis - part 1: Theory
C. Lange, D. Hennig, A. Hurtado, R. Schuster, B. Lukas, C. Aguirre,
Kerntechnik, 77,5, 2012. (Zusammenarbeit mit KKB, KKP, KKL(CH))
Remarks on Boiling water Reactor stability analysis - part 2: Stability Monitoring
C. Lange, D. Hennig, A. Hurtado, A.Schuster, B.Lukas, C.Aguirre,
Kerntechnik, 77,6, 2012. (Zusammenarbeit mit KKB, KKP, KKL (CH))
Development of a Manipulator-Supported Laser Decontamination System
Lippmann, W., Anthofer, A., Littwin, R., Hurtado, A.,
20th ICONE, Anaheim, USA 2012
C. Schneider, R. Hampel, A. Hurtado, S. Meissner, E. Koch, A.Traichel
TopSafe 2012, Safety in Reactor Operations, Helsinki, Finland, 22. -24. April 2012 (reviewed)
Experimentelle Untersuchung des Einflusses von DWR spezifischen Flüssigkeitsunterkühlungen und Strömungsgeschwindigkeiten auf das Wärmetransportverhalten beim Blasensieden
C. Schneider, R. Hampel, A. Hurtado, S. Meissner, E. Koch, A. Traichel
Jahrestagung Kerntechnik * Workshop *Kompetenzerhalt in der Kerntechnik*, Stuttgart, 22.-24. Mai 2012 (nicht reviewed)
Experimental investigation of flow boiling heat transfer on optically transparent ITO-surfaces and capillary tubes
C. Schneider, R. Hampel, A. Hurtado, S. Meissner, E. Koch, A. Traichel
7th International Youth Nuclear Congress IYNC 2012, 5 * 11 August, Charlotte, North Carolina, USA (reviewed)
Experimental investigation of nucleate boiling on capillary tubes under PWR- specific subcooling and flow parameters
C. Schneider, R. Hampel, A. Traichel, A. Hurtado, S. Meissner, E. Koch
Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering, ICONE20, July 30-August 3, 2012, Anaheim, California, USA, (reviewed)
Experimental Investigation of bubble behavior during nucleate boiling under PWR-specific subcooling and flow parameters by optical measurement methods
C. Schneider, R. Hampel, A. Hurtado
Vortrag, 10th Multiphase Flow Conference, 12.-14. Juni 2012, Dresden-Rossendorf (nicht reviewed)
Kleinskalige Siedeexperimente unter Einsatz zweidimensionaler Bildgebung mit High-speed Kamera und Optischer Kohärenztomographie
C. Schneider, L. Kirsten, S. Meissner, A. Hurtado, E. Koch, R. Hampel
Vortrag zum KTG Fachtag: Aktuelle Themen der Reaktorsicherheitsforschung in Deutschland, 11.-12. Oktober 2012, Dresden-Rossendorf (nicht reviewed)
CFD Model DEVELOPMENT AND Validation for VHTR Air Ingress Scenarios
J. Baggemann; S. Kelm; H.-J. Allelein; A. Hurtado
20th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering; USA California; Anaheim, July 30- August 3, 2012
Passive Kühlung der Kondensationskammern in Siedewasserreaktoren als Nachrüstmaßnahme
Sporn, M.
Jahrestagung Kerntechnik 2012, 22. – 24. Mai
High temperature corrosion of nickel base alloys in nitrogen rich atmospheres
Sporn, M.
NuMat 2012: the Nuclear Materials conference, 21. – 25. Oktober
Der Reaktorunfall von Fukushima – Lehren für eine künftige Kernenergienutzung
Hurtado, A., Anthofer, A.,
Dresdener Maschinenelemente Kolloquium, Dresden 2011
Alternative Energietechnik
Unger, J.; Hurtado, A.
4. Auflage, Vieweg + Teubner Verlag, 2011
Energie und Rohstoffe, Gestaltung unserer nachhaltigen Zukunft
Hurtado, A.
Nachhaltige Nutzung der Kernenergie, Spektrum Akademischer Verlag Heidelberg, 2011
Energiewende und geistige Verarmung: Ein Widerspruch?
Hurtado, A.
Vortrag 43. Kraftwerkstechnisches Kolloquium, Dresden, 2011
Entwicklung eines HT-Wärmeübertragers aus Keramik
Börner, F.-D., Lippmann, W., Hurtado, A., Böhning, D., Grahl, S., Unz, S., Hack, N., Beckmann, M.
Kraftwerktechnisches Kolloquium, Dresden, 17.-18.10.2011
Zu den optischen Eigenschaften von Keramiken und ihr Einfluss auf den Laserfügeprozess
Börner, F.-D., Lippmann, W., Hurtado, A.
Sommerkolloquium 2011 des Instituts für Gesteinshüttenkunde, Aachen
Chemical Interactions of yttrium alumosilicate glass with CeO2, UO2 and PUO2 at high temperatures
N. Rohbeck, M. Menna, J. Somers, M. Herrmann, W. Lippmann
Nuclear Engineering and Design, 241 (2011) 2775-2779 (mehr...)
Analysis of the influence of different heat transfer correlations for HTR helical coil tube bundle steam generators with the system code TRACE
Markus Esch, Antonio Hurtado, Dietrich Knoche, Wolfgang Tietsch
Nuclear Engineering and Design, Available online 24 October 2011, ISSN 0029-5493, 10.1016/j.nucengdes.2011.09.056 . Link
Multilayer deposition and resuspension studies of aerosol particles between periodic steps in turbulent channel flow
M. Lustfeld, T. Barth, Manuel Banowski
European Aerosol Conference 2011, Manchester
Influence of probe nozzle diameter on measured aerosol particle size distribution for isokinetic sampling in gas streams
T. Barth, M. Lustfeld
European Aerosol Conference 2011, Manchester
An Advanced Reduced Order Model for BWR Stability Analysis
C. Lange, D. Hennig, A. Hurtado,
Progress in Nuclear Energy, 53, pp. 139–160, 2011.
Local Power Oscillation Phenomenon at BWRs
C. Lange; D. Hennig; A. Hurtado;
Annual Meeting on Nuclear Technology; Germany; Berlin, May 17-19, 2011. Konferenz Paper 3 (JKTG2011)
Untersuchung des Transports von Isoliermaterial durch SWR-Abstandshalter beim Übergang zur Zweiphasenströmung
C. Schuster; H. Ohlmeyer; G. Laczko; M. Ignaczak; A. Hurtado
Jahrestagung Kerntechnik 2011, Berlin, 17.-19. Mai 2011, Tagungsbericht
Experimentelle Untersuchung der Brennstabbelastung in einem ausdampfenden Behälter
S. Schulz; C. Schuster; A. Hurtado
Jahrestagung Kerntechnik 2011, Berlin, 17.-19. Mai 2011, Tagungsbericht
Experimental Investigation into the Effects of Reactor Coolant Additives on boiling phenomena in Pressurized Water Reactors
R. Nakath; C. Schuster; A. Hurtado
14th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics (NURETH-14), Toronto, 2011
Experimentelle Untersuchung des Einflusses reaktorspezifischer Kühlmittelzusätze auf Siedevorgänge in Druckwasserreaktoren
R. Nakath; C. Schuster; A. Hurtado
Jahrestagung Kerntechnik 2011, Berlin, 17.-19. Mai 2011, Tagungsbericht
V. Dykin; C. Demazière; C. Lange; D. Hennig;
International Conference on Mathematics and Computational Methods Applied to Nuclear Science and Engineering (M&C 2011); Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil, May 8-12, 2011, on CD-ROM. Konferenz Paper 2 (MC2011)
C. Lange; D. Hennig; A. Hurtado;
International Conference on Mathematics and Computational Methods Applied to Nuclear Science and Engineering (M&C 2011); Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil, May 8-12, 2011, on CD-ROM. Konferenz Paper 1 (MC2011)
A saddle-node bifurcation of cycles found in the parameter space of a BWR
C. Lange; D. Hennig; A. Hurtado;
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos; (accepted April 2011). Journal Paper 2 (IJBC)
An advanced reduced order model for BWR stability analysis
C. Lange; D. Hennig; A. Hurtado;
Progress in Nuclear Energy; 53, pp. 139-160; 2011. Journal Paper 1 (Progress)
Numerical Discretization Analysis of a HTR Steam Generator Model for the Thermal-hydraulics Code TRACE,
Markus Esch, Dietrich Knoche, Wolfgang Tietsch, Antonio Hurtado,
7th Workshop on European Collaboration for Higher Education and Research in Nuclear Engineering and Radiological Protection
CHERNE 2011, Brüssel, Belgien
Determination of AKR-2 Leakage Beam and Verification at Iron and Water Arrangements
M. Koštál, F. Cvachovec, J. Cvachovec, B. Ošmera, W. Hansen,
Annals of Nuclear Energy, 38(2011)157-165, January 2011 Link
Kerntechnische Ausbildung an deutschen Universitäten, Hochschulen und Fachhochschulen;
Antonio Hurtado; KTG-Vorstand für Kontakte zu Universitäten, Hochschulen und Fachhochschulen, Dresden;
A. Hurtado; Jahrestagung Kerntechnik 2011, Berlin, 17. – 19. Mai 2011
bis 2010
Thermal Scatter Treatment of Iron in Transport of Photons and Neutrons
M. Koštál, F. Cvachovec, B. Ošmera, W. Hansen, V. Jurícek,
Annals of Nuclear Energy, 37(2010)1290-1304, October 2010 Link
Validation of the Monte Carlo Model Developed to Estimate the Neutron Activation of Stainless Steel in a Nuclear Reactor
J. Ródenas, S. Gallardo, E. Ceccolini, W. Hansen,
Joint International Conference on Supercomputing in Nuclear Applications and Monte Carlo 2010 (SNA + MC2010), Tokyo, Japan, 17-20 Oct. 2010
Laser Joining Technology – a Key to make Complex Ceramic Structures
W. Lippmann, M. Herrmann, F.-D. Börner, A. Hurtado
Proceedings of HTR 2010, Prague, October 18-20, 2010, Paper 135
Analysis of Steam Outlet Temperatures of helical Coil Steam Generators for HTRs with the System Code TRACE
Markus Esch, Antonio Hurtado, Dietrich Knoche, Wolfgang Tietsch
Proceedings of the 5th International Topical Meeting on High Temperature Reactor Technology
Prague, Czech Republic, October 18-20, 2010 Download
Laser-joined Al2O3 and ZrO2 ceramics for high-temperature applications
F.-D. Börner, W. Lippmann, A. Hurtado
Journal of Nuclear Materials 405 (2010), pp. 1-8, 30-AUG-2010 Link
Pulsed Laser Deposition- a high potential technology for the production of high quality layers
Reinecke, A.-M., Lippmann, W.; Hurtado, A.
5th International Conference on High Temperature Reactors, Prague, 2010
Remarks to the BWR stability analysis methodology
D. Hennig, C. Lange, A. Hurtado
atw or Progress in nuclear energy, in progress, will be submitted (2010) as review article.
Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analysis for the High Performance Ligt Water
W. Jäger, V. H Sánches Espinoza, L. Monti, A. Hurtado
Reactor with TRACE and SUSA
The 8th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Thermal-Hydraulics, Operation and Safety (NUTHOS-8), Shanghai, China, October 10-14, 2010
Glasses and glass ceramics for laser - joining of Al2O3 and ZrO2
B. Schön, D. Gödeke, F.-D. Börner, W. Lippmann
10th ESG Conference, 2010, Magdeburg
Ermittlung optischer Eigenschaften von Keramiken
bei den Wellenlängen 808 nm bzw. 940 nm eines Diodenlasers
F.-D. Börner, W. Lippmann, A. Hurtado
DKG Jahrestagung und Symposium Hochleistungskeramik , 2010, Hermsdorf
Hermetischer Verschluss von SiC-Bauteilen mittels laserinduziertem Löten
M. Herrmann, W. Lippmann, A.Hurtado,
Jahrestagung Kerntechnik, Berlin, 2010
Fügen von Thermistoren
C. Hille, W. Lippmann, A. Hurtado
Jahrestagung Kerntechnik 2010, 04.-06.05.2010, Berlin, Deutschland
Desde el proyecto de diseño hasta la planta comercial, pasando por la construcción del prototipo: la experiencia alemana con el THTR-300
“From Design Project to Commercial Plant through Prototype Construction: The German THTR-300 Experience”
Markus Esch, Josef Schöning, NUCLEAR ESPAÑA, mayo 2010, España Paper
Investigation on primary side oriented accident management measures in a hypothetical station blackout scenario for a VVER-1000 pressurized water reactor
P. Tusheva, F. Schäfer, N. Reinke, E. Altstadt. U. Rohde, F.-P. Weiß, A. Hurtado
Independent Journal for Nuclear Engineering – Energy Systems Radation Radiological Protection
Kerntechnik, Carl Hanser Verlag, Vol. 75, no. 1-2, März 2010-04-14
Safety Related Investigations of a LFR Core with the Coupled TRACE/ERANOS System
Jaeger W., Sánchez Espinoza V.H. & Hurtado A.
International Conference on Fast Reactors and Related Fuel Cycles (FR09). Kyoto, Japan, December 2009.
Advanced nonlinear stability analysis of boiling water nuclear reactors
C. Lange
Ph.D. Dissertation; TU Dresden; Germany; 2009 Dissertation
Fe2O3-doped forsterite ceramics as a joining partner for ZrO2 in a laser brazing process
Heilmann, F.; Rixecker, G.; Börner, F.-D.; Lippmann, W.; Hurtado, A.
Journal of the European Ceramic Society, Volume 29, Issue 13, October 2009, Pages 2783-2789 Link
Complete Refurbishment of the Training Reactor AKR of the Technical University Dresden
W. Hansen, T. Wolf,
IAEA-TECDOC-1625 on Research Reactor Modernization and Refurbishment, p.
61-76, ISBN 978–92–0–109609–8, ISSN 1011–4289, Vienna, August 2009
Assessment of Heat Transfer Correlations for Supercritical Water in the Frame of Best-Estimate Code Validation
Jaeger W., Sánchez Espinoza V.H., Schneider N. & Hurtado A.
International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants (ICAPP2009). Tokyo, Japan, May 2009.
Decontamination of radioactively contaminated concrete surfaces by means of a manipulator-borne laser system
A. Hurtado, W.Lippmann, M. Herrmann, R. Littwin, S. Gentes, J. Bremmer, P. Kern, N. Gabor,
Kontec, Dresden, 2009
The Release of Radionuclides in the Laser Decontamination Process
M. Herrmann, W. Lippmann, A. Hurtado,
Icone 17th, Brüssel, 2009
Dekontamination silikatischer Oberflächen mittels Laserabtrag bei gleichzeitiger Abproduktkonditionierung
M. Herrmann, A. Zeuner, W. Lippmann, A. Hurtado,
Jahrestagung Kerntechnik, Dresden, 2009
Auslegung von Helium-Dampferzeugern für Hochtemperaturreaktoren zur Erzeugung von Prozessdampf für industrielle Dampfprozesse
Markus Esch , Dietrich Knoche, Antonio Hurtado, Wolfgang Tietsch, Jahrestagung Kerntechnik 2009, Dresden Paper
Laser hybrid brasing of oxide ceramics for high temperature gas sensing applications in (V)HTR`S
Heilmann, F.; Rixecker, G.; Börner, F.-D.; Lippmann, W.; Hurtado, A.
Jahrestagung der Kernenergietechnik, 12. - 14.05.2009, Dresden
Die Relevanz der Borflüchtigkeit bei Langzeittransienten in einem mit Bor vergifteten Siedewasserreaktor
S. Böhlke; H. Ohlmeyer; C. Schuster; A. Hurtado
Jahrestagung Kerntechnik 2009, 12.-14- Mai 2009, Dresden, Deutschland
Kerntechnische Ausbildung am neuen AKR-2 der Technischen Universität Dresden
W. Hansen, T. Wolf, A. Hurtado
Jahrestagung Kerntechnik, 12. - 14. Mai 2009, INFORUM Verlags- und Verwaltungsgesellschaft mbH, Berlin, Mai 2009
A new approach for BWR stability analysis
C.Lange; D.Hennig; A.Hurtado;
Annual meeting on Nuclear Technology, Dresden; Mai 12 - 14; 2009 Paper
Remarks to a novel nonlinear BWR stability analysis approach (RAM-ROM methodology)
C.Lange; D.Hennig; A.Hurtado;
Proceedings of ANFM IV (on CD-ROM, American Nuclear Society, LaGrange Park, IL);
April 12-15; Hilton Head Island, South Carolina; USA; 2009. Paper
Mathematische Modellierung des laserinduzierten Aufheizverhaltens von Oxidkeramiken
C. Hille, F.-D. Börner, W. Lippmann, A. Hurtado
(Symposium Hochleistungskeramik, 25 – 26.03.2009, Aachen) Download
Lasergefügte Oxidkeramiken – Bauteile mit definierter Funktionalität
F.-D. Börner, W. Lippmann, A. Hurtado
(Jahrestagung der DKG, 23. – 24.03.2009, Aachen)
State of the Art of Helium Heat Exchanger Development for Future HTR-Projects
Markus Esch, Bernd Juergens, Antonio Hurtado, Dietrich Knoche, Wolfgang Tietsch
Proceedings of the 4th International Topical Meeting on High Temperature Reactor Technology
HTR2008, September 28-October 1, 2008, Washington, DC, USA Paper
Investigations of Experiments with Supercritical H2O with the System Code TRACE
Jaeger W., Sánchez Espinoza V.H. & Hurtado A.
7th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics, Operation and Safety (NUTHOS-7). Seoul, Korea, October 2008.
Messestand „Laser Joining“
Herrmann, M.
MATERIALICA-2008, München
About the volatility of boron in aqueous solutions of borates with vapour in relevance to BWR-Reactors
Böhlke S.; Schuster, C.; Hurtado, A.
International Conference on the Physics of Reactors “Nuclear Power: A Sustainable Resource”, 14-19.09.2008, Interlaken, Switzerland Abstract
In depth analysis of the nonlinear stability behavior of BWR-Systems
Carsten Lange, Dieter Hennig, Antonio Hurtado, Vicent Garcia i Llorens, Gumersindo Verdù
PHYSOR'08, 14-19.09.2008, Interlaken, Schweiz Poster
Mathematical modelling of laser joining processes
Hille C.; Kaulfuß L.
Junior Euromat-2008, 14.-18.06.2008, Lausanne, Schweiz Download
Messestand „Laser Joining“
Lippmann, W.; Herrmann, M.
China High-Tech Fair International Exibition, Shenzhen, China, 2008
T. Wolf, W. Hansen
TecREP IAEA, 2008
External Events Importance for Safety of the Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant
T. Wolf
Review ICONE 16 conference, Orlando 2008
Experimentelle Untersuchung der Brennstabbelastung in einem ausdampfenden Brennelement-Lagerbecken
Schuster, C.; Ohlmeyer, H.
Jahrestagung Kerntechnik 2008, Tagungsbericht (Log Nr. 308), 27.–29.05.2008, Hamburg, Deutschland
Über die Flüchtigkeit von Boraten bei Siedewasserreaktoren
Böhlke S.; Ohlmeyer H.; Schuster C.; Hurtado A.
Jahrestagung Kerntechnik-2008, 27.–29.05.2008, Hamburg, Deutschland Script
Enableing new sensor applications for (V)HTR‘s by laser hybrid brazing of oxide ceramics
Heilmann, F.; Rixecker, G.; Herrmann, M.; Lippmann, W.; Hurtado, A.
Jahrestagung Kerntechnik-2008, 27.–29.05.2008, Hamburg, Deutschland
Fügen von elektrisch leitfähigen Keramikwerkstoffen mittels Laserstrahlung – Möglichkeiten zur Anwendung im Hochtemperaturbereich
Hille, C.; Lippmann, W.; Herrmann, M.; Hurtado, A.
Jahrestagung Kerntechnik-2008, 27.–29.05.2008, Hamburg, Deutschland Download
Transport of Neutrons and Photons through the Iron and Water Layers
J. Koštál, F. Cvachovec, B. Ošmera, W. Hansen, K. Noack
Proc. of the 13th International Symposium on Reactor Dosimetry (ISRD13), 25-30 May 2008, Petten, The Netherlands
Laser joining of ceramics a contribution to high temperature range application of ceramic components
Lippmann, W.; Herrmann, M.; Hille, C.; Hurtado, A.
16th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering ICONE-16, 11.-15.05.2008, Orlando, USA Download
Non-oxide ceramics – chances for application in nuclear hydrogen production
Hille, C.; Lippmann, W.; Herrmann, M.; Hurtado, A.
16th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering ICONE-16, 11.-15.05.2008, Orlando, USA Download
Cooperation Agreement between the Technical University Dresden and AREVA NP GmbH
A. Hurtado, W. Hansen, R. Druschel, J. Heyer
Proc. of the Nucl. Eng. Sci. and Technol. Conf. (NESTet 2008), 04-08 May 2008, Budapest, Hungary, published by European Nuclear Society, Brussels, Belgium, ISBN 978-92-95064-05-8
SiC encapsulation of (V)HTR components and waste by laser beam joining of ceramics
Knorr, J.; Lippmann, W.; Reinecke, A.-M.; Wolf, R.; Kerber, A.; Wollter, A.
Nuclear Engineering and Design 238, 2008, 3129-3135 (mehr...)
Laser joining of ceramics
Lippmann, W.; Herrmann, M.; Hille, C.; Hurtado, A.; Reinecke, A.-M.; Wolf, R.
CFI-Sonderheft “cfi-ceramic forum international”, DKG 85, 2008, Nr.13
Entwicklung von Glasloten zum Laserfügen keramischer Werkstoffe
Herrmann, M.; Hille, C.; Hurtado, A.; Lippmann, W.; Reinecke, A.-M.; Wolf, R.
Symposium Hochleistungskeramik, Hamburg, 26.-27.2.2008
Methodology of nonlinear BWR stability analysis
C.Lange; D.Hennig; V.G.Llorens; G.Verdù;
1st Workshop on Advanced BWR Stability Analysis Valencia (Spain); October 22-23; 2007
I&C upgrade of AKR-2
T. Wolf
Vortrag Kyoto University; Japan 10/2007
Messestand „Laser Joining”
Hille, C.
MATERIALICA-2007, München
Nuclear Education of Students at Ausbildungskernreaktor AKR-2
T. Wolf
Vortrag Kyung Hee University Suwon, Kyung Hee University; South Korea 10/2007
Laserstrahlfügen von keramischen Komponenten
Hille, C.
Jahrestagung der Deutschen Keramischen Gesellschaft, 2007, Dresden, Deutschland Download
The Training Reactor AKR of the University of Technology Dresden and its Experimental Programme for Education
W. Hansen, J. Knorr
IAEA, Technical Reports Series No. 455, ISSN 0074 1914, STI/DOC/010/455, ISBN 92 0 112206 3 , p.553-566, Vienna 2007
Messestand „Laser Joining Technolgies“
Lippmann, W.; Herrmann, M.
JEC Composites Show, Paris, Frankreich, 2007
Messestand „Laser Joining of Ceramics”
Lippmann, W.
China High-Tech Fair International Exibition, Shenzhen, China, 2007
BWR Stability and Bifurcation analysis on the basis of system codes and reduced order models
C. Lange, D. Hennig, V. Garcia I Llorens and G. Verdu,
Annual Meeting on Nuclear Technology 2007, May 22 - 24, 2007, Karlsruhe Paper
Dekontamination silikatischer Oberflächen mittels Laserabtrag bei gleichzeitiger Abproduktkonditionierung
Wolfgang Lippmann, Jürgen Knorr, Regine Wolf, Marion Herrmann, Albert Zeuner, Anne-Maria Reinecke, Carmen Hille,
KONTEC- 2007, Dresden
Nutzung der Kernenergie – ein substanzieller Beitrag für eine zukunftssichere und nachhaltige Energieversorgung
Lippmann, W.
Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der TU Dresden, 56, 2007, Heft 3-4 Energie
Bestimmung des Borverlustes aus siedenden Boratlösungen bei Störfallbedingungen in Siedewasserreaktoranlagen
Böhlke, S.; Ohlmeyer ., H.; Schuster, Ch., Annual Meeting on Nuclear Technology 2007, May 22 - 24, 2007, Karlsruhe
Comparative Analyses of Thermal Hydraulic Behaviour of VVER-1000/V-320 for a Station Blackout Accident Scenario with ASTEC V1.2.1 and ATHLET 1.2a
Polina Tusheva, Nils Reinke, Annual Meeting on Nuclear Technology 2007, May 22 - 24, 2007, Karlsruhe
C. Lange, D. Hennig, V. Garcia I Llorens and G. Verdu
15th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering, Nagoya, Japan, April 22-26, 2007 Paper
SiC encapsulation of (V)HTR components and waste by laser beam joining of ceramics
J. Knorr, W. Lippmann, A.-M. Reinecke, R. Wolf (Technische Universitaet Dresden, Germany),
A. Kerber, A. Wolter (SiCeram GmbH Jena, Germany),
3rd International Topical Meeting on High Temperature Reactor Technology,
October 1-4, 2006, Johannesburg, South Africa
I&C upgrade of training and research reactor AKR-2
T. Wolf
IAEA-Fachtagung; Prague 02/2007
Neubau des Ausbildungskernreaktors der TU Dresden
W. Hansen, J. Knorr, T. Wolf
AtW 51(2006)324-327, Heft 5 (Mai 2006)
Erlangung der neuen Betriebsgenehmigung AKR-2
J. Knorr, W. Hansen, T. Wolf, AtW 05/2006
Dekontamination silikatischer Oberflächen mittels Laserabtrag bei gleichzeitiger Abproduktkonditionierung - LASABA
W. Lippmann, J. Knorr, A.-M. Reinecke, R. Wolf, M. Herrmann, A. Zeuner
Jahrestagung Kerntechnik 2006, 16. – 18. Mai 2006, Aachen
Avoiding start-up instabilities in a two-phase natural circulation loop by an additional steam source
Schuster, C.; Knorr, J.
NURETH-11, October 2-6, 2005, Avignon, France, Proceedings Log No. 236
Neubau des Ausbildungskernreaktors der TU Dresden
W. Hansen, J. Knorr, T. Wolf
Tagungsband Jahrestagung Kerntechnik, 10. - 12. Mai 2005, p. 497-500
Measurements and Monte Carlo Calculations of Gamma and Neutron Flux Spectra inside and behind Iron/Steel/Water Configurations
B. Boehmer, J. Konheiser, K. Noack, A. Rogov, I. Stephan, W. Hansen, D. Hinke, S. Unholzer, M. Grantz, H.-C. Mehner
12th Intern. Symp. on Reactor Dosimetry (ISRD12), May 8 - 13, 2005, Gatlinburg, USA
Decontamination of siliceous surfaces by laser ablation with simultaneous waste product conditioning
Jürgen Knorr, Wolfgang Lippmann, Anne-Maria Reinecke, Regine Wolf, Roland Rasper
7. Internationales Symposium „Konditionierung radioaktiver Betriebs- und Stilllegungsabfälle“ KONTEC 2005,
20. – 22.04.05, Berlin, Deutschland
The influence of lubricants on uniaxial dry pressing of silanised silicon nitride powder
Vieth, S., Uhlmann, M.; Klemm, U.; Börner, F.-D.:
J. Eur. Ceram. Soc. 25 (2005), 3509-3515 Link
Oxidische Synthese-lote für die Konditionierung radioaktiver Materialien
Wolf, R., Rasper, R., Knorr, J., Lippmann, W., Reinicke, A.-M.:
Tagung „Aufbereitung und Recycling 2004“ am 10.-11.11.2004 in der UVR-FIA GmbH Freiberg
Verification of Monte Carlo Calculations by means of Neutron and Gamma Fluence Spectra Measurements in Iron Water Configurations
B. Boehmer, M. Grantz, W. Hansen, D. Hinke, J. Konheiser, H. C. Mehner, K. Noack, A. Rogov, I. Stephan, S. Unholzer
Proc. of the Intern. Conf. on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology, Sept. 26 Oct. 1, 2004, Santa Fe, USA
Laser soldering of SSiC with a high temperature resistant ceramic braze
H. Exner, J. Knorr, W. Lippmann, M. Nieher
Congress LOET 2004, June 15 – 17, 2004
CERALINK@ - An innovative Laser Technology to join SiC-Ceramics
Wolfgang Lippmann, Juergen Knorr, Regine Wolf, Anne-Maria Reinecke, Roland Rasper
Jahrestagung Kerntechnik 2004, Düsseldorf, 25.05. – 27.05.2004, Germany
Laser Joining of Silicon Carbide Ceramik – a Joining for High Temperature Applications
A.-M. Reinecke, W. Lippmann, J. Knorr, R. Wolf, R. Rasper
Keramische Zeitschrift, 03-2004, Verlag fuer Schweissen und verwandte Verfahren, Duesseldorf
Laser joining of silicon carbide – a new technology for ultra-high temperature resistant joint
W. Lippmann, J. Knorr, R. Wolf, R. Rasper, H. Exner, A.-M. Reinecke, M. Nieher, R. Schreiber
Nuclear Engineering and Design, 231 (2004) p. 151-161 (mehr...)
Laser Beam Joining of SiC and Si3N4
Präsentation der Technischen Universität Dresden auf der MATERIALICA - 2004
München, July 2004, Germany
Laser Beam Joining of Non Oxidic Ceramics for Ultra High Temperature Resistant Joints
Wolfgang Lippmann, Juergen Knorr, Regine Wolf, Anne-Maria Reinecke, Roland Rasper
45. Annual Meeting INMM, July 18-22, 2004, Orlando, USA
Laser Beam Joining of Non Oxidic Ceramics for Ultra High Temperature Resistant Joints
Wolfgang Lippmann, Juergen Knorr, Regine Wolf, Anne-Maria Reinecke, Roland Rasper
14th International Symposium on the Packaging and Transportation of Radioactive Materials
PATRAM, September 20 – 24, 2004, Berlin, Germany