Completed research projects
Structuring possibilities of Al materials as a prerequisite for the generation of ultra-/superhydrophobicity
IKOSEZ - Innovative corrosion-resistant kiln wall constructions of high-temperature plants
The sub-project of the TU Dresden "Kiln wall corrosion" in the IKOSEZ network is directly related to corrosion damage that occurs on the inner wall of the steel kiln shell in cement production plants. This damage - like other damage phenomena to ceramic and metallic materials in the kiln plants - is due to the increased use of secondary fuels and the resulting extraordinarily high concentrations of volatile and aggressive salts. Therefore, one aim of this sub-project is to characterise the corrosion processes taking place on the steel shell in more detail with regard to their conditions, progressions and mechanisms, both retrospectively and in situ. Tracking the processes during furnace operation and downtimes is a novel and meaningful approach, albeit one that involves risks. On the other hand, the work aims to develop effective corrosion protection measures.