Studying at the Institute of Lightweight Engineering and Polymer Technology
In 1997, the specialisation course Lightweight Engineering was established as part of Mechanical Engineering at the Institute of Lightweight Engineering and Polymer Technology. Graduates of this specialisation course stand out for their broad-based fundamental skills and application-oriented specialist knowledge, particularly in the fields of modern materials, material and structural mechanics, simulation, construction, production technology and economic-ecological product evaluation.

Application-oriented studies at ILK
For almost 20 years, ILK has provided training to students in the unique specialisation Lightweight Engineering. The Dresden model of “function-integrative system lightweight engineering in multi-material design” forms the basis. The current ILK research results are directly incorporated into teaching. Through additional lecture series held by relevant acknowledged representatives of the industry, students gain practical insight at an early stage. The intense involvement of students in seminal ILK projects results in creative graduates with great competence and interdisciplinarity as well as high practical relevance. Dresden Lightweight Engineering alumni prove themselves worthy in industry and science.