Academic Club Lightweight Engineering at the TU Dresden
Academic Club Lightweight Engineering (Akademischer Club Leichtbau an der TU Dresden e. V., ACL) is an association of alumni, scientists and sponsors of the ILK at the TU Dresden. Highly complex lightweight system developments also require a sustainable network of science and industry. Against this background, the ACL since its foundation in the year 2003 sees itself as a discussion platform for the exchange of experience and knowledge transfer from young graduates through proven experts. The aims of the association are the non-material and material support of teaching and research in the
field of lightweight engineering and related areas, as well as the support of a cooperation network of alumni of the course in lightweighting at the TU Dresden. This is achieved
both by publishing research results at lectures and discussion conferences for the scientific exchange of ideas between university and practice, and by establishing and maintaining personal contacts between students, graduates, employees and sponsors
of the ILK.
Annually during the International Dresden Lightweight Engineering Symposium, the ACL Young Talent Award is presented. For this prize, Students and graduates of TU Dresden can apply with outstanding papers or diploma theses in the field of lightweight engineering. In 2023, for the first time, the award winners were not selected by a jury, but by public vote of the symposium participants. The accompanying poster show gave the applicants the opportunity to present their work and consolidate their communication skills. This year's winners were Dipl.-Ing. Lisa Dahrmann, Dipl.-Ing. Max Wackernagel, Dipl.-Ing. Anna Danicek and Dipl.-Ing. Julian Wüsteney.
Apart from that, the core of the activities is the regular ACL Round Table. It is the discussion platform for the exchange of knowledge and technology between industry and research. In addition to talks by regional players in the field of lightweighting or ILK staff, it also serves as a stage for the presentation of the finalists of the ACL Young Talent Award. The ACL also contributes by supporting various network events held annually at the ILK, such as the alumni meeting or the student meeting evening. Students and staff meet here in the relaxed atmosphere of the ILK‘s test hall. In this way, the "junior lightweight
engineers" can exchange experiences beyond the boundaries of their year and get to know the ILK staff and professors personally outside the official framework. In addition, the ACL provides financial support for excursions to lightweight manufacturing partners in industry and research.
Do you have any questions or suggestions? We look forward to hearing from you.