Innovation and creativity
Innovation and creativity will be the core principles of research priorities at the institute. This is our approach for making an important contribution to topics related to aerospace.

Next generation research
The research focus at the Chair of Space Systems lies in particular on new propulsion systems (e.g. miniaturised ion thrusters, height-adaptive nozzles), energy and miniaturised gas sensor systems. The chair also extensively co-operates with the industry to develop terrestrial applications of our aerospace technologies (spin-offs).
The research foci at the Chair of Aircraft Engineering comprise several fields incl. the simulation and optimisation of aerostructures, the numerical and experimental study of damage tolerance behaviour of aviation structures and the aircraft design.
The Chair of Flight Mechanics and Flight Control engages in application-oriented research and development tasks. These are e.g. cooling airflow in power plant generators, ground effects in critical flight phases in aerospace or flow control at high lift configurations.