Industrial Design Engineering at TU Dresden
The design approach of the Industrial Design Engineering Chair focuses on professional users. We call that user-centred. When developing technically sophisticated products, we combine design and engineering in order to obtain innovative overall solutions. In doing so, we work in both a creative and systematic way. Taking into consideration customer, market and corporate requirements, we are able to develop technically, ergonomically and aesthetically convincing product and innovation studies for tomorrow’s working environment.
In fundamental research, we strive for a better understanding of the design and development process. Relevant issues relate to the connection of product and service design as well as to the effect of universal and experience design on capital goods. In addition, we apply design methods as catalyst in diverse interdisciplinary research and innovation projects. With the help of our demonstrators, interdisciplinary research is accelerated and research results are clearly communicated and successfully transferred to industry.
In the study of design program, students from mechanical engineering and engineering design are qualified as professional industrial designers. In addition to these design students, students from the minors for mechanical engineers, process and natural materials engineers, pedagogy students, industrial engineering students and psychology students take selected courses from the study of design program. The study offer comprises design fundementals such as graphics and color as well as applied product designs. A strong project orientation and interdisciplinary co-operations with local and international partners characterise the study offer.
The interconnection of research, studies and industry co-operations is very strong. Following the university studies, students with very good grades are given the opportunity to do their doctoral thesis on design topics in our own work group.