Who are the partners of TUD?
International collaborations form the central element of our internationalization. They exist and emerge at all levels of the university. With our international partnerships, we pursue multiple strategic goals and strive to become – and remain – a modern, global university.
Our information platform gives you an overview of existing cooperation agreements and further information regarding activities, including exchange numbers:
Learn more about TUD’s partnerships in the following sections:
Table of contents
Strategic Partnerships
TU Dresden maintains particularly intensive connections with selected university partners. These partners contribute to TU Dresden's profile and increase the quality of research and teaching. Each of these partnerships sets certain focal points, such as having a regional impact on society or promoting technology transfer internationally.
University Partnerships - transCampus
TU Dresden has established with King's College London the transCampus, a unique partnership that has become model. Originally based in medicine where both universities have excellent, complementary infrastructure and knowledge, the partnership now includes numerous other areas of cooperation such as psychology, neurology, materials sciences and mathematics, that thrive for excellent research.
TU Dresden is endeavoring to establish new transCampus partnerships with other international partners, such as IIT Madras in Chennai, India.
TU Delft is a renowned partner in disciplines of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Geosciences, with numerous active links to TU Dresden. Accordingly, the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering is in charge of shaping the partnership. At university level, the activities are pooled and further developed in terms of strategically overarching goals.
Regional cross-border Partnerships (CZ-PL-SN)
With the regional cross-border partnerships between Saxony, Lower Silesia as well as the regions around Usti nad Labem, Liberec, and Prague, TU Dresden pursues the goal of increasing its impact on economy and society and strengthening the region's science and business location across borders. In addition to universities, stakeholders from the economy and society are also actively engaged in the partnerships, resulting in a transregional exchange of knowledge between research, teaching, and practice.
Partnerships in Taiwan, India and sub-saharan Africa
The global challenges of this century are one of the high priorities in the central internationalization strategy of TU Dresden. To this end, TUD focuses on international partnerships in selected priority regions in Asia and Africa that contribute to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
The increasing engagement in networks and alliances add to these goals.
Coordinated Partnerships
TU Dresden maintains cooperation in all regions of the world, some of which are characterized by a particular breadth and depth. The main activities with countries such as Japan or Vietnam, South Africa or the USA take place primarily in the faculties and institutes, yet they are highly significant, for TU Dresden as a whole and therefore coordinated by the International Office.
Networks and Alliances
TU Dresden is actively engaged in specific networks and alliances in order to strengthen its professional and higher education policy position. For example, CESAER, the European association of leading Advanced Engineering universities, and the TU9 Alliance of leading technical universities in Germany.
The European University Alliance EUTOPIA, which TU Dresden joined in 2021, has a special status in this category. The members of this alliance of European universities are jointly developing new ways of academic cooperation as future elements of the European Higher Education Area, such as connected learning communities.
Students, teachers, researchers and staff can find out more about the opportunities for participation at TU Dresden's EUTOPIA website and get advice from our contact person Harald Schraeder.
Partnerships at the level of schools
Many international partnerships are managed at the five Schools of TU Dresden. Below you will find the contact persons for internationalization.

International Advisor
NameDr. Maria Magdalena Scheerbaum
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).
Visiting address:
Walther-Hempel-Bau, Room 222 Mommsenstraße 4
01069 Dresden
Postal address:
TUD Dresden University of Technology School of Science
01062 Dresden

Referentin Internationales
NameMs Friederike Fischer M.A.
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).

International Affairs Advisor
NameMaike Heitkamp-Mai, Dipl.-Frank.-Wiss., MBA
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).

Managing Director
NameMr Dr. rer. nat. André Lindner
& Advisor Internationalisation
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).
School of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Visitors' Address:
Hülsse-Bau, south wing, room 595 Helmholtzstr. 10
01069 Dresden
Contractual partnerships
The basis for international partnerships are cooperation agreements at the central, school or faculty level, which, for example, make it possible to participate in funding programs or to agree on the waiving of tuition fees for TUD students who go to a partner university for exchange studies. With regard to cooperation agreements, the TU Dresden takes a practical approach and considers it a "bottom-up" process rather than a "top-down" one. Thus, active partnerships usually emerge from concrete cooperation ideas on the initiative of researchers and teachers. Currently, TU Dresden has international contacts to more than 600 universities abroad.
An overview of TU Dresden's partnerships can soon be found on the TU Dresden Dashboard and on the following additional websites:
Subject-specific cooperations:
- Double and Joint degree programs
- Departmental and faculty cooperations
- Exchange agreements within the framework of the Erasmus+ program
Interdisciplinary cooperations:
International Partners in Industry and Business
The European Project Center (EPC) and Directorate 5 – Research will advise you on European programs for research funding, educational and third-country partnerships, and funding from Structural Funds.