AG Kunst am Bau at universities

Kunst am Bau an der TU Dresden: Kurt Wünsche und Harry Schulze: Zur Elektrotechnik, 1964; Silikatkeramikplatten; ca. 100 × 800 cm; Eingang Schönfeld-Hörsaal, Ecke Nöthnitzer Straße/Georg-Schumann-Straße; Kunstbesitz der Kustodie der TU Dresden
Universities have a particularly heterogeneous collection of artworks that are closely linked to their buildings and outdoor spaces - so-called art in architecture.
Maintenance, refurbishment and restoration are ongoing tasks for which not only financial resources but also fixed structures and responsibilities are often lacking. From planning to use, a large number of people are involved.
In the fall of 2021, a working group of representatives from the universities of Hamburg, Tübingen and Dresden, including Gwendolin Kremer from the Office for Academic Heritage , Scientific and Art Collections at the TUD, was formed to establish a network in close cooperation with the Gesellschaft für Universitätssammlungen e.V. in order to pool areas of expertise and stakeholders, exchange experiences and initiate projects for dealing with art in buildings.
The working group meets quarterly to discuss urgent topics such as responsibilities, integration into teaching and borderline cases, professionalization and visibility.
The aim of the working group is to develop and communicate viable strategies in order to shape the inventory, preservation and changes required by conversion in binding processes with overall responsibility and to create awareness of the art in architecture that shapes the campus through public relations work.
The first interdisciplinary digital workshop discussion took place on November 4 and 5, 2021. Under the workshop title "This is art - and can't go away!" Perspectives on art in architecture at universities, Universität Hamburg, in cooperation with the University of Tübingen and TU Dresden, brought together various representatives from universities and administrative authorities (see program flyer). In a total of five panels and with twelve contributions on the situation of building-related art at universities and colleges in West and East Germany as well as a concluding panel discussion, a status quo was developed. The result of the extremely productive and constructive conference with 56 participants from the fields of art history, architecture, construction management and restoration was the unanimous desire to consolidate cooperation on this topic throughout Germany and across universities.
TU Dresden has around 300 building-related works of art and sculpture on campus, from the early 19th century to the immediate present.
Contact persons of the working group "Art in architecture at universities":

Scientific Associate & Curator
NameGwendolin Kremer
Art Collections & Special Exhibitions
Send encrypted email via the SecureMail portal (for TUD external users only).
Office for Academic Heritage, Scientific and Art Collections
Office for Academic Heritage, Scientific and Art Collections
Visiting address:
Bürogebäude Zellescher Weg (BZW), Eingang A, Eingang A, Etage 0, Raum 22 Zellescher Weg 17
01069 Dresden
Postal address:
TUD Dresden University of Technology Office for Academic Heritage, Scientific and Art Collections
01062 Dresden
Prof. Dr. Ernst Seidl, Member of the Board of the Gesellschaft für Universitätssammlungen e.V.; University of Tübingen | Museum of the University of Tübingen MUT
Dr. Michael La Corte, University of Tübingen | Museum of the University of Tübingen MUT
Dr. Christina Kuhli, University of Hamburg | Department of Art History