Mechanical-Technological Collection

Instruction Chart for Blacksmithing Roses, ca. 1880
The models and machines of the Mechanical-Technological Collection, which has been active under that name since 1850, served primarily as drafts for drawing practice. Julius Ambrosius Hülsse (1812-1876), appointed in 1850, initiated the collection’s expansion. The inventory was significantly extended by Ernst Hartig (1836-1900), Professor of Mechanical Technology, beginning in 1865. Its inventory was further extended between 1920 and 1939 by the holder of the Chair of Management Science, Ewald Sachsenberg (1877-1949). The collection, which was decimated by war losses, comprises 500 historical objects, including semi-finished products, machine models and work equipment.
K. Mauersberger, Die Mechanisch-Technologische Sammlung, in: Sammlungen und Kunstbesitz der Technischen Universität Dresden, Dresden 1996, p. 39-48.
Faculty of Mechanical Science and Engineering
Institute of Manufacturing Science and Engineering
Zeuner-Bau, George-Bähr-Str. 3c
Prof. Alexander Brosius, Phone +49 351 463-33371
Mirko Schinnerling, Phone +49 351 463-34760