May 10, 2023
Young Physicians Symposium on Surgery
Over the last quarter of a century, women have been the main students of medicine, and they now also make up the majority of practicing physicians. However, the gender distribution in the individual disciplines is very heterogeneous, partly because prevailing stereotypes signal that certain subjects are more suitable for women, others for men. Surgical subjects in particular are associated with such a stereotype and are still regarded as a male domain. Wrongly so, as insights into everyday professional life show. Questions such as "Become a surgeon? Is that something for me?" or "What prospects do I have in the cutting disciplines?" are frequently asked by prospective physicians, partly because they are unsettled by reproduced stereotypes. Answers to these and other questions will be provided to students and young physicians at the Young Surgeons Symposium on June 21, 2023, from 6 to 9 pm. In keynote speeches, surgeons of different career stages from various surgical disciplines of the University Hospital Dresden and the University Hospital Cologne will present their clinical and scientific career paths. Afterwards, there will be room for individual discussions on all questions concerning the different career options in academic surgery with various subject- or topic-related discussion offers. The event is supported by the Equal Opportunity Team and the Recruiting Team. Individual childcare will be provided during the event. Detailed information about the event can be found here (in German).