May 23, 2024
Smart Hour for Fathers
How does it work with a family?
Are you already a father or about to become one? Are you thinking about planning a family? With children, many things suddenly change completely ... not least the working and recreational conditions. We at Equal Opportunities want to shed light on the topic of 'fatherhood' from the employer's perspective and look at what is already possible and where there is still room for improvement. We want to talk about all of this in a "smart hour" on 06.06.2024 from 2 to 4 pm, House 40 (seminar room 108a), to which all men (from all areas) of the University Hospital and the School of Medicine are invited with questions and suggestions on the topic of "fatherhood". Children are welcome, too, of course. Come along! Even if you just want to hear what's going on today ...
14:00 Welcome by the HSMD equal opportunities team
14:10 Video message by Prof. Jens Dingemann, MHH paternity officer
14:30 Legal aspects from the employer's perspective (Ms. Gnewuch, Dir. HR)
15:00 "... and this is how it worked for me" - best practice examples
15:20 get together, exchange experiences and ideas
15:50 Outlook and farewell