Nov 28, 2023
Kick-off event for the networking of all MI-I junior research groups in Dresden
On November 23 and 24, 2023, the first kick-off meeting for the networking of all 21 junior research groups of the Medical Informatics Initiative (MII) took place in Dresden.
The focus of getting to know each other was primarily on professional exchange and working as a junior research group in the Medical Informatics Initiative. Since September 1, 2023, the CDS2USE junior research group has been leading the "Networking of MII junior research groups" project, thus coordinating the exchange. Anne Seim (networking coordinator of the MII junior research groups) and Dr. Brita Sedlmayr (head of the CDS2USE group) invited to a joint exchange at the Dorint Hotel Dresden. Initiated by the networking project, the aim of the event was to strengthen the exchange between the various junior research groups at a professional level and to promote the integration of the junior research groups into the MII working structures.
The event was kindly opened with greetings from the DLR project management agency, represented by Dr. Rainer Girgenrath. This was followed by an exciting keynote speech by Prof. Martin Sedlmayr (Chair of Medical Informatics at TU Dresden) on the topic "The last 7 years of the Medical Informatics Initiative". In addition, the networking coordination team presented the networking project and its planned content. In addition, the results of a survey conducted in September among the junior research groups on the topic of needs and requirements for networking were reported. The attendees then had the opportunity to get to know each other through pitches. Each junior research group presented their team and their research focus, highlighting opportunities for thematic collaboration.
The rest of the day was characterized by keynote speeches by representatives of the MII working groups Data Sharing (Jens Weidner, TU Dresden), External Data (Jens Weidner, TU Dresden), Interoperability (Elisa Henke, TU Dresden) and Communication (Anne Seim, TU Dresden). In addition, Dr. Christina Schüttler, representing the GMDS Presidium Commission for the Promotion of Young Researchers, presented the goals, tasks and opportunities for the junior research groups.
The two days were rounded off with breakout sessions. They were primarily used to discuss stronger networking between the junior research groups and their integration into the MI-I working structures, as well as the associated challenges and opportunities for their own junior research group. Furthermore, the opportunity was used to express the wishes and needs of the junior research groups with regard to networking.
The program was framed by a cozy get-together and a continuation of the discussions in the Pulverturm restaurant near the historic Frauenkirche in Dresden after day 1. We would like to thank the BMBF and DLR once again for this opportunity.
The lively discussions, ideas and constructive suggestions showed that a meeting of all 21 MII junior research groups was a long overdue step to promote the exchange and cooperation between the junior research groups and their stronger integration into the MII. We look forward to further strengthening the collaboration between the junior research groups and working together to shape the topics of the Medical Informatics Initiative.