Oct 29, 2018
New EU project approved for the IMB
The project “ERANET-PLL - Implementation of (epi)genetic and metabolic networks in the targeting of T-cell prolymphocytic leukemia” has been selected for funding within the ERA-Net TRANSCAN-2 initiative for “Translational research on rare cancers” (https://www.transcanfp7.eu/index.php/pages/funded-projects.html). TRANSCAN-2 is a specific program on Translational Cancer Research under the EU Framework program Horizon2020.
ERANET-PLL is coordinated by Dr. Marco Herling from the University of Cologne. Prof. Roeder and Dr. Seifert from the IMB are responsible for the integrative multi-omics data analysis and computational drug response prediction of T-cell prolymphocytic leukemia. Together with four other groups from three European countries (Germany, Austria, France), we will join our interdisciplinary forces to develop a prediction tool for drug responses to provide a basis for clinical decision making.