Occupational, Social and Environmental Epidemiology - Selected research projects
Study on the "Individual life, health and care situation of senior citizens in Dresden from the age of 60 (LAB60+)"
Influence of noise on mental illness in humans - Federal Environment Agency project AZ 60 434/128, FKZ: 3717 56 102 0. Short title: "Noise and psyche"
NAKO health study (including studies on the stress experience of working from home during the COVID-19 pandemic, presenteeism and stress experience in various occupations)
Systematic review on the effect of exposure to artificial light at night on colorectal and hormone-related cancers (except breast cancer) and on sleep disorders
Systematic review on the operationalization of intermittent natural UV radiation for use in occupational epidemiological studies on basal cell carcinoma (funded by the German Social Accident Insurance)
Follow-up FB181: Further analyses on the occupational development of PEK and BZK with more precise exposure data (funded by the German Social Accident Insurance)
"Prescription paper" systematic reviews of occupational epidemiology (sub-working groups "Meta-Analysis" and "GRADE")
Occupational factors influencing cardiovascular diseases - evaluation of the Gutenberg Health Study (GHS) over time in longitudinal section
Occupational risks of a COVID-19 disease
Health effects of road traffic noise in Hesse - Commissioned by the Hessian State Office for Nature Conservation, Environment and Geology Directorate I4 - Noise, Vibration, Waste, Air Pollution Control