Held,S., Erck,C., Kemppainen,S., Bleibaum,F., Giridhar,N.J., Feederle,R., Krenner,C., Juopperi,S.P., Calliari,A., Mentrup,T., Schröder,B., Dickson,D.W., Rauramaa,T., Petrucelli,L., Prudencio,M., Hiltunen,M., Lüningschrör,P., Capell,A., Damme,M. (2024) Physiological shedding and C-terminal proteolytic processing of TMEM106B. Cell Rep 44, 115107.
Contreras,W., Groenendyk,J., Gentzel,M., Schönberg,P., Buchholz,F., Michalak,M., Schröder,B., Mentrup,T. (2024) Selective regulation of aspartyl intramembrane protease activity by calnexin. Cell Mol Life Sci 81, 441.
Leinung,N., Mentrup,T., Hodzic,S., Schröder,B. (2024) Molecular and functional in vivo characterisation of murine Dectin-1 isoforms. Eur J Immunol 54, e2451092.
Maccioni,R., Travisan,C., Badman,J., Zerial,S., Wagener,A., Andrade-Talavera,Y., Picciau,F., Grassi,C., Chen,G., Lemoine,L., Fisahn,A., Jiang,R., Fluhrer,R., Mentrup,T., Schröder,B., Nilsson,P., and Tambaro,S. (2024) Signal Peptide Peptidase-Like 2b Modulates the Amyloidogenic Pathway and exhibits an Aβ-dependent expression in Alzheimer's Disease. Prog Neurobiol 235, 102585.
Mentrup,T., Leinung,N., Patel,M., Fluhrer,R., and Schröder,B. (2024)
The role of SPP/SPPL intramembrane proteases in membrane protein homeostasis.
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Zhang,P., Chaldebas,M., Ogishi,M., Al Qureshah,F., Ponsin,K., Feng,Y., Rinchai,D., Milisavljevic,B., Han,J.E., Moncada-Vélez,M., Keles,S., Schröder,B., Stenson,P.D., Cooper,D.N., Cobat,A., Boisson,B., Zhang,Q., Boisson-Dupuis,S., Abel,L., and Casanova.J.L. (2023)
Genome-wide detection of human intronic AG-gain variants located between splicing branchpoints and canonical splice acceptor sites. Proc Natl Acad Sci 120, e2314225120.
Hoeppner, S., Schröder, B., and Fluhrer,R. (2023)
Structure and function of SPP/SPPL proteases: insights from biochemical evidence and predictive modeling. FEBS J 290, 5456-5474.
Leinung,N., Mentrup,T., Patel,M., Gallagher,T., and Schröder,B. (2023)
Dynamic association of the intramembrane proteases SPPL2a/b and their substrates with tetraspanin-enriched microdomains. iScience 26, 107819.
Ballin,M., Griep,W., Patel,M., Karl,M., Mentrup,T., Rivera-Monroy,J., Foo,B., Schwappach,B., and Schröder,B. (2023)
The intramembrane proteases SPPL2a and SPPL2b regulate the homeostasis of selected SNARE proteins. FEBS J 290, 2320-2337
Contreras,W., Wiesehöfer,C., Schreier,D., Leinung,N., Peche,P., Wennemuth,G., Gentzel,M., Schröder,B., and Mentrup,T. (2022)
C11orf94/Frey is a key regulator for male fertility by controlling Izumo1 complex assembly.
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Mentrup,T., Stumpff-Niggemann,A.Y., Leinung,N., Schlosser,C., Schubert,K., Wehner,R., Tunger,A., Schatz,V., Neubert,P., Gradtke,A.C., Wolf,J., Rose-John,S., Saftig,P., Dalpke,A., Jantsch,J., Schmitz,M., Fluhrer,R., Jacobsen,I.D. and Schröder,B. (2022)
Phagosomal signalling of the C-type lectin receptor Dectin-1 is terminated by intramembrane proteolysis. Nat Comm 13: 1880.
Mentrup,T. and Schröder,B. (2022)
Signal peptide peptidase-like 2 proteases: Regulatory switches or proteasome of the membrane?
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Mentrup,T., Cabrera-Cabrera,F. and Schröder,B. (2021)
Proteolytic regulation of the Lectin-like oxidised lipoprotein receptor LOX-1
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Gradtke,A.C., Mentrup,T., Lehmann,C.H.K., Cabrera-Cabrera,F., Desel,C. Okakpu,D., Assmann, M., Dalpke,A., Schaible, U., Dudziak,D., and Schröder, B. (2021)
Deficiency of the intramembrane protease SPPL2a alters anti-mycobacterial cytokine responses of dendritic cells. J Immunol 206, 164-180. -
Mentrup,T., Cabrera-Cabrera,F., Fluhrer,R., and Schröder,B. (2020)
Physiological functions of SPP/SPPL intramembrane proteases.
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Niemeyer,J., Mentrup,T., Heidasch,R., Müller,S.A., Biswas,U., Meyer,R., Papadopoulou,A., Dederer,V., Haug-Kröper,M., Adamski,V., Lüllmann-Rauch,R., Bergmann,M., Mayerhofer,A., Saftig,P., Wennemuth,G., Jessberger,R., Fluhrer,R., Lichtenthaler, S.F., Lemberg,M., and Schröder,B. (2019)
The intramembrane protease SPPL2c promotes male germ cell development by cleaving phospholamban. EMBO Rep 20, e46449. -
Papadopoulou,A., Müller,S.A., Mentrup,T., Shmueli,M.D., Niemeyer,J., Haug-Kröper,M., von Blume,J., Mayerhofer,A., Feederle,R., Schröder,B., Lichtenthaler,S.F. and Fluhrer,R. (2019)
Signal Peptide-Peptidase-Like 2c (SPPL2c impairs vesicular transport by cleavage of SNARE proteins. EMBO Rep 20, e46451. - Mentrup,T., Theodorou,K., Cabrera-Cabrera,F., Helbig,A.O., Happ,K., Gijbels, M., Gradtke, A.C., Rabe,B., Fukumori, A., Steiner, H., Tholey,A., Fluhrer,R., Donners,M. and Schröder,B. (2019)
Atherogenic LOX-1 signaling is controlled by SPPL2-mediated intramembrane proteolysis. J Exp Med 216, 807-830. - Kong,X.F., Martinez-Barricarte,R., Kennedy, J., Mele,F., Lazarov,T., Deenick,E.K., Ma,C.S., Breton,G., Lucero, K.B., Langlais,D., Bousfiha,A., Aytekin,C., Markle,J., Trouillet,C., Jabot-Hanin,F., Arlehamn,C.S.L., Rao,G., Picard,C., Lasseau,T., Latorre,D., Hambleton,S., Deswarte,C., Itan,Y., Abarca,K., Moraes-Vasconcelos,D., Ailal,F., Ikinciogullari,A., Dogu,F., Benhsaien,I., Sette,A., Abel,L., Boisson-Dupuis,S., Schröder,B., Nussenzweig,M.C., Liu,K., Geissmann,F., Tangye,S.G., Gros,P., Sallusto,F., Bustamante,J., Casanova, J.L. (2018)
Disruption of an antimycobacterial circuit between dendritic and helper T cells in human SPPL2a deficiency. Nat Immunol., 19, 973-985. - Mentrup,T., Loock,A.C., Fluhrer,R. and Schröder,B. (2017)
Signal peptide peptidase and SPP-like proteases - possible therapeutic targets? Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 1864, 2169-2182. - Schneppenheim,J., Loock,A.C., Hüttl,S., Schweizer,M., Lüllmann-Rauch,R., Oberg,H.H., Arnold,P., Lehmann,C., Dudziak,D., Kabelitz,D., Lucius,R., Lennon-Duménil,A.M., Saftig,P., and Schröder,B. (2017)
The influence of MHC class II on B cell defects induced by Invariant chain/CD74 N-terminal fragments. J. Immunol., 199, 172-185. - Mentrup,T., Fluhrer, R. and Schröder,B. (2017)
Latest emerging functions of SPP/SPPL intramembrane proteases. Eur J Cell Biol, 96, 372-382. - Schröder,B. and Saftig,P. (2016)
Intramembrane proteolysis within lysosomes. Ageing Res Rev, 32, 51-64. - Schröder,B. (2016)
The multifaceted roles of the invariant chain CD74 - More than just a chaperone. Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 1863, 1269-1281 - Hüttl,S., Helfrich,F., Mentrup,T., Held,S., Fukumori,A., Steiner,H., Saftig,P., Fluhrer,R., and Schröder,B. (2016)
Substrate determinants of Signal peptide peptidase-like 2a (SPPL2a)-mediated Intramembrane Proteolysis of the Invariant chain CD74. Biochem. J., 473, 1405-1422. - Hüttl,S., Kläsener,K., Schweizer,M., Schneppenheim,J., Oberg,H.H., Kabelitz,D., Reth,M., Saftig,P., and Schröder,B. (2015)
Processing of CD74 by the intramembrane protease SPPL2a is critical for B cell receptor signaling in transitional B cells J. Immunol., 195, 1548-1563. - Mentrup,T., Häsler,R., Fluhrer,R., Saftig,P., and Schröder,B. (2015)
A cell-based assay reveals nuclear translocation of intracellular domains released by SPPL proteases. Traffic, 16, 871-892. - Kuhn,P.H., Voss,M., Haug-Kröper,M., Schröder,B., Schepers,U., Bräse,S., Haass,C., Lichtenthaler,S.F., and Fluhrer,R. (2015)
Secretome analysis identifies novel signal peptide peptidase-like 3 (SPPL3) substrates and reveals a role of SPPL3 in multiple Golgi glycosylation pathways. Mol Cell Prot, 14, 1584-1598. - Voss,M., Künzel,U., Higel,F., Kuhn,P.H., Colombo,A., Fukumori,A., Haug-Kröper,M., Klier,B., Grammer,G., Seidl,A., Schröder,B., Obst,R., Steiner,H., Lichtenthaler,S.F., Haass,C., and Fluhrer,R. (2014)
Shedding of glycan-modifying enzymes by signal peptide peptidase-like 3 (SPPL3) regulates cellular N-glycosylation. EMBO J, 33, 2809-2905. - Schneppenheim,J., Hüttl,S. Kruchen,A., Fluhrer,R. Müller,I., Saftig,P., Schneppenheim,R., Martin,C.L. and Schröder,B. (2014)
Signal-peptide-peptidase-like 2a is required for CD74 intramembrane proteolysis in human B cells. Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 451, 48-53. - Schneppenheim,J., Hüttl,S., Mentrup,T, Lüllmann-Rauch,R., Rothaug,M., Engelke,M., Dittmann,K., Dressel,R., Araki,M., Araki,K., Wienands,J., Fluhrer,R., Saftig,P. and Schröder,B. (2014)
The intramembrane proteases Signal-peptide-peptidase-like 2a/b have distinct functions in vivo. Mol Cell Biol, 34, 1398-1411. - Voss,M., Schröder,B. and Fluhrer,R.(2013)
Mechanism, specificity, and physiology of signal peptide peptidase (SPP) and SPP-like proteases. Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 1828, 2828-2839. - Bronckers,A., Güneli,N., Lüllmann-Rauch,R., Schneppenheim,J., Moraru,A.P., Himmerkus,N., Bervoets,T.J., Fluhrer, R., Everts,V., Saftig,P. and Schröder,B. (2013) The intramembrane protease SPPL2A is critical for tooth enamel formation. J Bone Miner Res, 28, 1622-1630.
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