"High blood pressure" - a widespread disease in humans and pets
High blood pressure is the no. 1 risk factor for cardiovascular diseases (source: hochdruckliga.de). In Germany about 20-30 million citizens suffer from high blood pressure, worldwide it is about one in four. Not only in humans, but also in animals (especially cats and dogs) high blood pressure represents a considerable health risk. In research work of many years at the professorship for food chemistry it could be scientifically proven that special protein sequences (so-called bioactive peptides) of milk proteins have an ACE-inhibiting potential and can make a contribution to the blood pressure regulation of cats and dogs.
Angiotensin-Converting Enzymes (ACE)
The angiotensin-converting enzyme, which is mainly produced in the blood vessels and kidneys, causes a contraction of the blood vessels and a stimulation of sodium and water absorption by the kidneys, which leads to a significant increase in blood pressure. An inhibition of the ACE lowers the production of blood vessel constricting substances in the body and leads to a relief of the cardiovascular system and the kidney. ACE inhibition can so far only be achieved by synthetic substances in the form of drugs.
The discovery of bioactive peptides with ACE-inhibiting potential offers for the first time the possibility of natural prevention of cardiovascular diseases.
The purapep project
purapep is a spin-off project of the Chair of Food Chemistry. The aim of the project is to develop and market functional feed supplements for dogs and cats based on the research results.
The project is funded with exist research transfer of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Energy (BMWi) and supported by the local founding initiative "dresden I exists".