Um die Kommunikation zwischen den Forschungsbereichen A, B und C zu fördern, nutzt der SFB die "Integrating Research Theme Teams" (IRTTs) als verbindendes Instrument. Die Verantwortlichen aus den Bereichen A, B und C treffen sich regelmäßig, um sich auf zentrale und elementare Themen sowie Herausforderungen zu konzentrieren und darüber auszutauschen.
Q1 | Chemische Synthese von 2DMs und ihren Heterostrukturen |
Q2 | Charakterisierungsmethode: Entwicklung von 2DMs und ihren Heterostrukturen |
Q3 |
Theoretische Methoden für 2DMs und ihre Heterostrukturen |
Q4 |
Struktur-Eigenschaft-Beziehung (physikalische Funktionen) von 2DMs und ihren Heterostrukturen |
Q5 | Struktur-Eigenschaft-Beziehung (Katalyse & Ionentransport) von 2DMs und ihren Heterostrukturen |
29.01 | 14:00 | MOD/106 | Q5 | Diskussionen & Laborführung |
06.03 | 14:00 | HEM/ 219 | Q1 | tba |
29.04 | 15:00 | CHE/182 | Q2 | tba |
20.05 | tba | tba | Q3 | tba |
23.10 | 15:00 | CHE/182 | Q2 | tba |
04.11 | 14:00 | MOD/ 106 | Q1 | tba |
11.11. | tba | tba | Q3 | tba |
16.12. | 15:00 | HEM/219 | Q4 | ---- |
28.10. | 10:00 | tba | Q1 | Fortschrittsberichte der Teilprojekte A04 & A05 - M. Sc. Richard Engemann, M. Sc. Mohammad Mehmandoust |
24.10. | 14:40 | CHE/182 | Q2 | Wiss. Vortrag & Laborführung |
27.02. | 15:00 | IFW/A3.05 | Q2B | "Introduction to Physical Properties Measurement Systems (PPMS) and Recent Research Examples” (including lab tour)" - Dr. Nicolas Perez |
09.04. | 15:00 | IFW | Q3A&B | High-resolution TEM & Spectroscopy on Ferecrystals |
23.04. | 15:00 | online | Q4 | "Rational Design of Two-Dimensional Metal Organic Frameworks for Effective Energy Conversion" - Prof. Yu Jing |
05.06. | 16:00 | IFW/D2E.27 | Q2B |
"Functional Properties at the Nanoscale: Possibilities of Atomic Force Microscopy for 2D Materials" - Dr. Ilka Hermes |
10.01. | 14:45 | ASB/206A | Q3A | Einführung & Laborführung "Vibrational Spectroelectrochemistry of 2D Materials" - Prof. Inez Weidinger |
31.01. | 14:50 | BAR/E64A | Q1B | Statusberichte der Projekte |
28.02. | 13:00 | online | Q3A | Statusberichte der Projekte |
14.03. | 14:50 | IFW/D2E.27 | Q3B | "Introduction to Photoemission Electron Spectroscopy and Microscopy for 2D Materials" - Dr. A. Koitzsch |
07.03. | 13:00 | CHE/182 | Q4 | "Physics-Informed Neural Networks for Predicting the Electronic Structure of Matter" - Dr. Attila Cangi |
21.03. | 9:00-16:00 | CHE/153 | Q4 | "Hands-On Training on Machine Learning" - M. Sc. Lenz Fiedler |
14.04. | 15:00 | IFW/D2E.27 | Q2B | "Design of Conductive 2D MOFs and Their Magnegtic Properties" - Dr. Renhao Dong |
09.05. | 14:50 | online | Q3B |
"Introduction to Transmission Electron Microscopy for 2D Materials" - Prof. Dr. Axel Lubk |
06.06. | 13:00 | HSZ/E03 | Q4 | "Two Dimensional COFs and MOFs for Energy Storage and Conversion" - Dr. Preeti Bhauriyal |
12.09 | 15:30 | online | Q2B | Planungstreffen |
07.11. | 14:50 | IFW | Q2B | "Role of Noble Metals on the Exfoliation of Single Crystalline 2D Monolayers of Exceedingly Large Area" - Dr. Golam Haider |
14.11. | 14:50 | CHE/182 | Q3A | "Cooperation and Synergies Between Projects" |
28.11. | 14:50 | CHE/182 | Q3B | "Raman Spectrocopy of MOFs" - Prof. Axel Lubk |
05.12. | 15:30 | Online | Q4 | "Spin-orientation-dependent Optoelectronic Properties of 2D MPX3 Crystals"- Magdalena Birowska |
18.01. | 13:00 | online | Q3B | "Foundations of Exciton Physics" - Prof. Martin Knupfer |
25.01. | 14:50 | online | Q1B | Fortschrittbericht der beteiligten Projekte |
22.02. | 14:50 | online | Q3A | "Nonlinear Optical Characterization for 2D Materials" - Dr. Michael Rüsing |
08.03. | 14:50 | online | Q4 | "The GW Approach to Electronic Structure Calculations" - M. Sc. Konrad Merkel |
22.03. | 14:50 | online | Q1B | "Nanocar Race II & the Dresden Team" - M. Sc. Suchetana Sarkar |
29.03. | 14:50 | online | Q2A | "2D Polymerization at On-Water Surface" - Dr. Zhiyong Wang |
30.03. | 15:00 | online | Q1A | "Probing Nano- & Macroscopic Ordering in Nanomaterial Solutions Using Small Angle X-ray Scattering" - Dr. Jacek Wychowaniec |
12.04. | 14:50 | online | Q3A | "From Nano to Micro - Results from & Challenges in the Simulation of Wrinkled 2D Materials" - Dr. Thomas Brumme |
03.05. | 14:50 | online | Q4 | "Bird's Eye View of 2D Magnets & their Fundamental Mechanisms" - Dr. Andrea Leon |
20.05. | 13:30 | GER/052 | Q2A | "Vinylene-Linked Two-Dimensional Covalent Organic Frameworks: Synthesis & Functions" - Dr. Shunqi Xu |
24.05. | 14:50 | HEM/219 | Q1B | "Challenges of 2D On-Surface Synthesis" - M. Sc. David Bodesheim & M. Sc. Suchetana Sarkar |
07.06. | 15:00 | IFW/D2.E57 | Q2B | "The Unique Properties of Nanostructured Topological Matter" - Prof. Kornelius Nielsch |
05.07. | 14:50 | online | Q4 | "Quantifying Isotope Effects on Chemical Bonding" - M. Sc. Raza Ullah Khan |
15.07. | 15:00 | HSZ/0002/E | Q2A |
"Revealing Invisibles: Analysis of Nanocrystals by Three-Dimensional Electron Diffraction" - Dr. Zhehao Huang |
18.08. | 14:00 | CHE/182 | Q1A | "Transmission Electron Microscopy of 2D Nanomaterials" - M. Sc. Volodymyr Shamraienko |
23.08. | 14:50 | HEM/219 | Q3A | "Visualizing the Electronic Properties of Topographical Anomalies on Wafer-Scale Graphene"- Dr. Ilka Hermes |
06.09. | 15:00 | IFW | Q3B | Laborführung & Diskussionen |
11.10. | 16:00 | IFW/ D2E.27 | Q2B |
"Van der Walls Metal Contacts – Towards Nondestructive 2D Material Integration" - Dr. Christian Saggau |
"Transport & Thermal Measurements in IMW- PPMS Lab" - Dr. Nicolas Perez | ||||
18.10 | 15:00 | IFW/Hörsaal | Q4 | "Data or Knowledge? Which One will Help us to Understand Matter Under Extreme Conditions" - Dr. Michael Bussmann |
08.11. | 14:50 | online | Q1A | "Liquid Exfoliation of Layered Framework Materials into Nanosheets" - Prof. Jonathan Foster |
22.11. | 14:45 | BAR/E75 | Q1B | Laborführung (LT-STM) |
06.12. | 16:00 | IFW/D2E.27 | Q2B | "Electrical Characterization of Inorganic & Organic Thim Film via the ZT Chip" - Dr. Heiko Reith |
14.01. | 13:00 | online | Q3A | "Near-Field Optical Nanoscopy (SNOM) from VIS to THz Wavelenghts" - Prof. Lukas M. Eng |
25.01. | 13:00 | online | Q4 | "The Influence of Stacking on Properties of 2D COFs" - Yingying Zhang, Dr. Miroslav Polozij, Prof. Thomas Heine |
16.02. | 13:00 | online | Q2A | "Chemical Functionalization, Reactivity, Stability & Catalytic Properties of 2DMs" |
16.02. | 15:00 | online | Q2B | Fortschrittbericht der beteiligten Projekte |
01.03. | 13:00 | online | Q1A | Fortschrittbericht der beteiligten Projekte |
01.03. | 15:00 | online | Q1B | Diskussion über zukünftige Themen & Gäste |
15.03. | 13:00 | online | Q3B | "In-situ and ex-situ Microscopy, Diffraction & Magnetic Resonance Methods of 2DMs" |
15.03. | 15:00 | online | Q4 | Fortschrittbericht der beteiligten Projekte & "Simulation of Defects in 2D Materials"- Dr. Arkady Krasheninnikov |
18.03. | 13:00 | online | Q3A | "Raman/ATR-IR Spectroscopy for Investigating 2D MOFs & COFs" - Dr. Khoa Hoang Ly |
11.05. | 13:00 | online | Q1A | "Molecular Dynamics Simulations", "Optical Bandgap of Materials from UV-Vis Measurements", "Advantages of Using Krypton as the Probe Molecule in Adsorption Experiments on 2D Materials" - David Bodesheim, Albrecht Wäntig, Friedrich Schwotzer |
18.05. | 15:00 | online | Q2B | Diskussion über zukünftige Themen & Gäste |
25.05. | 15:00 | online | Q4 | "Simulations of Defects in Framework Materials" - Prof. Petko Petkov |
13.07. | 13:00 | WHB/205 | Q1B | "On-Water Synthesis of 2D Polymers & van der Waals Heterostructures - Dr. Kejun Liu |
22.07. | 13:00 | online | Q3A | "Mechanical Charaterization & Strain Engineering by Controlled Wrinkling" |
26.07. | 16:00 | AIE.10 | Q2B | "Electrical Transport Characterization " |
24.08. | 16:00 | online | Q4 | "BoltzTrap Software" - Roman Kempt |
14.09. | 13:00 | CHE/182 | Q1B | "ALD Synthesis from Gas Phase & Solution Phase" - Prof. Kornelius Nielsch |
05.10. | 14:30 | online | Q1A | "Tauc Method to Extract Information of the Bandgap from your UV Vis Measurements", "SEM Measurements" - Albrecht Wäntig, Oliver Dreimann |
07.10. | 13:00 | online | Q3A | "Discussion on Adhesion of 2D Layers to Substrates" |
12.10. | 14:30 | online | Q3B | "Introduction into X-ray Diffraction Techniques for 2D Materials" |
19.10. | 16:00 | online | Q4 | "Classical Molecular Dynamics and Beyond: Its Past, Present of Future" |
26.10. | 14:50 | CHE/182 | Q2A | "Chemical Functionalization, Reactivity, Stability of Conductive 2D MOFs" - Dr. Mingchao Wang |
09.11. | 14:50 | CHE/182 | Q1B | "Scanning Probe Microscopy as a Tool for On-Surface Synthesis & Characterization of 2D Materials" - Dr. Francesca Moresco |
23.11. | 14:50 | online | Q2A | "Electrocatalytic Activity of 2D Framework Materials" - Dr. Haixia Zhong |
26.11. | 14:00 | online | Q2B | "Transport Devices Based on 2D Matter" |
02.12. | 13:00 | online | Q3A | "Theory Meets Experiment in Modeling of RAMAN Spectra" - Prof. Inez Weidinger, Dr. Agnieszka Kuc |
08.12. | 14:50 | online | Q3B | "Introduction to Excitons in 2D Materials" |
14.12. | 16:00 | online | Q4 | "Simulations of Exciton g-Factors in 2D van der Waals Materials" - Dr. Tomasz Woźniak |
19.10. | 13:00 | BAR/I88 | Q1A |
26.10. | 13:00 | BAR/I88 | Q2A |
26.10. | 15:00 | BAR/I88 | Q2B |
02.11. | 13:00 | BAR/I88 | Q3B |
02.11. | 15:00 | BAR/I88 | Q1B |
09.11. | 15:30 | BAR/I88 | Q3A |
16.11. | 13:00 | BAR/I88 | Q4 |
14.12. | 13:00 | online | Q1A |
14.12. | 15:00 | online | Q1B |
21.12. | 13:00 | online | Q2A |
21.12. |
15:00 | online | Q2B |