Santiago Guzmán Pro
I am a postdoctoral researcher at the Institute of Algebra at TU Dresden, hosted by Manuel Bodirsky, and I am a member of POCOCOP since May 2023.
Before that, I was a Ph.D. student at UNAM, México, supervised by César Hernández Cruz. In my Ph.D. thesis I studied several characterizations of graph classes, and introduced a framework to describe such characterizations from a unified perspective. My dissertation can be found here.
My research interests include local expressions of graph classes, graph homomorphisms and infinite CSPs, matroid theory, and I am currently diving into the world of model theory and universal algebra.
I am also very enthusiastic about sports. In particular, in my free time I like to swim, bike, run and play tennis.
I can be reached by email at or at
Pre-prints and publications
Santiago Guzmán-Pro and Barnaby Martin,
Restricted CSPs and F-free algorithmics,
Manuel Bodirsky and Santiago Guzmán-Pro,
Hereditary First-Order Model Checking,
Santiago Guzmán-Pro,
GMSNP and Finite Structures,
Manuel Bodirsky and Santiago Guzmán-Pro,
The Generic Circular Triangle-Free Graph,
Santiago Guzmán-Pro,
Local expressions of hereditary classes,
Manuel Bodirsky and Santiago Guzmán-Pro,
Forbidden Tournaments and the Orientation Completion Problem,
SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 39(1) (2025)
Lamar Chidiac, Santiago Guzmán-Pro, Winfried Hochstättler, Anthony Youssef,
An Efficient Computation of the Rank Function of a Positroid,
In: Fernau, H., Jansen, K. (eds) Fundamentals of Computation Theory. FCT 2023. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (14292) Springer, Cham.
Santiago Guzmán-Pro,
Full-homomorphisms to paths and cycles,
Discrete Mathematics 347(3) (2024) 113800
Santiago Guzmán-Pro and Winfried Hochstättler,
Lattice path bicircular matroids,
Graphs and Combinatorics 40, 21 (2024)
Santiago Guzmán-Pro and Winfried Hochstättler,
Oriented cobicircular matroids are GSP,
Discrete Mathematics 347(1) (2024) 113686
Santiago Guzmán-Pro, Pavol Hell, César Hernández-Cruz,
Describing hereditary graph properties by forbidden circular orderings,
Applied Mathematics and Computation 438 (2023) 127555
Santiago Guzmán-Pro and César Hernández-Cruz,
Oriented expressions of graph classes,
European Journal of Combinatorics 105(C) (2022) 103567
Santiago Guzmán-Pro and César Hernández-Cruz,
Duality pairs and homomorphisms to oriented and unoriented odd cycles,
The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 28(3) (2021) P3.17
Santiago Guzmán-Pro and César Hernández-Cruz,
Orientations without forbidden patterns on three vertices,
Applied Mathematics and Computation 408 (2024) 128912
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01069 Dresden