Apr 01, 2024
3rd Work meeting of the ERC Synergy Grant "POCOCOP"
The ERC Synergy Grant POCOCOP had its 3rd work meeting from March 24 to March 27, this time here in Dresden.
The members from Vienna, Prague, and Dresden met and discussed their work over the course of these days. The joint research project of the universities in Dresden, Prague, and Vienna on polynomial-time computation systematically investigates which problems can be solved algorithmically in polynomial time, and seeks to understand which problems cannot be solved efficiently by computers. The grant is linked to a funding of up to ten million euros over a period of six years.
The meeting program also contained tutorials on Zhuk's Algorithm (held by Dima Zhuk, CU Prague), on a functorial framework for CSPs (by Libor Barto, CU Prague), and on a polynomial-time algorithm for solving systems of linear Diophantine equations (held by Manuel Bodirsky, TU Dresden).
Click here to find out more about POCOCOP.