24.05.2022; Kolloquium
Physikalisches Kolloquium: Festveranstaltung zur Verleihung des Physik-Preis Dresden 2022
Department of Physics,
University of Ljubljana,
01069 Dresden
Online: Zoom, Zugangsdaten bitte der Ankündigungs-PDF entnehmen.
Event announcement pdf-Download.
16.00 Reception and snack
(Recknagel-Bau, foyer of lecture hall C213 and adjacent terrace)
16.40 Prize ceremony
(Recknagel-Bau, C-Wing, lecture hall C213)
Opening by the dean of the Faculty of Physics Prof. Timm
Laudatio and presentation of the prize certificate Prof. Moessner, MPI-PKS
Prize talk by Prof. Tomaž Prosen
Prof. Tomaž Prosen, Department of Physics, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Abstract: I will review some recent progress on exact analytic treatment of simple models of interacting quantum and deterministic classical dynamics. There have been three particularly fruitful threads. Firstly, exact solutions for the steady state density matrix of boundary driven Lindblad equation for integrable quantum spin chains gave birth to new, quasi-local conservation laws which provide rigorous bounds on ballistic transport at high temperature. Secondly, certain interacting reversible cellular automata admit exact matrix product solutions for the dynamics of local observables, which facilitates an explicit computation of dynamical structure factors and a rigorous control of coexistence of conductive and convective transport. Finally, discovery of exactly solvable but non-integrable quantum circuits, such as self-dual kicked Ising model and the more general dual unitary circuits, gave rigorous proof of random matrix spectral statistics and explained `unreasonable effectiveness of random matrix theory' for description of quantum lattice models with local interactions.
Bio: T. Prosen has received a PhD in theoretical physics in 1995 from University of Ljubljana. After a short postdoctoral stay at Institut Henri Poincare in Paris he obtained a permanent position at University of Ljubljana in 1996, first as a researcher, since 1999 as an assistant professor, and since 2008 as a full professor. He is a head of research group on Nonequilibrium quantum and statistical physics at the Faculty of mathematics and physics in Ljubljana, and recipient of the Advanced grant 2015 of European research council, as well as the Zois prize 2005 - the highest national research prize. Prosen's main research interests are related to dynamics of interacting systems, both related to Hamiltonian or quantum chaos, and integrability.
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