On this page you will find the current courses offered by IAP professors. The full range of courses offered by the Faculty of Physics can be found here.
Regular courses in the winter semester
Readers: | Title | obligatory / optional | |
Leo | Semiconductor Physics | compulsory | |
Eng | Nanooptics - MC Nanobiophysics | obligatory | |
Benduhn | Solar Energy Conversion | optional | |
Leo, Eng, Reineke, Chernikov | Proseminar IAP | compulsory | |
Leo, Eng, Reineke, Chernikov | Advanced seminar IAP | compulsory | |
Leo, Reineke, Eng | Laboratory practical Institute of Applied Physics | obligatory |
Regular courses in the summer semester
Readers: | Title | obligatory / optional | |
Chernikov | Two-dimensional nanomaterials | obligatory | |
Eng | Scanning Probe Technologies | optional | |
Eng | Nanotechnology | obligatory | |
Leo | Optoelectronics | obligatory | |
Reineke | Modern Optics I: Laser Physics | obligatory | |
Reineke | Organic semiconductors | optional | |
Reineke | Natural and artificial light sources | optional | |
Kleemann | Bioelectronics | optional | |
Leo, Eng, Reineke, Chernikov | Proseminar IAP | obligatory | |
Leo, Eng, Reineke, Chernikov | Advanced seminar IAP | obligatory | |
Leo, Reineke, Eng | Laboratory practical Institute of Applied Physics | obligatory |
Notes for students of the Master's specialization "Applied Physics"
The oral examination at the end of the module must have two lectures from these lists as examination topics, at least one of which must be obligatory. Both topics should not have been read by the same lecturer.