- Neue Entwicklungen in Monte Carlo-Ereignisgeneratoren für den LHC
DPG-Frühjahrstagung, Hamburg, March 2016
- Modern event generation for the LHC — Features and caveats of the Sherpa event generator
Cavendish HEP Seminar, University of Cambridge, October 2015 - Overview of Monte Carlo tuning to LHC data
(on behalf of the ATLAS and CMS collaborations)
QCD@LHC 2015, Queen Mary University of London, September 2015 - Was die Welt im Innersten zusammenhält — Teilchenphysik am Large Hadron Collider
Public evening lecture, Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften Dresden, July 2015 - gg->VV + 0,1-jet modelling in Sherpa+OpenLoops
Joint LHCHXS off-shell and heavy Higgs discussion, CERN, June 2015 - Physics modelling and MC generation
ATLAS Week, CERN, June 2015 - Das Durcheinander zähmen: Präzise Simulationen für Kollisionen am Large Hadron Collider
Physikalisches Kolloquium, TU Dresden, June 2015 - Parton shower simulations of SM processes with photons and comparison with LHC data
Photon physics at the LHC, Paris, May 2015 - QCD precision predictions despite hadronic final states
DIS 2015, Dallas, Apr 2015 - Teilchenphysik mit dem Large Hadron Collider am CERN
Physikalisches Kolloquium, TU Ilmenau, Jan 2015
- Precision Monte-Carlo event generators and LHC measurements
Forschungsseminar, HU Berlin, Nov 2014 - Sherpa+OpenLoops for tt+jets and tt+HF as backgrounds for ttH(H->bb)
LHC Higgs XS, ttH subgroup meeting, CERN, Nov 2014 - 60 Jahre Teilchenphysik am CERN
(Sozi SVG presentation, works only in recent Firefox browsers)
Public evening lecture for CERN60 celebration week, TU Dresden, October 2014 - Precise Monte-Carlo predictions for Higgs searches
Oberseminar, Göttingen University, July 2014 - Was die Welt im Innersten zusammenhält — Teilchenphysik am Large Hadron Collider
Public evening lecture, Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften Dresden, July 2014 - QCD Parton Shower Simulations: How to raise their predictive power
Graduate School Seminar, RWTH Aachen, May 2014 - Precision predictions for Higgs backgrounds
Seminar Fundamentale Wechselwirkungen, Freiburg, May 2014 - MC simulations of vector-boson production processes — Recent methodological developments
SM@LHC, Madrid, April 2014 - International Masterclasses -- hands on particle physics
Wie wir nach dem Higgs-Boson suchen: Beschleuniger und Detektoren (German)
International Masterclass 2014, TU Dresden, March 2014 - Constructing and improving QCD parton shower simulations
IKTP-Seminar, TU Dresden, January 2014 - Integration and event generation performance of Sherpa
2nd Fast Monte Carlo Workshop in HEP, DESY Zeuthen, January 2014
- NLO + parton shower matching and merging in four-lepton + jets production
Theorie-Palaver, Uni Mainz, November 2013 - Recent MC developments for V+jets production
Top 2013, Durbach, September 2013 - Sherpa@NLO
QCD@LHC 2013, DESY, Hamburg, September 2013 - NLO accuracy in modern Monte-Carlo event generators
Graduate School Seminar, Freiburg, May 2013 - Measurement of kT splitting scales in W->lv events with ATLAS
DIS 2013, Marseille, April 2013 - Matching and merging QCD matrix elements and parton showers at NLO accuracy
SLAC Theory Seminar, Stanford, January 2013
- NLO+PS matching for non-trivial processes
Theory Seminar, MPP Munich, July 2012 - Sherpa NLO and multileg developments
ATLAS MC NLO/MultiLeg Mini-Workshop, CERN, July 2012 - Simulation of prompt photon production in Sherpa
Photon Physics at Hadron Colliders, Paris, March 2012 - W+n-jet predictions at NLO matched with a parton shower
DIS 2012, Bonn, March 2012
- Hard scattering in MC event generators
CERN ATLAS Team Physics workshop, CERN, December 2011 - A critical appraisal of NLO+PS matching
Particle Physics Seminar, Zuerich, November 2011 - QCD NLO accuracy in Monte-Carlo event generators
Institutsseminar IKTP, TU Dresden, May 2011 - Monte Carlo Tuning with ATLAS Data
Pheno2011, Madison, May 2011 - Recent Developments in Sherpa
SM@LHC, Durham, April 2011 - Status of Powheg in Sherpa
ATLAS NLO MC workshop, CERN, March 2011 - Tuning of Sherpa
ATLAS MC Tuning Mini-Workshop, CERN, February 2011
- NLO accuracy in the Sherpa event generator
ATLAS Monte Carlo generator meeting, CERN, December 2010 - NLO matrix elements and parton showers
Teilchen-Tee, Heidelberg, November 2010 - Multi-jet merging with NLO matrix elements
ICHEP 2010, Paris, July 2010 - Sherpa: physics and technical aspects
LHCb Gauss Workshop on Generators, CERN, June 2010 - Photon production in Sherpa
CMS H -> gamma gamma meeting, May 2010 - Photon production in Sherpa
ATLAS direct photons meeting, April 2010 - Hard photon production and ME+PS merging
IOP HEPP meeting, London, March 2010 - Hard photon production and ME+PS merging
IPPP Seminar, Durham, March 2010 - Hard photon production and ME+PS merging
Sherpa status update
MCnet meeting, CERN, January 2010
- Photon production processes and ME+PS merging
Seminar Graduiertenkolleg, Freiburg, December 2009 - Improvements in Sherpa 1.2.0
LCG Generator Services meeting, CERN via EVO, November 2009 - Simultaneous tuning to Tevatron and uncorrected ATLAS data
ATLAS MC Tuning Task Force, October 2009 - Recent advances in multi-jet ME+PS merging; Monte-Carlo tuning using early ATLAS data
Bohr's Lunch Discussion, Manchester, September 2009 - Merging tree matrix elements with truncated showers
ATLAS physics group meeting, UCL, June 2009 - Merging tree matrix elements with truncated showers
IPPP Internal Seminar, Durham, June 2009 - QCD matrix elements and truncated showers
IOP HEPP meeting 2009, Oxford, April 2009 - Short status update
MCnet internal meeting, Durham, January 2009
Working group seminar, TU Dortmund (Germany), October 2008 - Short status update
MCnet internal meeting, Debrecen (Hungary), August 2008 - SHERPA: Overview and latest developments
LCG Generator Services meeting, CERN via EVO, June 2008 - New developments in SHERPA
HERA and the LHC workshop, CERN, May 2008 - Soft Physics in Sherpa -- Hadron Decays Update
MCnet internal meeting, Lund (Sweden), January 2008
- Status Update
MCnet internal meeting, Durham (UK), April 2007 - Simulation von B-Mesonen-Zerfaellen innerhalb des Sherpa Event Generators
DPG spring meeting, Heidelberg (Germany), March 2007
- B-decays in Sherpa, first steps
LHC-D workshop Flavour Physics, Bonn (Germany), June 2006